two sleeping parents, one in each arm, and casuallytossed them out of the window. They landed on the concrete floor quite heavily,twisting limbs into unnatural positions and cracking skulls, but remainedpeacefully unconscious.

Lord Percy closed the window, gotundressed, jumped into the brass bed and settled down under the soft blankets.He was tired now, but happy because Og was at last pleased with his offering.Within a couple of minutes, he’d fallen into a deep sleep.


Earlynext evening, when an almost-full moon had begun to rise in a cloudless sky,Lord Percy woke up. He felt like something very strange had happened during hissleep. His arms and legs were more muscular and his stomach felt tighter andfirmer. Lifting a curious hand to touch his face, he could feel it had becomemore aquiline, sculpted. His cheek bones were higher, more pronounced and hiseyes had sunk a little into his head. There was also two small bulges in hisskull either side of his forehead.

This was a most curious transformationand very alarming, but then he realised the biggest change of all had takenplace in his mind. The bond with his victims’ consciousness had become muchmore than mere whispered phrases or the placement of vague desires. He couldreach out and know what they were thinking, what they were doing, or had done,even shape their opinions and personalities – like a potter at his wheel. Whatastonishing powers had Arddhu Og given him! He tried to ask Og about it in histhoughts and heard the whispered reply.

I am pleased with my young Lord'sobedience. My thoughts flows easy in your mind so I have gifted some smallpowers. If proven worthy you shall have more of my blessings.

Percy was amazed that his mind couldperceive such miracles. He knew Lilith had been back at Conatus College,arguing, angry. She’d cursed another. The six homeless men had spent yesterdaywandered the streets, their skin smoking and blistering in the sun. They wereall confused and in pain. One had drunk the blood of a rat, three had skulkedin the shadows under railway arches or inside sheds. Two had stayed out in themidday sun for too long, burst into flame and were now ceare.

The couple he’d thrown out of thewindow had woken up when the sun began to blister. They’d wandered roundoutside but couldn’t get back into the house. The man, George, had walked offto the police station to inform them of his burglar but had burst into flamesbefore he got there. The lady possessed of that most annoying of screams,Lilly, was currently hiding in one of the outbuildings, lonely, in darkness,feeling the power of Og slowly take hold.

Lord Percy directed his attention tothe young girl he’d bitten and was surprised to know that she was in the roomwith him. He sat up and saw her sitting on bottom of the bed. She’d got dressedand was wearing a striped knitted hat, yellow polo neck, purple trousers andwhite patent leather boots. Lord Percy knew she was called Grace. She was veryscared but had a gritty, determined personality that kept her from fleeing theroom.

“I knew you were still in the house,”she said in a quiet voice, “so I’ve decided to kill you.”

Lord Percy could see a carving knifegrasped tightly in one of her hands.

“My dear child, I’m most terriblysorry for the wound in your neck. My moral compass seems to have gone awry.”

“You bit me, you freak!”

“I’m afraid I had to bring youto Og, my dear. And you were as sweet as honey.”

Grace gave him contemptuous look. “Whycouldn’t I do it? You’re a beast but I’ve sat here for hours.”

“I’m afraid you may find an obsessivelove has blossomed in your young heart. It’s called Amor Lepore.”

Grace dropped the knife on the floor.“Where are my parents?”

Lord Percy quickly pulled on hisclothes as he got out of bed. “Come dear child, I shall take you to yourmother.”

She was grateful at first but thenbecame confused. “Are you going away?”

“I must be off to my home, BrimstoneManor.”

Lord Percy took Grace gently by thehand, led her down the stairs and out the back door to one of the outbuildingacross the yard. Sitting in a darkened corner, looking wild eyes and terrified,with blistered skin and ragged blood splattered clothes, was Lilly. Grace ranover and wrapped her arms around her mother.

Lord Percy turned and left thebuilding. He walked to the front of the house and got Beauty and Claude out ofthe stable. With a single bound he sat on his horse and was about to gallopaway when his path was blocked by Grace, who stood with her arms outstretched,looking wide-eyed and tearful.

“What a beautiful horse,” she said.“I’ve worked these stables my whole life but I’ve never seen anything like her.His eyes are all fiery and yellow, just like yours. She’s magnificent!”

“You are most kind,” said Percy with aslight inclination of the head, feeling himself warm to this most perceptivegirl. “May I introduce myself? I am Lord Percy Valentine, squire of BrimstoneManor and Master of the Underwood Hunt, at your service madam. I can see thatyou, like me, hold an appreciation for these fine animals.”

Grace ran forward and was surprised tofind that she could do exactly what she’d seen Percy do – leap up high in theair and land on Beauty’s back. She sat behind Percy and put her arms around hiswaist.

“Please take me with you.”

“What about your mother?”

“She treats me like a baby. We hateeach other. Take me with you!”

Lord Percy was about to politelydecline her request and take this girl – whom he perceived was full of confusedemotions – back to her mother, when the voice once more whispered in his head.

This young girl will find us moreyoung'uns. You ‘ave a thought as to where you be and what you are a’knowing.

It had been a hundred years sincePercy had last walked the Earth and he could see that there were many strangethings he knew nothing about. Drinking the blood of Grace and Lilith has beenakin to the sweetest of opiates and he desperately wanted more. Doing so hadtransported him to delights he’d never imagined. He knew the

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