Priscilla, Daggett, and Dana all turned to me, and from the defeated look in their eyes, I knew they were waiting for me to throw one of them to the wolves. They were nuts to think I’d do that.
The Master’s grip on Cora tightened as he cocked his head to one side in thought. “I do wonder what would be a more impressive display on my mantle—the head of a werewolf or the head of a human. Humans are far more common, yes, but it is a bit of a tradition to hang your successful hunts on the wall as a trophy. Though a werewolf…” He exhaled and smiled, the thought of collecting us giving him a hard-on. “Now, that’s not something you see every day.”
I fumed. “The only head you have a shot of getting is from the two dipshits at your side.”
Veronica flashed her eyes toward Molly, who was nonreactive and still staring at me with that pissed off look on her face. Veronica then scrunched up her nose and huffed and puffed. She wanted to give me a piece of her mind, but didn’t want to speak out of turn. She was too obedient.
“You have many werewolves to spare,” he began. “I’d even take the male.”
“You’re not taking shit!”
“Then you’re not getting your lover back.” Cora was in close proximity to him, but he still managed to pull her in even closer. I was ready to wreck him. “The choice is yours, Max.”
Melanie stayed near the opening of the gate, close enough for me to snatch her up and make a run for it if I needed to, but Cora wasn’t. His hands were like ropes around her, restricting her and keeping her motionless. If I did anything stupid, he’d snap her neck in an instant. He wasn’t going to let her go until one of us was in her place.
I knew what I had to do.
A heavy breath escaped my lips as I said, “Okay. Take me.”
“No…” Cora whispered, her words only loud enough for my enhanced hearing to hear. I could sense her heartbeat racing from twenty feet away, as well. It was pounding like crazy.
“How noble,” Master said. He sounded skeptical, but intrigued. “You would give your life for all these mindless sheep surrounding you, who will never have half the importance or intelligence that you do.” With a chuckle, he added, “It’s almost a pity.” He promptly untangled his hands from around Cora’s throat, and for a few moments, she knelt forward and gasped for air. Once she was able to catch her breath, she lifted her head to stare at me through the gate and her eyes welled with tears. They were tears for me. I don’t think anyone else had ever cried over me like that. Not even my mom or my old man.
It was a stupid thought to have, considering all we’d been through, but this girl really did love me. It was the kind of unconditional love I never knew I even wanted, and I’d die without it.
“Set her free, and I’ll come over,” I stated.
My words set off his paranoia, and he yanked her back close to him. “I’ll set her free when I know this isn’t a setup.” Goddamnit, I just wanted his hands off of her. He was squeezing too tight.
To my right, I heard the overlapping sounds of panicked whispers and mumblings from Daggett, Dana, and Priscilla. My focus was solely on Cora and the dick who had her trapped, so nothing they said beside me was all that clear. All I gathered was that they were confused and freaked out over my decision and what it meant for all of us.
But one voice was louder than the rest. “You can’t do this,” Dana quietly pleaded as she reached for my hand. “We can’t lose you both.”
“You’re gonna be alright,” I assured her. “Trust me.”
Dana’s head shook, the disbelief so thick in her eyes I could almost touch it. “You two are the strongest ones here. If they take you, I doubt we’ll be able to rescue you.”
“I don’t want you to.”
That disbelief in her eyes drained and turned into utter despair. I hated putting on this act of self-sacrifice and hurting her in the process, but I needed them to let Cora go so I could kill him.
Daggett leaned in close to the two of us, his eyes wide and cautious as he said, “Max?” It was one word, but I knew from the way his voice raised that it was his way of asking me if I had lost my mind and if I was actually going through with this.
“Don’t be a dumbass,” Priscilla harshly whispered. “It’s probably a trick and he won’t even give Cora back.”
I exhaled slowly and nodded. “Don’t worry, guys. I got this.”
“Don’t worry?” Daggett repeated. “You’re offering up your life, man. Don’t tell us not to worry.”
I placed my hand on his shoulder and said, “See you on the other side.”
None of them had a chance to talk me out of it. I turned around and headed for the open gate, my sights on Cora the entire time. The closer I came to her, the more distraught she became, as her lips began to quiver and her red cheeks glistened with tears.
Everything was gonna be okay.
“Wait!” It was Dana. She rushed from behind, stopping me at the gate entrance. Her hands wrapped around mine and lifted them to my chest, squeezing them, as she stared up at me with tears in her eyes. “Take me instead.”
She couldn’t be serious. “No,” I growled.
“You have people who look up to you, love you, would