The snow beneath my body had melted and put me into a puddle of shallow water. I was tired, overheated, and covered in dirt, but I got to my feet and walked to the gas station. Several feet away, I saw the parking lot with Priscilla, and I sighed with relief to know she was alive.

As soon as I arrived at the door I pressed my hands to the driver’s seat window to let her know I was there, but I must have startled her pretty bad because she squealed and then shouted curse words I don’t think I even knew existed.

“It’s me, it’s me. I’m sorry!” I yelled.

She put her hand to her heart and closed her eyes. “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!” Priscilla looked at me, and with realization said, “You’re alive. I thought you got torn apart.”

“No, I just—” I was still out of breath. “I needed to draw it away from you.”

Her eyes became misty. “You saved my life,” she said. Was that gratitude I detected in her voice?

I tilted my head at her and smiled. “It was nothing.”

Her eyes trailed down my body. “And I can see your dick.”

Instinctively, I covered my package with my hands. My skin was so heated that it didn’t allow me to feel the cold air, so it didn’t even register for me that I was in the buff. I’ve turned so many times and was always aware of my physical state, yet when I’m in front of a pretty girl, I let myself stand there butt-ass naked. Maybe Priscilla wasn’t in the wrong to make fun of me all the time.

“What the hell is going on?!” I hear Max yell as he ran across the pavement and toward us. I turned around and Max’s nose immediately scrunched and his head jerked away for a second, followed by him raising his gaze in an attempt to divert away from my very naked body. “Daggett, Jesus Christ—”

“I lost my clothes,” I said.

Priscilla tore out of the car, slamming the door behind her, and then went running toward Max. “Where the fuck were you?!” she screamed, and then shoved her hands against his chest. Max barely fell back a step. “You left us to die!”

Max nodded, and very calmly, as if he knew Priscilla had a right to be hysterical, said, “What happened?”

“The werewolf tried to kill us!”

“Dana,” I clarified.

Both Max and Priscilla looked at me, but only one of them were confused.

“Where is she now?” Max asked intensely. He wasn’t confused at all.

I shrugged. “I’m not sure. She was injured, so she couldn’t have gone far.”

“Then we find her. Now.”

Priscilla folded her arms. “Is it really a good idea to go looking for her when she’s…like that?”

“She’s not going to be much of a danger,” I told her.

The three of us eventually agreed to search for her right away. Well, right after I found my clothes in the store and put them back on. I was probably going to be sweating with them on, but I’d take a little perspiration over Max memorizing my dick size. He was a big guy, so I really didn’t feel like comparing inches.

It took us only a few minutes before we found her in the snow behind the store, crumpled into the fetal position, half-conscious, shaking violently with a gash on her arm that was dripping blood.

Max removed his coat and draped it over her body, and then took her into his arms and carried her bridal style back to the store. He then set her down on the floor, propping her up against the wall so she didn’t swallow her tongue. There was a small display of hoodies and sweatpants by the cash register, and Priscilla swiped them so we could dress Dana. But first, we had to tend to her wound. There wasn’t much to work with, just napkins and tape, so we bundled them together until it was as thick as a bandage and then wrapped it around her arm. When she was a little stronger, some of her werewolf healing would kick in and help to close the open hole. We didn’t have crazy super healing, but our body did its best to repair itself after a transformation. It’s how we were able to continuously shift.

Her bleeding out wasn’t too much of a worry for me personally, it was everything else about her that had me anxious. She dripped with sweat, her skin was white and delicate like porcelain, and her eyes remained shut as she feverishly moaned and mumbled.

“Is she gonna croak?” Priscilla asked.

“No,” Max responded quickly as he secured the wrap onto Dana. He pressed his hand to her skin and said, “She’s burning up. We need to get her some water. Priscilla?”

Without saying anything, she was halfway to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water. When Max put the tip of the bottle to Dana’s mouth and tried to get her to drink it, the water dribbled from her lips and spilled all over his coat that was currently being used as a blanket for her.

“Dana? You in there?” he called out.

Her head swayed back and forth like her neck couldn’t support it. “Th-they…” she mumbled.

“What is she saying?” Priscilla asked.

“I don’t know. Hey, Dana. Wake up.”

Dana’s eyes remained sealed tight, but her lips kept moving. “M-M-Molly. She did this…she did this to me…why...”

We were all pretty confused. It had to be a past trauma that was resurfacing because of her feverish brain. I was always told she was turned by a male werewolf, not anyone named Molly.

Suddenly, it dawned on me. “Molly?” I said out loud. “Didn’t you mention someone named Molly when we were in the car?”

Priscilla looked directly at me. “Yeah, but she’s dead. Remember?”

I turned

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