flicker of an eyelid would she give herself away. ‘Yes, by all means let us invite Dr Caldwell to visit me. You wish him to confirm that I am still a maid, do you not? I will be sure to tell him all about the abduction and how Lord Dalmorren rescued me. And I will explain to him the reason for my uncle’s concerns, that he doubts Lord Dalmorren’s word and that you do not trust me to tell you the truth!’

‘No, no, there is no question—that is, we will not ask the good doctor to call, if you do not wish it,’ her aunt replied hastily. ‘Mr Pridham is naturally anxious. He merely wants to make sure...’

She trailed off miserably and for a moment Natalya almost felt sorry for her. Uncle Pridham was too embarrassed to ask such intimate questions himself, so he had bullied his wife into it. Natalya chose her next words carefully.

‘You may reassure my uncle, ma’am, that Lord Dalmorren did not steal my virginity. I will swear an oath on it, if you wish, but I trust my word will suffice?’

‘You may be sure I shall tell him what you have said, Natalya.’ Her aunt looked a little shocked at this blunt language. ‘I am sure Mr Pridham did not mean—that is, it is because he cares for you, my dear.’

‘But he does not care enough to tell me who I am.’

‘Alas, our hands are tied on that.’ Mrs Pridham stopped and clamped her restless hands to her mouth. ‘I can say no more on that head, my dear, pray do not ask me.’ She drew in a breath, composing herself before continuing in a much more normal voice. ‘Pray believe that we only want what is best for you, my dear. And on that subject, we think it would be best if you kept to your room for a while. We have let it be known that you are indisposed. We did not want anyone in Bath to know what has happened to you. Only think of the gossip!’

‘And we must avoid scandal at all costs, must we not?’ retorted Natalya, her lip curling.

‘Yes, indeed we must. I am glad you understand, my dear. I will have your dinner sent up to you.’

She went out and as the door closed behind her, Natalya’s shoulders slumped. Why had she come back? Tristan had offered to take her to his family and now she almost wished she had agreed, but the idea of explaining her uncertain origins to Lady Dalmorren was too shameful to contemplate. Although a doting mother would be only too willing to support her if she refused to marry Tristan. But what would she do, where could she go? It was best she stayed here until her aunt and uncle told her the truth about her parents. Whatever that might be.

Chapter Fourteen

‘Lord Dalmorren, ma’am.

Mrs Ancrum looked up from her book. ‘It is a little late in the day for a morning call. I was about to go in to dinner.’

‘I beg your pardon ma’am, this cannot wait,’ he said bluntly. ‘It concerns Miss Fairchild.’

‘Natalya?’ She was suddenly alert, her gaze piercing. ‘What has happened to her? The Pridhams were not at church on Sunday and when I called at Sydney Place to enquire, they told me she was unwell.’

‘She was abducted, ma’am. On the night of her birthday.’

‘Mercy me!’

Briefly Tristan explained what had happened.

‘I returned her to Sydney Place earlier today and she is safe enough, for the moment, but I need you to tell me everything you know about her.’

Those shrewd old eyes regarded him in silence for a moment longer. Then, ‘Have you dined?’

‘Not yet.’

‘Very well. Eat with me and we can talk over dinner.’ She rang the bell. ‘I will have another place set.’

Tristan glanced down at his travel-stained coat. ‘I am not dressed for dinner, ma’am, and I would rather talk now.’

‘Nonsense, you need to eat and it won’t take a moment to arrange. Your dress don’t worry me—besides, it is better than having my food spoiled by the delay.’

Tristan ground his teeth with impatience, but the old lady was right. Barely five minutes later they were seated at the dining table with the first of the dishes before them.

‘Now...’ Mrs Ancrum waved the servants away ‘...before I tell you about Natalya, you must tell me why you are interested in her.’

‘Good God, madam, she was abducted. Is that not reason enough?’

She gave him a hard look from beneath her brows. ‘I thought perhaps you were interested in her for more...personal reasons.’

‘I intend to marry her, if that is what you mean.’

The frown vanished and the old lady cackled in triumph.

‘I knew it!’

‘But that is for the future. I do not believe the abduction was a random attempt to extort money from the Pridhams, which is the tale they gave to me. I think it has something to do with Natalya’s history and I want to know why that should be.’ He waited while Mrs Ancrum chewed her way through a few choice slices of chicken before asking bluntly, ‘Who are her parents, ma’am?’

Another pause while the lady picked up a crumb and popped it in her mouth.

‘Very well, my lord, I will tell you what I believe is the truth.’

Mrs Ancrum pushed her plate away and Tristan listened intently as she related her story.

‘A common enough tale,’ she ended. ‘A young woman cast off in disgrace and abandoned by her lover. My only regret is that I did not make more effort to find Elizabeth earlier. I might then have been able to help her.’

‘But you did make enquiries at the time?’

‘I did indeed, but I could not find her, nor could I discover that a marriage had taken place. I admit I was hampered because I did not know the identity of her lover. All I could discover from Elizabeth’s family was that she had died in childbirth. There was no word of the babe and I

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