Unbound is a new kind of publishing house. Our books are funded directly by readers. This was a very popular idea during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Now we have revived it for the internet age. It allows authors to write the books they really want to write and readers to support the books they would most like to see published.
The names listed below are of readers who have pledged their support and made this book happen. If you’d like to join them, visit
Alison Adams
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Elisa Aitchison
Ann Aitken
Jenny Al-Timimi
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Richard Brown
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Elaine Buckley
Miss Bulloch
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Sri Bunnik
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D Beth Burchard
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Stef Butler
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Avril Cambray
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Kate Campbell
Lynn Campbell
Liz Campbell-Taylor
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NJ Cesar
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Mary-Kate Chambers
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Zoe Chapman
Heather Chappelle
Ailsa Charlton
Gill Chedgey
Susan Chedgey
Gareth Cheesman
Nigel Denise Chichester
Joan Childs
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Charli Chmylowskyj
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Valerie Christie
Amy Ciclaire
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Adrian Clark
Dee Clark
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Alison Cleeve
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Dael Climo
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Waving Cloud
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Carolyn Collé
Susan Collicott
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Natalie Collins
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Isabelle Conneely
Brida Connolly
Trisha Connolly
Annemarie Connory
David Conrad
Michelle Conroy
Susanne Convery
Jeff Cook
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Íde Corley
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Amanda Corp
Andrew Cosgriff
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Anne Costigan
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Duncan Craig
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Mark Davison
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Kelly Dempster
Lucy Dennison
Abigail Dent
Albert Depetrillo
Hannah Rose Deverell
Martin Dixon
Mike Dixon
Catherine Donald
Graeme Donaldson
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Marina Dorward
Alexia Drew
Kate Dreyer
K Driver for Dad
Kathryn Drumm
Tim Ducker
Angela Dunavant
Heather Dunn
Julie Dunne
Sue Dunne
Vivienne Dunstan
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Pene Durston
Michael E
Naomi Early
Rachel Easom
Christopher Easterbrook
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Claire Edgley
Katie Edmonds
James Edmonston
Elizabeth Edwards
Patricia Edwards
Eirlys Edwards-Behi
Tom Ellett
Jamie Elliott
John Elliott
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Alice Anne English
Raelene Ernst
Jeanette Esau
Alan Estes
Anne Evans
Isobel Evans
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Kate Evans
Rachel Evans
Rhiannon Evans
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Rachael Ewing
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Mark Feldon
Welsh Felix
Alison Felstead
Verity Ferguson
Peter Fermoy
Kathryn Ferranti
Susannah Field
Suzy Fieldhouse
Charlotte Finch
Erika Finch
Fiona Finch
Hayley Finch
Jane Finnan
Dave Fisher
Liz Fisher
Fiona Fitzsimmons
Nick Fitzsimons
Nicola Flack
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Jen Foley
Aurora Fonseca-Lloyd
Jack Fontana
Jonathan Ford
Caleb Foreman
Shelley Forrester
Anna Forss
Jenny Fortnam
Alison Foster
Anna Foster
Fiona Fowkes
Catherine Fowler
Becky Fox
Lily Fox
Anne Fox-Smythe
Philippa Francis
Tiffany Francis
Dan Franklin
Fay Franklin
Nancy Franklin
Mary Freer
Karen French
Rebecca Frost
Sally Fulham
Steve Fuller
Sharon Gabriele
Renée S. Gagnon
Lynn Gale
Majda Gama
Mel Gambier-Taylor
Elizabeth Gannon
Heather Gaona
Saffron Gardenchild
Ian Gardiner
Emma Gardner
Zoe Garnett
Deborah Gatty
Elaine Gauthier
Sam Gawith
Sarah Gay
Clare Gee
E Gee
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Jane Gelleburn
Sarah Gent
Josie George
Kirsten Gibbs
Claire Gibney
Justin Gilbert
Andrea Gilbey
Amber Gill
Andrene Gill
Laura Gill
Joanne Gillam
Tracy and Grace Gillard
Zofia Gilroy
Sharon Glosser
Sue Glynn
Dave Goddard
Maria Godebska
Jennifer Godman
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Susan Goodfellow
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Tristan Gooley
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Wrigley Juniper Gordon
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Sarah Goulding
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Emma Graham
Jayne Graham
Lyndsey Graham
Sue Grannon
Flick Grant
Rebecca Grave
Rebecca Greer
Amy Gregson
Dee Greig-Dunn
Jo Griffin
Mary Elizabeth Griffin
Louise Griffiths
Mike Griffiths
Rachel Griffiths
Lisa Grimm
Sharon Grimshaw
Helen Grimster
Michelle Grose
Rebecca Groves
Juliana Grundy
Robbie Guillory
Martin Gunnarsson
Rebecca Jobes