over to the others, for now.” He began laughing then, a sick, sinister chuckle, though the sound was fading in my ears, as if I was falling down a tunnel. Everything dwindled away.

No! Don’t black out! I shouted to myself, frantic, knowing how futile it was. Get up! I can only see what you can, and we need to figure this out!

Then blackness.

When I came to, I was being carried by the stranger. I couldn’t get a smell on what he was exactly; my mind was still too foggy. My entire body was hot from the inside out, as if I was coming down with a fever, but sickness wasn’t a very apt description. I just knew that I needed something, but what?

As he continued carrying me down a long darkened-stone hallway, my terror grew, but my fear was nothing compared to the unbearable heat I was filled with.

The farther down the hall we went, the louder the sounds of fighting grew. I could hear jaws snapping, snarling, the sounds of flesh pounding on flesh. We were going towards it, not away. The sounds became so loud they were almost deafening.

It was too stifling to breathe. My breasts began feeling so tight and heavy it was almost painful. The ache didn’t stop there. Instead it travelled even lower along with a liquefied heat, down past my abdomen, all the way to my core. My clit was throbbing, pulsating. I was tempted to ask my captor if he felt it too. Though I knew he couldn’t have; he was walking with not a break in his stride, carrying me as if I were no more than a ragdoll. I peered up at my captor, trying once again in vain to get a glimpse of him, but I couldn’t see past that damn cloak. It kept his face hidden in shadows.

We finally came to a stop, and from the sounds of it, we were about to enter right where all the fighting sounds came from.

Setting me on my feet, with his arm still around my waist, my captor leaned down, putting his nose in the crook of my neck and inhaling deeply. “Mmm…smells like everything is kicking in quite nicely. Seems as though all your bloodlines are ready to merge together and come out and play. I think you and your…roomies will get along just fine.

“Can you stand?” he asked, as he eased his arm from around my waist, slowly stepping away from me. Surprisingly, I was able to stand on my own, though my brain was a jumbled mess. “Very good then, off you go.” With that, he pushed open the massive mahogany door we were standing in front of and shoved me inside, closing the door firmly behind me.

The room was enormous; stone walls painted black with drips here and there running down looking like blood. The only illumination came from the few sconces on the walls. Though that didn’t seem to matter—somehow I was seeing everything with crystal clarity. I mean sure, I already had good eyesight, but this was something totally different. I could make out every shape, every shadow, every crease on the satin sheets that covered the huge bed in the center of the room.

But that’s not what I was focusing on right then. It was the sheer silence engulfing the room as I entered. In the corner of the room a werewolf in wolf form, in all his silver glory, stopped in mid-swipe, scenting the air. His head jerked in my direction as he inhaled deeply and took a step back from his combatants. He threw his head back and howled, and I heard an answering howl in the back of my mind. Sparks in the air indicated he was about to change form.

An incredibly beautiful male, no, vampire, who was on the receiving end of the would-be swipe, pivoted in my direction. He had gorgeous red hair with silver streaks flowing down his bare back. A pair of deadly yet sexy fangs protruded from his mouth, and his eyes bled a dangerously violent red. Tilting his head almost catlike to the side, he looked directly into my eyes, hissed, and took a huge jump back. While I stared at him in wonder and awe I felt my gums begin to ache.

Looking down on the floor beside the vampire, I saw a demon with his gaze transfixed on me. And not just any demon. He was an incubus. With hazel, bedroom eyes shining in his cream-colored face, which was chiseled to utter perfection. Some foreign part of me had recognized him as an incubus, and that part seemed to want to get closer to him. He jumped from his back to his hands and knees, crawling towards me.

They all started towards me slowly, with curiosity and hunger in their eyes. Even the wolf who had finished changing into a gleaming, sweaty, muscular male the color of hot chocolate with no hair on his entire body from head to toe. I began to walk towards them, drawn to all of them.

Once they reached me, there were no words; none were needed, not here and not now. It was like a well-choreographed dance. Each male knew exactly where to go, and none of them so much as flinched if they accidentally touched one another.

The demon reached me first. He stood and took my lips in a devouring kiss, one meant to steal souls away in glorious agony; only that wasn’t what happened. And I began to realize what my captor meant, because the succubus in me came to the forefront to devour him as well. Our souls did sensual battle with each other, almost causing us both to climax right then. We broke the kiss on a shocked gasp. He then went behind me to work the lace of my corset.

The vampire was suddenly there, capturing my face in his hands and staring into my eyes. Fangs still protruding from his gums had fangs of my own ripping through my gums. I had no time to feel the

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