these devices sparingly but realize, if we’ve been pumping all this energy into the air, the attacks from the ghosts will come earlier.”

“That means you work faster,” Kiki said.

“No, it means we work smarter,” Cid contradicted her. “We’re going to work together. If we’re working on plumbing, Wayne is in charge. If it’s structure, it’s Jesse and so on. Let’s agree on a plan and stick to it.”

“What if they attack?” Carl asked.

“We fight them,” Jesse said.

“We can also protect ourselves. How many of you are bringing your ghost deterrents with you?” Cid asked.

Gary and Pete raised their hands. Carl and Wayne looked sheepish, and Kiki rolled her eyes.

“Gary and Pete were prepared. That’s why they didn’t get hurt last night. First, protect yourself in a salt ring or maybe have Faye scout out the room you’re working in. Once she clears it, salt yourselves in.”

“What about if we just toss nails or holy water at them?” Wayne asked.

“Iron and holy water will cause a disruption in the manifestation of the ghosts, but it won’t make them go away forever.”

“Why?” Sally asked.

“You’ve played a video game before?”


“If your avatar dies, it returns to your set point or, sometimes, to start, but you’re granted another life. The closer the remains, or object the ghost is attached to, the quicker the retransformation.”

“How do you know all this?” Carl asked.

“Trial and error. Experiences of my colleagues and reports written up over the centuries. Every ghost is different. We used to think that the clothes you died in would be the clothes that you’d be wearing or the form you would be taking if you found yourself haunting this plane of existence. Faye proved that wrong. My friend Murphy proved that certain ghosts could move and draw energy from nature and not be tied to an object or their remains. But I feel it’s a safe bet that the bones of these men have been buried near here.”

“They have to be under that stone floor,” Wayne said. “There is no reason for that last step to be so short.”

“I had the same feeling. But Kiki is not going to let us disturb their remains.”

“He’s got that right,” she said, crossing her arms.

“Can we bring in a priest?” Carl asked.

“No,” Kiki answered.

“How about one in disguise?” Pete suggested.


“Are you trying to get us killed?” Pete asked.

Kiki was slow to answer. “Don’t be an idiot, What the Fuck. I’m trying to get us paid. We’ve encountered ghosts before, people. Hell, we even dealt with a demon. We should be able to do this job and walk away safely.”

“I’m sure the other twelve renovation companies thought the same thing,” Wayne said. “Good God, Kiki, where was your head?”

“It may not be her fault,” Cid said. “There may be a heritage demon involved. These demons can influence people without them noticing. Kiki could have been under and may still be under its control. Otherwise, I can’t fathom why she’s playing Simon Legree.”

“I don’t appreciate being talked about as if I’m not here.”

Sally was amazed when Cid just ignored her. “Let’s get going and tackle the basement today. Faye!”

Faye appeared.

“We need your eyes today. Move in and out of the veils around the house.”

“Ahem, I believe this is my job, Clark.”

“Sorry, I was on a roll,” Cid said sheepishly.

Faye looked at Kiki.

“Have the guys’ backs,” she instructed.

Faye disappeared.

“Wayne, you’re in charge. I’ll be working from here today. I have your reports to peruse, blueprints to check, and materials to order,” Kiki said. “Clark, I’d like to speak with you.”

Sally watched the other contractors scurry down the stairs. Cid stayed and waited for the explosion.

“This is the second time you’ve tried to take my company out from under me, Garrett. If you’re not careful, I’m not only going to fire you but make sure no one hires you after this.”

“I would really like to be a fly on the wall when you try to explain how my keeping you and your men alive was justification for blackballing me. You’re not the only one with a lawyer, Kiki. I’m going to do my best to bring this job in on time, and without anyone getting hurt. And then I’ll never work for you again. If I were you, I’d give Alan a call. Look at your options. Listen to him, he’s a good guy.”

Kiki left the room. Cid walked over and hugged Sally. He pressed something into her hand. “Keep your distance until I can get someone in to read her,” he whispered.

Sally nodded. She opened her hand and looked at the rosary. The beads were old as if they had slipped through many hands. The silver was not tarnished, but she could tell it was from another era. Cid put his hand over hers. It’s from a dear friend, and it will keep you safe.”

“It’s a good thing I went to Catholic school and know how to use one.”

“You’ll have to teach me. I just wave it around and say, ‘If you’re not with God go.’”

Sally smiled. “Sounds good to me.”


Father Simon looked at the email Audrey Stavros handed him. She waited until he had digested the information before speaking.

“Heritage demons are very rare, Audrey.”

Audrey handed him a copy of one of the cells she had blown up from the video of the floor Cid took. “I have the video on my phone if you want me to send it to you,” she explained. “My husband has identified this as a demon summoning circle but admits he hasn’t seen some of the symbols before.”

“What do you know of Congressman Atwater?” Father Simon asked.

“He doesn’t appear to be an evil man. He votes what his

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