“What worries you, huntress?” he said gently.
The simple act of being prompted to open up, to know that someone was willing to listen, brought Kae to tears. They streamed down her face before she managed to wipe them away. “Prince Kaiten… It’s nothing, I swear.”
Kaiten frowned. His expression softened, and concern showed in his eyes. “Kae, you’re crying. It’s not nothing. We still have perhaps another couple hours before we reach Hardwick. Do you want to talk about it?”
Kae fell silent, but after a while, she nodded. She moved closer on the bench to Kaiten so they could talk in hushed tones. Loren stayed asleep, oblivious. “It’s Loren. I don’t understand her at all. I thought at first that perhaps it’s the magic making her act so differently to me. But what if it’s not? What if it’s her? I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Kae.” Kaiten said softly, face screwed up in confusion. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
The huntress took a deep breath, her face burning with a blush just thinking of how to explain herself. She screwed her eyes shut. “I think I have feelings for the princess.”
Kaiten tilted his head, still confused. “I don’t understand.”
“Well…You see, what I mean is — “ Kae stuttered.
“No no, I’m sorry. I meant that I don’t understand how this is a problem. You have feelings for her. As far as I am aware, she has no suitors. Loren is an independent and headstrong woman on her own, she wouldn’t settle for a suitor that the King and Queen of Aldoran would line up for her. Why do you hesitate to act on your feelings for her then?”
Kae choked, arms pinwheeling and flailing as she tried to explain. “It’s not that simple! Prince Kaiten!”
The young lion Beastman chuckled. “Just Kaiten, please.”
“K-Kaiten! Loren’s a princess. I’m not royalty, or nobility, I’m barely even a commoner! I live in the forest with a feral wolf Beastman!” Kae spluttered. “Aren’t there protocols or rules or something?”
Kaiten chuckled. “Well yes, of course there are. But the ruler of a kingdom has the power to do whatever they please. They can change the rules if they wanted. And besides, have you ever seen any rules in Aldoran written down that says a princess cannot be with a commoner?”
“No… I couldn’t read them even if there were.”
“Why don’t you try? The way I see you, you’re holding yourself back. You’re scared. What is there to be afraid of? You two are close, I’ve seen the way you look at and touch each other enough times since the outpost to know that. If you’re scared, what about Loren?” The prince waved a hand to where the dragon princess slept, curled up and small. “She’s far from home, with no army, barely any plans. All I want is to go home, and I’m already petrified. But she is intent on facing a mad queen.”
Kae sighed heavily. She slumped against the wall of the cart. “What am I supposed to do then? What do you think I should do?”
Kaiten scratched at his mane as he thought. “Talk to her, definitely. Ask her what she actually wants. Then you decide if what she wants is something you can give.”
Kae stared out at the trees calmly passing by. The crisp, northern air wasn’t bothered at all by this huntress and her problems. She wondered, distractedly, how she was expected to simply talk to the princess. Especially after what happened earlier. “Thank you prince— I mean, Kaiten.”
“You’re very welcome, Kae.” Kaiten smiled. He leaned back on the wall of the cart. “I hope you and the princess drop whatever this tension is between you two.”
Kae winced. “Is it obvious?”
“Her eyes aren’t normally gold.” He looked pointedly at the huntress. “And she doesn’t talk strictly about plans for more than ten minutes at a time. The Loren I know is a lot more excitable than that. So, something must have happened this morning.”
“I guess we had a fight.” Kae hesitated.
“What happened?”
“I told her what I just told you. I’m a nobody, she’s a princess.”
“She took offense to that?”
Kaiten threw his head back and laughed. Cassendir, who had just managed to nod off, lifted his head and glared hard at the Beastman.
“What’s so funny?” Kae bristled.
“I’m very sure that that wasn’t what the princess wanted to hear.” Kaiten waved a hand. “You both will sort this out soon, I’m sure.”
“What? What are you talking-—“
Kaiten cut the huntress off with a hand. His ears perked up, and his eyes darted around as he stared into the surrounding forest. Beside Loren, Ma’trii looked up too. The wolf was at full alert as he stood on a bench, likewise staring into the forest. When Kae looked, all she could see were trees. She turned back to Kaiten, but knew better than to ask out loud.
“There’s something up ahead.” The prince whispered. He narrowed his eyes as he looked past the driver of their cart and his horses. “It sounds like… armor. Heavy boots.”
“Soldiers?” Kae whispered back. She reached for her bow and slung on her quiver.
Kaiten nodded. “Sounds like it. Many of them, more than necessary for a patrol.”
“What do we do? Are they friendly?”
The princes growled, his hackles raised. “I don’t think so. They smell like blood and steel. We have to run. Loren! Wake up!” Kaiten hissed, moving to another bench and shaking Loren awake.
Ma’trii suddenly backed away from the bench he stood on, growling defensively. He took a low stance, ready to attack.
“We might not have much time!” Cassendir said. The blue light of his magic seeped out of his sleeve. “Prince Kaiten, I have an idea,