Bill’s gave the others a look of amazement. “You’re not going tobelieve this but I’ve actually seen that journal. It’s in the library atBrimstone Manor.”
“Honestly?” said Ophelia.
“Mother showed it to mequite a few times. It was a bit odd really. She made me sit and read it overand over, was quite insistent.”
Ophelia looked a littlehopeful. “And did it actually contain a cure? Maybe it could save Lilith!”
“To be honest I couldn’tunderstand most of it, lots of formulae and Latin names.”
“But if it is acure... Lilith could be saved.”
“We’ll have to go andget it.”
“Let’s see what else itsays,” said Arthur.
The three of themcontinued to read...
Wed 7 May 1873. This isa most exciting day! The Good Doctor has told Percy and myself that his work isfinally done – a cure has been found! He has constructed a very strange lookingcabinet that he calls a Scrinium Regenerationis. I must enter to be made humanagain. Lord Percy said he will be the first to enter but I insisted it be me! Iam afraid I have suffered too long and want to be human when Percy steps out soI can hold him in my arms without temptation! The doctor is doing somelast-minute preparation. I am to go inside tomorrow!
Thu 8 May 1873. I recordthese fatal words with the heaviest of hearts. Percy, my dear sweet Percy,confessed to the Apostles that he and his bride are cursed by the Cult of Og.He told them the great news of the cabinet and our imminent cure but he hasbeen killed! My love has been slain! I cannot go on without him! How wrongPercy was to tell those evil men of our illness. The Apostles believes a cursedone’s fate is death. A cure implies forgiveness for their crimes. They willsurely murder me in my bed! I have no Vita Dantis as the Apostles have smashedup the doctor’s laboratory and his cabinet. But I still have a friend in theGood Doctor, who has protected me – we have escaped the Manor this very nightand are now lodging at the Unicorn in Underwood – I write these terrible wordsin my room by candlelight. We plan to be up at dawn to catch the first coach toMiddenmere. I only hope I can ignore the voice until we get to the Doctor’shouse. There I can consume the Vita Dantis that sustains me and keeps thatwhispered menace away.
Friday 9 May 1873. It isdawn and I have debased myself in the most wretched way imaginable! TheApostles are right. Living with the curse is impossible and I must depart thisworld for my own sake and the sake of those whom I meet. Last night withoutVita Dantis the hunger became unbearable, the voice of Arddhu Og wasirresistible. So I stole from my room in the middle of the night and knocked onthe Good Doctor’s door. There I went in like a common harlot, muttering the mostprofane of curses, scratched his face with my hat-pin and feasted on his blood!I have passed on the pain of my wretched life to the Good Doctor! What aterribly cruel creature I have become! How undeserving of Percy’s love.
I write this as my lastentry. I am going to end my life and suffering. Out of my bedroom window I seethe first rays of sunlight starting to creep up behind the trees. I am goingout into Briar Wood to the old underground mausoleum. There I will take a knifeto my breast and kill myself ... goodbye dear sweet Percy...
Ophelia flicked through the rest of the journal but the pageswere blank.
“Poor Rowena...”
“What happened to theDoctor?” said Arthur.
“What do you thinkBill?” said Ophelia.
Bill didn’t answer. Heseemed very distracted. Eventually he spoke, choosing his words very carefully.“Listen Ophelia, we need to tell you something, to warn you really.”
“Warn me?”
“These Apostles...they’re still going strong. In fact, they’re a big part of our college.”
“Honestly? That’s can’tbe true. This journal was written a hundred years ago.”
“You don’t understand.I’ve met some of them. My personal tutor, some of the students, like Frank.”
“So are they still goinground killing people, like the killed Percy?”
“Yes, if you’re cursed!Well, I don’t know really. But they want to torture people.”
“Not in this day and agesurely?”
“They’re trying torecruit me.”
“It’s a long story butlet’s just say I don’t want to be recruited.”
Ophelia looked confused.“And this is what you’re warning me about?”
“They’ve found out aboutyou and Lilith bringing back that horrible creature, Lord Percy. That’s whythey’re after you.”
“I was playing at beinga witch really, I’m so stupid, I never thought-”
Arthur cut in sharply,“Stabbing my friend a bit of playing?”
“No! Sorry!”
“Anyway,” said Bill,“They can’t find anyone called Ophelia or Lilith in the student records. Youare a student aren’t you?”
Ophelia shrugged. “Myreal name’s Jane Pettigrew and Lilith’s is Majorie Blenkinsop. But we preferour other names, more Dark Pagan.”
“If they find youthey’re taking you to Brimstone Manor for questioning. I don’t think they willbe gentle with you. They desperately want to find this creature.”
“But they can’t justabduct people, surely?” said Ophelia, suddenly looking very worried. “Oh my!What’ll they do with Lilith? She’s been cursed! She’s acting crazy.”
“She was crazy anyway,”said Arthur.
“You said they killpeople who are cursed! We’ve got to get that book,” said Ophelia, “and hope itcontains a cure.”
Bill sighed. “Honestly,you’d have to be some sort of mad genius to understand it.”
Ophelia suddenly lookedlike she had a plan. “Professor Jareth will understand it. We’ve got to takeLilith to the Professor and give her the book. The Prof is clever.”
“How do we know thisprofessor isn’t part of the Apostles?”
“The Prof’s cool. Sheknows everything there is to know about the Og cult, she loaned us books. Ifanyone can help she can.”
“I guess we need someoneto tell us what to do.”
Bill, Arthur and Ophelia left Bankside Park. They followed theroad back towards college until they stood by the railings outside ConatusChapel. Bill peered through the railings and saw Frank, Father Figgs and agroup of students come out of the chapel door.
“Stay back!” hewhispered, holding out his arm. They shuffled back and hid behind a post box.
“What we doing?” saidOphelia.
“There’s Frank and