for wear, but the dry leaves and debris helped the fire start faster than any other place I’ve chosen before.

Paramount Ranch has been burned to the ground in the past, but not like this.

Not ever like this.

I made sure to use the bit of time I allowed myself to make the perfect design for her. I want to be positive that there’s no way she can miss it this time and I hope that the constant of seeing it will help her make a correlation to my crimes.

Though I don’t see what I do as such.

It’s an art, and every artist knows their next piece has to be better than the last if they want to stay relevant. After seeing her with another man, I know that my relevancy is slipping with her, and I need to keep her attention.

I need her to see me.

And that’s why I started with orange.

Yellow doesn’t seem to get her attention anymore, and while I like to start at the beginning, sometimes the middle of the song is where the most meaningful parts are sung.

You have to remember me, I think as I close my eyes for a moment on the walk back to where she’s enjoying an evening with a stranger. You have to know that I still care about you; that I need you to feel like a normal man again.

By the time I arrived at the venue again, I saw something that began to burn white hot inside of me.

White; the color I fear the most.

She was leaving with him and she looked a little sad.

Is he moving her against her will?

Do I rush in and save her?


I can’t.

Not until she sees me.

Not until she says my name again.

Soon, I think sadly as I watch her get into his car.

Chapter 13

Tanner’s been sitting on my couch watching television. The top buttons of his dress shirt are undone, and he looks so damn comfortable right now that I almost feel bad about getting up to go to my room to put on my pajamas.

He doesn’t seem to notice or care though once I decide that I’d rather be comfortable than cordial. Maybe I’ll spend forty-five minutes in my bedroom so he can see what it feels like to be abandoned by your host, but I won’t. I’ve never been very good at an eye for an eye, and that’s why I decided to be a firefighter.

I like helping people and things that can’t help themselves and putting the bad guys behind bars makes me feel proud. It puts them on a proverbial time out and sometimes it’s enough to keep them from setting another fire.

But not this new guy, I tell myself thoughtfully as I pull my dress over my head and toss it onto my bed. He definitely seems to be after something important since his fires are becoming larger, bolder, and more frequent. Though it has been a day since I’ve had to worry about him starting anything else, I know he’ll strike again soon.

I pull my sleep tank over my head and shimmy into a pair of comfortable shorts wondering what I’m missing. I know his calling card now because I finally sat down long enough to figure it out. The fact that I happened to be half asleep on the toilet is irrelevant.


I startle slightly as I walk quickly out of my bedroom and back toward the living room. Tanner is sitting up now, the remote in one hand, lazily flipping through channels.

“What’s up?” I ask him curiously. He turns to glance at me, a wolfish grin slipping across his lips as he let out an equally toned low whistle, and I blush. I stand there awkwardly while he gives me a once over, then gets to his feet.

“Well, I was going to tell you that I’m ready to head out, but …”

I blanch.

But what?

Tanner gets to his feet as he drops the remote onto the couch and walks the few steps to where I’m standing, then clasps his hands behind his back, the feeling of his steady breathing becoming hot against my forehead. This fucker is tall, and he seems to be enjoying the fact that I’m not by using his size to intimidate me.

“Wanna have a little fun before I go?” he asks in a seductive voice. Before I have the chance to come up with a corny excuse to get out of this, he uses one of his hands to gently run it down the length of my arm, causing the small hairs to stand up. I can see the goosebumps he’s giving me and when I glance back up into his eyes, I wonder if I do. “Don’t worry, Dad will never know.”

I have a tight fistful of Tanner’s hair in the palm of my hand. This man is amazing with his tongue, and the more time he takes lapping me up like an alley cat, the harder I pull. He chuckles against my wet opening as he pulls back slightly to grin up at me. I open my eyes for a moment, wondering why he’s stopped when he makes a show of licking his middle finger, then sliding it into my hot core.

I gasp and take in a deep breath as he goes back to licking my clit and finger fucking me. I didn’t realize how hard up I was for some action until he took my clothes off and started to kiss as much of my bare flesh as he could manage.

With a grunt, I begin to roll my hips.

Tanner seems to be enjoying the movement because he begins to move his finger faster as his tongue also quickens pace. I let out a sharp breath as he keeps this new pace with me, grinding against his face and finger. I’m pretty sure he’s not going to relent until I—

“Holy shit,” I breathe out after my pussy begins to convulse on his finger.

Вы читаете Ghost Flowers
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