And the little one, whom Kayo had hardly known: her small round face pulled into sadness, her tiny fingers caught in Lear’s as the king knelt at the memorial slab, tears obvious on his cheeks and chin, glittering in his dark beard.
Kayo felt tears pinch his own throat, crawling up into his nose. He clenched his jaw, and Brona leaned into him, her shoulder against his chest. She smelled like fire and rich moss. What a comfort to breathe her in, her hair brushing his mouth, though how weak of him to let her feel his trembling.
A star priest with a flickering torch lifted his arms and called out a prayer. Kayo could only just hear the sounds, not comprehend the words: he was unpracticed these days. The rhythm, though, was familiar, the crying, sharp intonation the priests of the island used to speak with the stars. All the gathered company murmured and mouthed along with the priest, except for one young man several steps back from the king’s daughters. This was a prince in the burnt orange of the kingdom of Aremoria, the coat sleeves wrapped with white in deference to the mourning traditions of Innis Lear. He wore a solemn expression and a heavy, jeweled sword, a simple band of gold at his brow. No older than Gaela Lear.
As the prayer lifted, Kayo pictured Dalat, imagined her here in a dress of the finest red cloth, spiked through with orange thread and a brilliant turquoise like the surf of the inland sea. Red and black paint on her eyes and mouth, streaked into her hair. Her eyes were stars, and the hundreds of candles here glowed only to reflect her glory.
Kayo looked to see the king bow his head and clutch at his youngest daughter’s hand. The little girl’s brow furrowed in pain. Her fingers were squeezed too hard, but she said nothing, and did not pull away.
AEFA WAS INORDINATELY anxious as she entered the great hall of the Summer Seat the morning of the Zenith Court. She’d left Elia with her father, despite arguing hard for several long moments in the corner of the king’s chamber. But Elia insisted upon arriving with Lear, unconcerned by the visual it would create, and the statement it would make, particularly to Gaela and Regan. “My sisters have already made up their minds,” Elia insisted, which was true. “I will stay at my father’s side, because he needs me.” Which was also true, no matter how Aefa wished otherwise.
At least Elia had allowed herself to be laced into a new, bright yellow overdress, one that pulled at her hips and breasts pleasingly, because, Aefa said, “You have a much better set of both than either Gaela or Regan.” Elia had pursed her lips, embarrassed, but it was also true. And Aefa had spent over an hour with the princess’s hair, creating an elaborate braided knot at Elia’s nape, twisted with purple ribbons and the net of crystals. She’d smeared red paint on Elia’s bottom lip and dotted it at the corner of each eye, and insisted upon a silver ring for every finger and both sapphires for the thumbs. Aefa lost the shoe debate, but Elia’s reliance on her old thick-soled leather boots was at least practical. Though Aefa thought she should look into several more pairs, just as sturdily made, but perhaps dyed gray and black to better compliment a variety of gowns, or even plain priestly robes and stubbornness.
It was ridiculous how focused Aefa allowed herself to be on such matters, but better this than spinning her mind tighter and tighter around all the dreadful gossip she’d gathered last night. The rumors about the king and his temper were terrible: he frequently lost his way in conversations, or would say one thing and then directly do the opposite. Not in any way that seemed politically motivated, or even with the casual carelessness of men, but more like he’d asked for roasted bird only to rage at its presence, insisting he’d always preferred venison and to say otherwise was treason. Lear had punished two reeves last month for skimming profits, but there’d been no hearing: the stars alone had cast judgment, via a single prophecy the king himself charted. Most of the court thought the reeves guilty, but so too did most think that wasn’t exactly the point. The clerks were afraid, and admitted drunkenly to a steward, who told Jen in the kitchen, that they’d been working with Gaela and Astore on the island’s finances without the king’s permission. But what else should they do, when the king did nothing? Retainers were enjoying themselves, for the most part, secure in Lear’s goodwill. So the king had a happy army, at least, if a lazy one. Then Aefa’d heard all the crows were gone from the Summer Seat and Sunton, and honestly she couldn’t remember the last time she’d heard one. It shouldn’t have been the worst of the news, yet she couldn’t shake the eerie nature of it.
Aefa had longed to sit Elia down and unload all the anxiety that had built up in the people of the Summer Seat, and in Aefa’s own heart, but Elia’s eyes had never once welcomed honesty this morning, instead tripping