on me, I squeezed my lids shut and shook my head sadly.

“This song is about you,” he whispered and drew me closer.

My eyes opened in surprise at this admission. “How can it be me?”

I felt him press a finger to my lips. “The anticipation of meeting you. My fate rested in the hands of this strange tailor. Would he help me, or would I be playing in the streets? I made the music to ease my apprehension, and now meeting you, I know the song was always about you.”

Seton’s lips brushed my ear, the feathery touch made me quiver.

“I cannot, we cannot.” My legs began to shake and I thought I could hear the sound of someone approaching outside.

I hurriedly pushed myself from him. “It is prohibited for one man to have passions for another in this land. The penalty is death, but not before torture,” I stated, staring distractedly at the mess of ale and fruit on the floor.

“There are other places, other lands in a big world where such things are not forbidden.” His eyes were faraway, his words distant.

Was he seeing some familiar place? Longing to be on some other shore?

I felt my heart ache with this need. Could it be we shared some wanderlust?

Before I could form a response, the voice of Auberon broke in on the moment.

“Tailor Virago, are you entertaining a lady in your humble abode?”

I could tell by the noise he was not alone. Auberon entered through the shop and came upon us in the kitchen, a huge smile on his face. Indeed, he was not alone as Cale came from behind him. The two men stopped short when they saw Seton.

“What goes on here?” Cale asked, coming from behind Auberon, his hand already on the hilt of his sword.

Cale, the largest of Duir’s men, was fair of eye and possessed the swarthy looks of a foreign sailor who knew the sea and violence. This dark presence made him attractive and valuable in a court prone to possible betrayal and endless mischief.

“It’s nothing.” I quickly went to Auberon. “I’m sorry I wasn’t in the store to greet you, My Lords, but I was being entertained by a master musician.” I gestured towards Seton. “Might I introduce the lute player, Seton. He wishes to be presented to King Duir in hopes of performing for him.”

Seton made a low bow. “My Lords, it is an honor to meet men of the court.”

Auberon offered his hand and a smile to Seton. “You are well met, musician. You must forgive Cale for he is anxious with our King’s coronation.”

“Anxious!” Cale bellowed and kicked a mug under the table. “What is the meaning of such a mess, Virago?”

“An accident. I was cleaning it up when you burst in. Surely spilled ale and split fruit is of no importance to either of you,” I remarked lightly and hoped my tone would discourage further examination.

“Indeed, you are correct, tailor. We’ve come to collect you and get you to the castle in haste to begin your work. Duir insisted we bring you with us on our return to court. Shall we go now?”

“I need only a moment to gather my materials.” I left the three men. With shaking fingers, I gathered my tools and secured the pack of velvet to my body. When I returned, I found Auberon and Cale leaning in the doorway while Seton, having resumed his stance by the table, played the lute. This time it was a faster tune, mesmerizing in its delivery, and looking at Auberon and Cale, I could tell they had been eased from the hilts of their swords and were enamored with the music.

“Shall we—” I started to say, but stopped when Cale held a hand up.

I remained silent and watched Seton. I could let my eyes linger on him now as Cale’s attentions were focused on Seton’s hands and Auberon had closed his eyes.

For an instant, Seton’s eyes found mine and widened with a plea heard only by my own entreating heart. The music soothed the situation, but also served to enflame the unrequited need between us. When he stopped playing, we were all silent for a moment. Then Auberon, again, broke the silence.

“Virago, how can you have kept such a talent from court? Surely, King Duir will engage the musician and so shall I for my wedding nuptials! He is a master of the lute and in your absence he told us there are other instruments he plays as sweetly.”

A slow, embarrassed smile spread across Seton’s face. “My Lords are too kind, but I would gladly play for the King and would be honored to perform for your wedding, Lord Auberon.”

“It’s settled.” Auberon stood up and clasped his hands together. His actions further shattering the peace Seton had woven around them. “Let us go now, and you will come as well, musician, for I hate to think of Duir not hearing your music!”

Chapter 8

The ride to the castle seemed unendurably long. The streets were wild with crowds of people gathering in anticipation of Duir’s coronation procession. Tomorrow he would ride from the castle to the cathedral, where he would be anointed with sacred oils and the holy men would pray around him. Only those closest to Duir would attend. I would be ensconced in the small workroom, intent on his vest. Two days would be all I would have to create the vest and learn the mysteries of the velvet. I held these thoughts in my mind as a way to distract myself from Seton, who sat close to me in the carriage. I felt his hand brush my thigh several times during the journey and each time a blush rose in my cheeks and blood flowed to my cock, causing it to stiffen painfully within the constraints of my breeches.

Luckily, both Cale and Auberon were in full spate over the chaos and the delays caused by the crowded streets. Their voices rose over one another as they cursed the people

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