ProfessorJareth was in her orange Volkswagen camper van, driving up the road that wentaround the back of the college and past Wych Elm Wood. She was excited and alittle bit nervous. Had the girls done it? Had they performed the IamiaResurrectionem incantation correctly? Part of her regretted not going withthem, of taking the risk of being caught, but she knew that someone likeherself, with her condition, wouldn’t survive long in the prison system. Butnow it had been done and she couldn’t keep away any longer.
The Professor drove on, past Wych ElmWood, and took a right-hand turn in the road, which lead down a dark leafy laneto a quiet car park overgrown with weeds. The Professor stopped her van andturned off the engine and lights. She got out, bringing her walking stick and alarge black bag from the passenger seat. It contained a pair of men’s greytrousers, underwear, a blue striped shirt and a pair of black brogues. It alsocontained the strange metal machine she had in her room and the small ebonybox, filled with five glass phials.
It was dark outside but the moonlightallowed her to see the silhouette of the old ruined church through the trees.She set off down the path to the entrance, thinking about her beloved Simon.
It had been ten years since she’d lastseen him, but it seemed like only yesterday. She guessed he’d be very scared,suddenly finding himself naked and in a strange place. She knew the voice, theterrible whispering voice, would not be long in returning to his thoughts, buther Vita Dantis would soon silence it. After an unsteady walk, overunseen brambles and stones, the Professor got to the church entrance. She hopedhe’d still find her attractive, despite the ravages done to her body by tenyears of Vita Dantis.
The Professor went into the church,leaning on her stick and panting slightly with the effort of carrying the blackbag. Up by the altar she saw the two girls and next to them a figure in apurple velvet jacket. They’d done it! He was back.
“Simon,” she exclaimed.
The girls and the figure turned tolook at her and she could see at once that Simon was in the grip of Arddhu Og.It was usually only the eyes that were visible in the Arddhu state but hisears, nose and mouth had also taken on a beastly aspect and his skin was whitelike candle wax and red veined. She had to go and help him! The Professor tooka closer look, in an effort to make out his human aspect. She longed to seeSimon’s face again but saw that there was no short beard or dark eyebrows. Shesaw wavy black hair, a dimpled chin and strong jaw line.
“What have you done?” she said toLilith and Ophelia angrily. “This isn’t Simon Drew. I gave you very specificinstructions. Stupid girls! Who is this man?”
“Don’t worry Professor,” said Lilith.“It’s cool.”
“It most certainly is not cool.I wanted Simon back, my Simon. What are we going to do with him?”
“He’s a Victorian toff,” said Ophelia.“Think what he can tell us.”
“I don’t care what he is, this is veryserious. We now have an Arddhu on our hands. Don’t you realise how illegal thatis?”
“He’s very charming and his name’sPercy,” said Ophelia.
Lord Percy was panting for breath andlooking flustered but still managed a polite bow. “Lord Percy Valentine at yourservice madam. And may I enquire who you might be?”
“Just look at him,” exclaimed theProfessor. “He’s in the grip of Og. You girls had better step back. It’s notsafe.”
The girls looked at Lord Percy and sawa handsome young man, breathing heavily, with a slight flush to his palecheeks. There was a vulnerable look in his dark eyes. Lilith once again had toresist the urge not to throw her arms around him and smother him in kisses.
“It is true,” said Lord Percy, “I haveno Vita Dantis. The voice demands one of these girls and I cannot resistits command...”
He grabbed Lilith around the waist andpulled her slowly towards him, holding the dagger up to her neck, muttering astrange incantation. Lilith held her head back and to one side, loving her coolnew boyfriend – didn’t he look brilliant in the velvet jacket! How dangerousand exciting he was! A faint smile was playing on her lips as Lord Percy cut atiny wound in her neck. His mouth, full of yellow teeth, came closer, longingto bring her to Og...
ChapterSix - Fighting the Hunger
Amor Lepore only works for that certain kind o’ man.
You know, he who has no trouble turning a young girl’shead.
When he’s been cursed by Og, their girlish swoons becomefearful obsession.
They are slaves and would die or kill for a single kiss.
– A witch’s words on Amor Lepore.
“Inthere,” said Arthur, pointing at a red phone box on the corner of the street.
The boys opened the door and afterfumbling over themselves managed to get inside. As they were closing the doorArthur kicked out furiously, trying his best to keep the dog’s snapping jaws atbay. When the door was shut they tried to get their breath back. They listenedin terror to the whelps and growls of the dog as it hurled itself at the phonebox, and to the high-pitched scraping of its huge claws against the windows.
“What the hell are we going to donow?” said Arthur.
“It might get tired in a bit,” saidBill, trying to make a joke. He found it very difficult to stand and hiscomplexion had turned a ghostly white.
As the seconds passed the dog’s attackgrew in ferocity. Suddenly, they heard the sound of shattering glass. One ofthe small windows had been broken and the dog’s paw came in and lunged atArthur’s arm. The boys backed away in terror to the other side of the phonebox, almost hugging each other, watching the huge creature repeatedly bashagainst the metal frame. It felt like the whole phone box was shaking from thebeast’s onslaught.
“It’ll get tired when it’s finishedeating us.”
Bill looked at Arthur with dark sunkeneyes. “I