“Get enough beauty sleep, Reno?” Jericho motioned for him to come over and take a seat. “Have some coffee.” He filled up a cup from the pot sitting in the middle of the table. “Boone and I have already fed the livestock and filled Fancy’s woodbin.”
“You’ve been busy. I’ll make up the difference when I get back from my trip. Although, you can’t blame me for sleeping late, it’s hard to rest with you two sawing logs.” He spoke to Fancy, then joined them, eyeing the platters filled with flapjacks, eggs, and ham.
“You’d best eat up,” Boone told him as he speared another flapjack. “You’re going to get mighty hungry on the trail.”
Reno nodded and filled his plate, feeling a pang of remorse for his friend. “Will do.” Boone nearly starved to death as a prisoner of war in the hellhole of Elmira prison, so he was always worried about people having enough to eat. “Where’s Gentry? I’d like to see him before I leave.”
“At your service, squire.”
Hearing the voice behind him, Reno grinned. “I’m going to miss that accent something fierce, Duke.”
“I’m not surprised. The Queen’s English is butchered more often than hogs in this part of the world.” He straddled the end of the bench so he could face the others. “I have something I want you to deliver to Wallace.”
“Money? No.” Reno’s face went solemn. “I told you I will settle his fee. You’ve done enough.” He patted his pockets. “I have enough gold to pay the man.”
Gentry started to say something, but Amelia came up to the table and he froze. She cut her big blue eyes at him and seemed equally uncomfortable. As hesitant as a young doe, she slowly put down a pan of biscuits.
“Thank you, Amelia,” Gentry said softly. The girl just blinked, giving him the faintest of smiles as she backed away.
“King gave me the doll you made for Tess. She’s going to love it, Amelia.” Reno watched the woman’s cheeks glow red from the attention.
“I’m glad,” she whispered, then turned to flee. Once she was gone, the Englishman let out the breath he’d been holding.
The other men watched the scene play out. Once Amelia was out of earshot, Jericho whispered loudly. “You two eye one another like a fox and a rabbit.”
“Hush.” Gentry cautioned him. “She’s leery enough of me as it is.”
His friend didn’t have to say it, the fact that Gentry wanted Amelia to feel comfortable with him was as clear as the rather large nose on the Duke’s patrician face. “What are you going to do about it?” Reno asked as he forked another piece of ham to bring to his plate.
“Be patient. Take my time. Be kind and considerate.”
“She’s pretty.” Jericho spoke up, then laughed when Amelia’s brother came to sit with them. “A sight prettier than old Ace here.”
The gangly young boy took no offense. “I got more important things to worry about than my looks.”
“Like what?” Boone asked. “You planning a fishing trip?” They all knew how much Ace liked to fish.
“Nope. I spotted a mustang near Packsaddle Mountain. After I finish eating, I’m going to ride over and try to round him up.” He looked straight at Reno. “You’re the best bronc rider I know. Will you help me?”
“I wish I could, buddy,” he told Ace. “I’m leaving today. I’ll be gone for a few weeks. When I return, if you haven’t caught him, I’ll be glad to help you.”
Disappointment darkened Ace’s face. “Shucks.”
“I’ll help you, Ace,” Gentry said with a smile.
His offer brought a guffaw of disbelief from Jericho. “This ain’t no job for some dandy.” Jericho pointed his fork at Ace. “I’ll help you catch that pony, son.”
“Now, you listen to me – you ruffian.” Gentry gave Jericho the evil eye. “I will pit my skills against yours any day of the week.”
Jericho threw his biscuit on the table. “You’re on. Today. We’ll settle this thing once and for all.” He elbowed Boone. “You’re in charge, friend. Come up with a contest betwixt me and this English pansy waist. We’ll settle this matter once and for all!”
“Pansy waist? Do you even know what that means?” Gentry sat up straight to glare at his friend with an overly stern expression.
“Well…no – but it sounds right.” Jericho defended his insult. “You being all royal and rich and…snooty!”
“I am not snooty!” Gentry was doing his best to hide a smile. “I’ll have you know I’m not just a member of the aristocracy, I’m also a knight.” He hit the table. “With a sword!”
Reno grew amused at their banter. He knew Jericho was well aware that Gentry was as capable a cowboy as they come. He’d proven himself over and over. What was even more endearing was the fact that those two were closer than brothers – one of royal birth and the other the bastard son of a slave.
“A sword? For real?” Ace’s eyes were big as saucers.
“For real.” Gentry gave him a wink. “I’ll show it to you after all your chores are done for the day.”
“All right!” He beamed at the Englishman. “And you can help me with the mustang…if you want to.”
“It’ll be a pleasure, young man.”
Reno enjoyed the exchange, especially Gentry’s expression when he noticed Amelia was smiling. For some reason, he bet that smile was worth more to his friend than the crown jewels of Britain.
Taking a last sip of coffee, he rose to his feet. “As much as I hate to leave good company, I’ve got to hit the road.”
“You be careful,” Jericho cautioned him. “There’s a lot of unrest in the area. Domino said he heard in town that the