want to call it, and I need to pop an Aspirin.”

“I kind of like that.”

“You would,” he replied, scoffing. “And to answer your question, I have no clue who she does or doesn’t like. Cora is supposedly her best friend, and she acts like a total bitch to her. I’m not even gonna try to figure that girl out.”

“So my odds are good, then?”

“Yeah, sure,” he said dismissively and then pulled up his pants. “All right, I gotta find us a new battery. Do me a favor and look for any cameras. If you see one, break it.”

“All right.”

“Check outside too.”

I almost swallowed my tongue. “You want me to go outside? By myself?”

“We were just out there and the coast was clear.”

“Yeah, five minutes ago. A lot can happen in five minutes.”

“You’re gonna be fine, Daggett.”

“You can’t really know that.”

He said nothing, because he knew I was right. “Just do me a favor and do a quick sweep of the area,” he said, a bit apologetically. Probably because I was about to die out there. “Then you can come back in and we’ll leave together.”

I couldn’t be a coward forever, so I agreed. After all, the parking lot wasn’t too big, so I knew looking for cameras would only take a minute. I wasn’t much useful inside the shop, anyway. I knew nothing about cars, only that they ran off gas and a good one helps you get pretty girls.

I didn’t let Max in on it, but my body was in a lot of pain as I left the shop. This was my second shift of the day and we were most likely going to do it again to get back to the apartment. Aga taught us that changing our forms this many times in a day isn’t the wisest decision, especially when you’re so new to it like I was. I had only been able to control my transformations for a few months, so my body was still fragile afterward.

Because I was burning up, the cold air felt nice when I went outside. I spotted one camera and threw a rock at it, but then realized it was only a street light. I could be pretty dense sometimes. I then leaned against the exterior of the shop to catch my breath and relax. Even my joints were cracking.

A rustling sound echoed in the distance, and it sounded like someone was walking through leaves or bushes. I stood up straight and prepared myself to run back into the store.

And then I saw something.

From the woods, a womanly figure approached. She was staggering and periodically resting against the trees like she was exhausted. The closer she drew to me the louder her sobs became. “Help me,” she cried. She finally stood beneath the moonlight and I could see she was a voluptuous woman dressed in a black dress, but her neck and hair were covered in blood.

“Oh, shit…did someone do that to you?” I called out.

I knew she had to be another victim.

She approached me slowly, her feet seemingly gliding over the inches of snow beneath us. Her arms, back, and most of her chest were exposed to the cold air, yet she didn’t shiver.

“Why aren’t you wearing a coat? Aren’t you freezing?”

“Rickey,” she hissed, still moving toward me.

I took a step backward and accidentally rammed myself into the outside wall of the building. She floated right up to me, cutting the distance between us down to mere inches. “How do you know my name?”

I was asking, but I already knew. I felt it in the pit of my stomach.

She was right up to me, moaning and licking her lips as she rubbed her hands across my shoulders and down my arms. Her touch was like ice. She slithered in close to my ear and whispered, “You’d be surprised by what I know. I could tell you things that would keep you up at night.”

A weird aroma crept into my nose. It was the smell of death.

“Please don’t kill me,” I said. “I’m no good to you dead.”

“Then be good to me alive.”

Which one was this? She was blonde, so it had to be Veronica or Tiffany. From her huge tits in my face, I guessed it was Veronica.

Veronica coiled her fingers around the collar of my winter coat and pulled me toward her. “Where’s your little friend?” Her breath was on my face, but it created no heat.

“I don’t know who you’re talking about.”

“The small one with the big mouth. We need her cousin. Give us the cousin, and I might leave enough blood in your veins for you to live off of.”

 I was frightened, but I wouldn’t give in. “Her cousin’s dead.”

Veronica grinned and replied, “Technically, so am I.” Her hand trailed down my chest, my stomach and to my groin, and her fingers clutched onto my dick and squeezed as hard as she could. “But can something dead do this?”

My toes curled and my eyes flipped to the back of my head, and she never relented in playing and kneading me like I was a ball of clay.

Oh, sweet Jesus, she literally had me by the balls.

Into my ear, she whispered, “Give us the girl and we can do this all night. You’d be amazed at the stamina I have now.” The feel of her icy breath on my earlobe sent chills through my body. “We can feast and fuck till we can’t move.”

It was like I was in a trance. Her words, her breath, her body pressed against mine…it all felt like witchcraft that I couldn’t escape from.

Veronica brushed her hands through the hair on the back of my head and pulled my lips to hers. Her tongue slid inside my mouth and wrestled with mine, but

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