

Halloween two years later…  

“Scrubs? Really? You couldn’t find something else?” I ask Frank. Or as most call him, Dr. Roberts. He is Rie’s husband. They met a few months ago and like me he didn't waste time when it came to claiming his woman. He had a ring on Rie’s hand before any of us knew what was happening. I’d been a little bent out of shape about it at first. Only because I wanted to make sure the man was on the up and up. Rie has become like a little sister to me and I was protective of her. If Rie hurt, that meant my Rosabelle hurt. That is and will always be my short fast fuse to get me to explode. Yeah, I come off level-headed until you cross that line. She’s untouchable and I make sure of that.

He shrugs, taking another pull from his beer. Neither of us are on call tonight and Rosebelle and Rie have been taking hours to get ready. It’s Halloween and they’re getting all dolled up. Not going to lie, I’m secretly hoping my girl is dressing up like a unicorn again. That first day I saw her will forever be branded into my mind. She would not give on what her costume is no matter how many times I asked. It’s been top secret for weeks. I only pray Rie isn't trying to rig something crazy up to whatever it is. At least this time there is not only a fireman on hand but a doctor too.

“I should check on them.” I stand from the sofa, my impatience growing by the second.

“Why don’t you relax and enjoy some baby-free time?” Frank responds, probably because he doesn't want me messing with Rie and whatever it is I know she has my girl up to. He is as protective of Rie as I am of Rosabelle. Thank God the two of us get along and understand each other. It makes it easier when one of us flips. We get where the other is coming from and can often defuse the other. We work well together.

Thinking of my baby girl, I check my phone to make sure April hasn't texted me. She's got our little munchkin tonight. She’s still a little too young to do the Halloween thing. That didn’t stop us from dressing her up and taking her to a few doors before dropping her off at April’s.

I should enjoy some baby-free time but I want that time spent with my woman. I’m just going to rip off whatever it is she’s putting on in there. I see I do have a text from April. She’s got my little baby girl in a high chair, her face covered in mashed potatoes, looking as happy as could be. April is like a grandma to her and is already calling her Me-me.

Frank doesn’t have a family of his own. He lost his parents too. It’s something else we bonded over. We’ve built our own family now. Soon he’ll be a father too. Both our women are knocked up together. I'm still not sure if that’s a good or bad thing. I pocket my phone, telling myself I’ll give them another few minutes.

“Stop pacing. Shit makes me uneasy.” I stop. I didn't know I was even doing it. I run my hands through my hair. Fuck it. I’m done waiting. I haven’t had my cock in my wife all day. As much as I love our daughter, she can be a cock blocker and did just that this morning. I didn’t get to wake my wife up like I normally do with my mouth between her legs then finish deep inside of her.

I head out of the living room and up the stairs toward the master bedroom. We moved when we found out Rosabelle was pregnant. We both had a vision of a Father of the Bride home. We both wanted to give our children a real home. I also knew I wanted a handful of kids. Never did I want to fear that they would be left alone like I was. I wasn't mad at my parents for not giving me a brother or sister to still have once they were gone, but I’d learned from it. It’s why I already have another baby inside my wife.

I take off on a dead run when I hear my wife making a sniffing sound that I know is about to form a cry. She’s prone to burst into tears when she’s pregnant. I’m used to them. She’ll cry over the cute bear on the toilet commercial and she’ll wail when our daughter makes a happy giggle. Though sometimes those outbursts are because something is wrong. Either way, happy tears or not, that shit eats me up inside and I do whatever I can to stop them.

I burst into the double doors of our bedroom that is a complete and utter disaster from whatever they have been doing. My wife is on the floor with Rie behind her, trying to pull on a zipper, I think. It’s hard to tell from this angle.

“It won’t fit!” Rosabelle shouts at me like it’s my fault. I guess it kind of is. I was the one to knock her up again. Not that she put up a fight over it. I have to fight a small laugh, because I hate to admit that when she gets mad her face scrunches in the most adorable way. Not that she would agree with me on that.

This time she isn’t wearing a bodysuit and tutu. Thank fuck. That bodysuit I saw her in that first day showed off every inch of her perfection. This time she’s in an adorable unicorn onesie. It’s the exact same one she put our daughter in before I dropped her off at April’s.

But my girl is still dolled up. Her hair is once again blue, which I’ve missed, and her makeup is sparkly and bright. I know I’ll

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