something?” He doesn’t wait for a response from me as he keeps on talking. “I had no clue this was under those boxy suits you wear.” He licks his lips before taking another pull from his beer.

I glance over toward the girls I share an office with, who are glaring at me. What the hell? I should be the one making faces. They’re dressed up in cute rompers while I have a freaking tail! I don’t know which is worse, the giggles from moments ago or the look of death they’re giving me now. It must have something to do with Mike talking to me.

I try to take a step back from Mike because he’s slowly inching in closer. When his hand reaches up to touch my hair, I smack it out of instinct. I don’t want a random person touching me.

“I was just going to see what’s in it.” He acts like I’m the weird one.

“It’s just some spray-in dye with glitter,” I answer as I take another step back from the man and almost trip over my tail.

I should call it a day. I came to make friends but now Mike is the only person talking to me and he’s the last person I want to talk to. I know way more about him than I should since the girls like to talk and most of that talk is about him. He gets around the office and the ladies fight over him. I don’t get it.

They say he’s the whole package because he’s smart, good-looking, and his daddy owns the company. I don’t think he’s too bright if he can’t remember the woman who greets him every day. Or he’s just a pretentious asshole that wears shirts two sizes too small. His muscles look like they are trying to break free and I almost feel bad for them.

“Does that hurt?” I ask, nodding to his arm. I’m pretty sure his shirt is cutting off circulation to his bicep.

“Nope. Got it inked on me last year.” He mistakenly thinks I’m talking about his tattoo. “I’ll show you.” He gives me a wink as he pulls his shirt over his head.

I panic and look around for some kind of help. There are a few other guys standing close that I know are from his department. They are pretty much rolling their eyes at Mike as they go back to drinking their beers. As for the girls in my office, they all come running over.

“That’s so sweet of you to give her a shirt to cover up with, Mike.” Shelly uses her hand to make a sweeping motion at my unicorn costume.

“You told me it was a costume picnic.”

Shelly bursts into laughter. “Have you ever heard of a picnic costume party before?” She gives me a look that says I’m the dumbest person in the world. Maybe I am, but part of me is hoping that I’m more trusting than anything.

“Don’t look so upset about it,” Tiffany snips at me. “Count it as, like, an initiation.” It doesn’t feel like I’m being initiated into anything except a circle of mean girls. I’m going to keep my head down and stop trying to be friends with these people.

“I think I’m going to leave,” I say.

Now that Mike’s shirt is off I can see his tattoo. He should find a shirt with full sleeves to cover it up. Instead of putting his shirt on, he throws it over his bare shoulder and I secretly hope he gets a sunburn. Luckily all the girls start trying to get his attention and I realize this is my chance to sneak away.

I turn to make a run for it but then jerk back as Mike steps his foot down on my tail. I hear a rip and realize the tail probably partially tore off, but then I hear the sound of a tick tick tick. Whatever weird device Rie put in there, it doesn’t sound too happy about being stomped on.

Sparks start to fly out of the end of the tail and glitter begins to shoot out of it too. It almost looks like a 4th of July sparkler until part of the grass starts to catch on fire and I realize the tail is still connected to me with half my ass showing!

I scream but everyone stands there in shock. Of course this is how I’m doing to die. I can see the headlines now. Unicorn Goes Up in Flames at Company Barbecue. At this point I don’t think things can get worse, but then out of nowhere pops up the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.

I am in sheer panic mode but all I can see are the perfect dimples on either side of his cheeks. I’m starting to think maybe I’ve already caught fire and I’m in heaven because no man on earth should look that good.

Chapter Four


There’s smoke all around her and several people nearby stomping out the flames in the grass. Luckily it rained earlier today so I don’t think there’s chance of a wildfire, but we’ll still make sure. Chief grabs the equipment from the back and goes in spraying while shouting for people to back up.

The sound of an ambulance blares in the distance as it gets closer, and I call in to dispatch to report what’s going on. As I get closer I see what looks like a mess of pastel paint and glitter at the center of it all. And if I haven’t lost my mind completely, it looks like a Roman candle is coming out of her barely covered ass.

“I think…” I pause with the radio up to my mouth. “I’ve found a unicorn?”

“What?” Wanda calls from the other end of the radio, but I ignore her.

This isn’t the time to be unprofessional, but dear Lord this poor girl is a mess and I’m trying to hide my smile. I’ve always been told I’ve got a baby face because I’ve still got chubby cheeks with overly

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