Nash shuddered. “I didn’t want to be stuck delivering pizzas.”

“Let me take a look.” Hilary typed in the company’s name and found the open position. After inputting Nash’s information, she looked up. “Consider it a done deal. I’ll let you know for sure in the morning.”

“Thank you, Hilary.” Nash bit his lip. “About the other thing.”


“I would love to date you, but I need to get this taken care of first. You deserve a guy with a clean record.”


“Don’t.” Nash stood. “I know you don’t think it matters, but it does to me. As much as I want to shove everything off your desk and fuck your sweet pussy, I want to do it right.”

“Damn.” Hilary shuddered. “I can’t promise anything.”

Nash sobered. “I understand. I don’t expect you to wait for me.”

Hilary smiled. “I didn’t mean I wouldn’t be waiting for you. I meant I can’t promise that I will wait six months to suck you off or have you fill me with your hard cock.”

As he walked to the door, Nash laughed. “Point taken.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“To let me know about the job?”

“Sure. If that’s what makes it easier for you to sleep at night.”

Nash stared at her for several seconds with his hand on the door.

“What?” Hilary asked.

“I’m memorizing everything about you so when I jerk off tonight, I can imagine coming on your tits.”

“Holy shit, Nash. There is no way I’m waiting six months.” Hilary tossed a stress ball at him. “Get the fuck out of here before I can’t wait one day.”

“Later.” Nash winked at her and left.

God, he was going to fall in love with her. He’d be an idiot not to.

Chapter Four

Several days later, Nash bit the inside of his cheek when he saw Hilary walking toward him at the construction site of his new job. If he didn’t, he’d have a stupid ass grin on his face, and the other crew members would give him shit about it. Although, he really liked the guys he was working with. They were all hard workers and easy to get along with.

When Nash had realized that Hilary had gotten him a job working for her brother, Jeff, he’d been a little concerned that it would be awkward. However, Nash liked Jeff. He was a decent guy and a fair boss.

“Hilary? What are you doing here?” Nash asked as he raised his eyebrows.

He wanted her like a man needed water to survive. Six days had been long enough. The calluses on his hand didn’t feel nearly as good as her slick channel would as she milked his cock.

She ignored the other two guys that were still working in the front of the house and walked to Nash. “Just making sure that my brother is treating you good.”

“He’s great. Thanks for hooking me up with this job. All the guys are cool.”

“My brother only hires quality people. Our dad ran a construction business our entire lives, so he learned what it takes to operate a quality operation.”

“I can tell.” Nash shoved his hands in his pockets. “Does your dad still run a business?”

“No. When Dad retired, he made my brother and I partners, along with him and our mother. We each own a quarter of the business, but Jeff runs it all. Our mom operates the books.”

“You own a part of the business?”

“How do you think I got you on so quick? I’ve got a lot of pull.” Hilary pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and fanned herself. “I don’t know how you guys do it. I can’t stand the heat.”

“That’s too bad.”


“I was fantasizing about getting all sweaty and dirty with you, and you ruined it.”


“Yeah, but that’s the way it goes.”

“Maybe you could persuade me to change my mind.”

“Nah, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable and sticky.” Nash smiled as he crossed his arms.

“Nash, I’m already sticky and uncomfortable. My pussy is swollen, and my clit is throbbing.”

Nash’s nostrils flared as his cock ached against the fabric of his underwear. There was no way he could wait six months to make love to Hilary. He might not make it six more minutes.

“Hey, Nash?” The blond-haired worker called out.

Nash turned to him. “Yeah?”

“We’re headed out. You want us to wait for you?”

“Go ahead. I’ll catch you guys in the morning.”

“Sounds good.” Both guys waved at him as they headed to their pickup.

Nash’s entire body tensed as he watched them climb in and exit the driveway. He and Hilary were alone. The construction site was down a gravel road, so there was no one around.

Was he ready for this? Sex with Hilary was the end game. Once would never be enough. Hell, was she ready for him? Nash was afraid he was going to claim Hilary for life. But what did she want? One and done?

“So?” Nash shifted his feet.

Hilary straightened her shoulders and reached out her hand to grab his. “You want to go fuck on the bulldozer behind the house?”

“Holy hell.” His stomach dove to his feet. They were going to have to call in an emergency crew to restart his heart if he ever lost her.

“Construction equipment turns me on.” Hilary ran her top teeth over her bottom lip as she waited for his response.

“I would fucking love to slam my dick into your tight twat as you hold on to the track.”

“Race you.” Hilary laughed as she ran past him.

Nash smiled as he took off at a dead run. When Nash finally caught her, she screamed with delight. As he turned her around to face him, Hilary jumped into his arms and laced her fingers together behind his head.

“I smell.”

Hilary sniffed. “A little, but you were right, a little sweat mixed with some dirty sex never hurt anyone.”

Nash’s mouth crashed against hers as he possessed her lips. Hilary’s tongue dove into his mouth as she took the lead while his cock rested against her soft stomach. Wanting something as much as he desired Hilary was new. Nash wanted to

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