window, and Beth picked it up, holding it like a talisman as she gestured for her visitor to be seated.

“Is that your daughter’s doll?” Virginia Morgan asked, and a faint smile touched the corners of her mouth. “My Laura has a favorite. It is worn nearly to pieces now, but she insists upon taking it everywhere with her, so we must keep it washed and clean and pray that it does not fall apart before she grows out of the need to keep it near.”

This revelation suddenly made her seem more human, and Beth reminded herself that this woman, too, was a mother.

“Emily has moments of sheer panic if she cannot find it. Martin and I try to keep track of where she leaves it, for the tears are instant when she realizes it’s gone.”

As Virginia sat down on the settee, light from the window behind her forming a hazy outline, she peeled away her gloves with slightly trembling fingers. Beth realized with a shock that she was nervous.

Why, how silly I’m being! She is every bit as nervous as I am!

More at ease now, she took a seat on a chair nearby. “How can I help you, Mrs. Morgan?”

A smile curved the beautiful mouth, and green eyes gazed at her with frank curiosity. “How gratifying that you are willing to be direct. I don’t really know how to begin, but it has to do with Steve. I know you saved his life.”

“At the time, my motives were hardly altruistic,” Beth said dryly. “I wanted him alive to hang for what I thought was the murder of my husband. Once it was proven that Jared was responsible for his own death, I was grateful that I had done so, of course.”

The small clock on the mantel ticked loudly; outside, a dog barked and there was a childish shout of glee that she recognized as Matthew’s. Beth realized that Virginia Morgan must know about him, and come to see her husband’s son. She waited.

Slender fingers twisted around the emerald gloves, and her knuckles were white with strain, but Virginia’s voice was composed and soft.

“I am grateful as well that you were kind enough to save him, for whatever reason. We—Steve and I—have not always had a tranquil marriage. I’ve often thought how horrid it would have been if he had died before we were given another chance to make it work.”

“Then I’m doubly glad that my actions were warranted. It is not always easy to know what to do in situations, what is right and what is wrong, and who you may hurt by your actions. I never wanted to hurt anyone. All a person can do is go on, make their daily choices and pray for the best.”

“Yes. I suppose with all these children—there are three, I understand—it must be rather difficult for you to manage. I’m certain there are times you must feel a bit overwhelmed, and perhaps wish for what might have been.”

So that’s it…. Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she hesitated. Surprise was slowly turning to comprehension as she realized that this woman in the elegant gown and hat had come more to see her than Steve’s child. She seemed so poised and self-confident, but beneath that elegant exterior obviously beat the soul of a woman who wondered about her husband’s former lover.

“Children can be overwhelming,” she replied, “but my husband and I are very happy to have them. All of them.” She put a hand on her swollen belly, the age-old gesture of an expectant mother, and smiled. “Each new child is another expression of our commitment to one another.”

When Virginia Morgan lapsed into silence, Beth leaned forward and put an impulsive hand upon her arm. “Steve truly thought you were dead, you know. I knew he was still in love with you. And I knew that it would never work between us, for that reason and others.”


Beth sat back, her muscles aching, and tried to get more comfortable in the straight-backed chair. “Yes. Steve Morgan’s kind of life could never have been mine. I wanted peace and stability in my life, not a life of wandering the world and never knowing where I’d be tomorrow. He’s the kind of man who needs a woman to share his world. He would never be happy in mine.”

“Yes, I suppose you’re right.”

“I am right. Would you like to meet my children?”

It was an offer and a claim, and she saw that Virginia Morgan understood it. She smiled faintly.

“Yes. Did you know that we have two children—twins?”

“Yes, I know. A girl and a boy. Steve told me.” She struggled to her feet. “Matthew looks very much like him.”

When the children were introduced, she saw Virginia’s eyes widen, and her lower lip quivered the slightest bit as she gravely returned their greetings.

Matthew, as usual, was restless, and young Emily was wide-eyed with awe at the sight of the beautiful woman in green velvet. To her credit, Virginia Morgan did not try to force her attention on Matthew, but allowed him to respond to her as he wished. Once, she put a hand atop his head, her bare fingers drifting through the glossy threads of his dark hair. It was a light touch, swift and faintly poignant, then she straightened as Matthew took his leave.

Before she left, she turned back to smile at Beth. “Your son and mine could be twins.”

“But they are not. My son belongs to me. I think you know that I would never do anything to hurt him.”

“Yes, I know. It’s as it should be. I’m glad I came. I wasn’t sure, you see, if I would be. But I had formed this picture of you in my mind, and…and now I see that I was wrong.”

The well-sprung brougham dipped noiselessly as the driver helped her up into the gleaming cab. When she was seated, Virginia Morgan looked out at Beth where she stood on the top step of her sprawling house. Emily leaned against her legs,

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