stood on the doorstep.

When Auberon saw Seton, he stopped where he stood. He made a disappointed sound and shook his head. “I come to bring you and the musician to court. It is because of His Majesty’s friendship for you I did not arrive with guards.”

From my side, I saw Seton’s bandaged hands drop to his sides. He would not be taken, he would fight. Sylvain drew close and I heard Durant begin to snarl.

“Auberon, if there was ever true brotherhood between us, I ask you say the house was abandoned when you arrived.” I moved towards him and was shocked when his hand reached to the blade at his side.

“Had Briar’s illness not distracted us, you would have been brought to heel last night!” He cast a cold eye at Seton.

“Heel? Like dogs?” Seton shouted. “It is you, My Lord, who lives among a pack of mongrels. It is you who should be taught to heel!”

Auberon, shocked by Seton’s outburst, stood as though he’d already been struck. I saw his eyes flash and knew he meant killing.

“My Lord.” I quickly stepped forward, met Auberon, and clasped my hand on his shoulder. “What news of Briar? Does he live?”

Auberon glared past me at Seton as though he did not hear my questions.

“It is too early in the morning for bloodshed, otherwise your musician would be dead!” he yelled over my shoulder.

I leveled my eyes at Auberon and carefully raised a hand in deference. “Auberon, listen to me. Does Briar live?”

“He is gravely ill. The Royal Physicians are at a loss, and Duir has already sent for another who is well versed in strange diseases.” He drew close to my ear. “There is talk of plague, and Cale is missing.”

My eyes widened. Cale has not been found. He lies by the gardens. Perhaps dead!

I felt a strange sense of giddiness overwhelm me. “You should be very careful, Auberon. I’ve heard there is an illness among the whores. I would derive little enjoyment knowing Tienne became ill because of your indiscretions.”


I watched as fear washed over him.

“It is a rumor, My Lord, but as rumors go, I would say it is fairly accurate.”

“I have been chaste since Tienne arrived.” Realization must have flooded him. “Briar and…”

“Has Duir—”

“Say nothing more, Virago. You dig your grave deeper with every word. Duir was clear in his intent this morning on turning his head from your carnal act with this man. It is obvious you have fallen under some foolish whim, there will be a price to pay for it.”

When I did not immediately answer, Auberon shook his head in disbelief.

“You are not yourself, friend, tell me the musician forced your hand and twisted your thoughts, and I will have a word on your behalf, Tienne wishes—”

“Tienne wishes me to make your wedding garments, nothing more,” I interrupted not with malice, but cold certainty. “And when those garments are complete, you would find your tongue held when I am brought before Duir. I know this as surely as the dawn follows night.”

“Now you are a mystic able to divine my future actions?” asked Auberon, incredulous. “You forget the years of loyal friendship between us.”

I put a hand on his shoulder. “I have forgotten because I have been forsaken by loyalty. As for my hand being forced, you should know it was I who sought solace in Seton’s arms. It appears you have saved yourself from this illness. I hope for Killian’s memory that his son has done the same. Now, I ask you to turn your head and let us go.”

“I don’t understand you. Do you not care of Briar’s fate? Cale’s? Perhaps your neck belongs on the block alongside the musician’s!”

My hand dropped from his shoulder. I was reminded of Cale’s treachery upon me, and the burn of his seed on my face.

“Let us go, Auberon, or there will be bloodshed upon my father’s land this day regardless of the hour.”

From behind me, I heard Seton and Sylvain coming forth and knew without looking they both had drawn weapons.

“You would draw weapons on a member of the Privy Council?” He laughed. “You would try and kill me. Two men who fuck each other and an invalid?”

Seton seethed from behind. “My Lord, you will find I am as versed with the blade as the lute, and am only too happy to demonstrate my skills!”

The tension in the air crackled. Seton would rush upon Auberon in a moment, and Auberon would join battle with equal rage. Sensing this, I realized I’d strayed wide from my father’s belief in the powers of mending that which had been torn apart. Summoning the strength of my father, I found presence of mind to remain serene, hoping this would ease the strain between us all.

“Auberon, go to Duir, tell him of the rumor. If there is plague, I wish you both be spared. Cale is damned to me and I will say no more about it. If you do not let us go, you will have to take us by force and if you succeed, I will tear open wounds the Privy Council will wish were left to heal.” I saw my words bite at Auberon’s stony façade.

Auberon dropped his sword. He glared over my shoulder at Seton and Sylvain. He opened his mouth, but closed it again. Our eyes met and he nodded so slightly, it was barely perceivable.

I watched, anxiously as he strode to his carriage, and once inside shouted for the driver to depart.

As the carriage made its way from my house. Seton came to my side.

“We must leave now, and quickly.”

* * * *

The harbor was coming to life as we arrived. Merchants moved among those who carried trade from their boats and those who sought work on ships begged after rich traders who did business nearby.

Sylvain inhaled the briny air as though he just learned to breathe moments ago. “The sea always smells like freedom.”

“So it does,” Seton agreed. “I must go and meet Doremme. I

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