ignoring her worryto focus on her. She appeared to have shifted already. He motionedtoward her shoulder and waited for her to pull the sleeve up so hecould see her wound. A deadly growl bubbled up from his chest whenhe noticed she hadn’t healed enough. “Come, shift with me. You needto heal more.”

His order was a little harsh, and it madeher flinch, but she nodded and followed him out to the back deck.The beast rumbled inside his head as it prepared for release. Theshift was quick, and he turned toward the beautiful female grizzlysitting to his left.

The bear sniffed the air, looking for anythreats. Anna Claire’s scent was stronger with mating season uponthem, and it overpowered the oncoming rainstorm. Thunder rumbledoff in the distance, but with each flash of lightning, he knew itwas getting closer.

Gunnar fought against his animal’s desire toclaim her. He knew it was his natural need to find his mate duringmating season. A rumble bubbled out of the bear’s chest as a signhe wasn’t happy at being told to stand down. The human side wonout, and the bear rested on his belly while the animal andsuperhuman abilities worked their magic on healing the gunshotwounds to his body.

He watched over her as she shifted two moretimes to finally heal the bullet wound to her shoulder. When shereturned to her human form, his female dressed and sat across fromhim as he worked through the changes to heal himself. For oncesince the first shot rang out, Gunnar was at peace knowing she wasunharmed.

Gunnar stood quickly from his seat as thesound of a car pulling into their driveway alerted them to avisitor. He held his hand out for the females to stay put as hechecked the shotgun by the door. “It’s Gaia?”

He didn’t sound upset about this Gaiafemale, but he did act confused. Anna Claire didn’t know who Gaiawas, and she prayed the stranger was on their side. They didn’tneed any more surprises.

“I’ve been calling you for the past hour!”The woman stormed through the door as Gunnar held it open wide. Shewas older, maybe in her forties, with long, black hair. Anna Clairecovered a gasp when she took a look at the female’s eyes. Shewasn’t anything like them. No, she was different.

“Yeah, well, we’ve been busy,” Gunnarsnarled. “We were just hunted by three humans.”

The female launched into a volley of cursesand covered her face with her hands. “The sheriff had a visionabout that happening. That’s why I’ve been calling you.”

“The sheriff?” Drake rumbled as he stoodfrom his seat at the head of the table. “He has no business in ouraffairs.”

“Well, he said the visions are a gift fromthe gods.” She paused to roll her eyes. “He was sent here to watchover those panthers…not you. That’s my job.”

“You’re an angel?” Anna Claire breathed asshe stared wide-eyed at the female.

“Ahh, you must be Anna Claire,” Gaiacheered, her anger fled and a smiled replaced it.

“Yes, ma’am.” She was so confused. What thehell was going on here?

“I am not an angel,” Gaia replied and cameover to hold out her hand. The Morgan brothers stiffened as sheapproached. There was something about the female that put AnnaClaire at ease, but she couldn’t place it.

Scenting the air, she hummed at the smell ofwildflowers and rain. The woman’s eyes calmed and turned abeautiful emerald green. The swirling was kind of weird.

“Take my hand, child.” Gaia gave her hand alittle shake in Anna Claire’s direction. She wasn’t sure if sheshould, but when the brothers relaxed, she went ahead and placedher fingers into Gaia’s. She started to stand, but a vision bloomedin her mind’s eye and she dropped back into her seat.

“Oh,” she breathed.

The sight before her was nothing likeanything she’d ever seen. The earth in all its glory; beautifulfields of flowers, rain forests, and snow-topped mountains. “You’reMother Nature…Mother Earth?”

“Yes, my dear,” she smiled and squatted. “Ihave been a friend of the Morgans’ since their mother was a youngcub. I made a promise to her that I would always watch over hercubs if something should ever happen to her, and I’ve kept thatpromise up until today.”

“Don’t blame yourself,” Gunnar urged, comingto her side. He held his hand out for Gaia to stand, and she tookit without question. Anna Claire frowned at the ease with whichthey made contact. She wished she could do that with Gunnar, butshe wasn’t ready.

“What happened?” Gaia asked as she lookedaround the room.

Drake filled her in on what had transpiredearlier, leaving nothing out. Hearing the story sent shivers downAnna Claire’s spine. The human males were armed to the teeth withammunition.

“The humans know you exist now,” Gaiainformed them, quieting as the sounds of the beasts growled androared into the air. Anna Claire felt the hair stand up on the backof her neck at the news.

“Where are the humans now?” Gaia asked.

“The bodies are being disposed of as wespeak.” Drake’s eyes shot toward the back door, but returned toface the woman who protected them.

“Let me handle that,” she offered, but heldup her hand when the males made a noise of protest. Her eyes didthat swirl thing again, and Anna Claire thought it reminded her ofthe satellite image of a hurricane. “I have my ways.”

Anna Claire was sure she did. Holy hell! Shestill couldn’t believe her eyes. The vision she had projected wasbeautiful, and she hoped one day she could see all those thingswith her own eyes. Her beast sat up in her mind at the thought ofrunning free in the mountains of Alaska.

Just as Drake was walking Gaia to the backdoor, she froze and looked up at the elder Morgan. “Wait, you saidthree humans, right?”

“Yes, ma’am, why?” Drake responded, his browfurrowing.

“The sheriff specifically said there werefour human males,” she gasped.

Chapter 3

Once Gaia finished with the bodies, themales returned to the main house. Rex and Drake took their cubsfrom their mates and sent Tessa and Ada off to their quarters torest until dinner was ready. Gunnar planned a huge meal foreveryone and had made sure the elders and O’Kelly

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