Alan followed them into the chapel and sat down in the first pew he came to.
Kiki took Father Simon’s offered hand. “Be not afraid for Christ is with you.”
Kiki, who was not raised in this faith, didn’t know what to do. She walked with the priest until they had reached the crossing. Father Santos, who was kneeling in the chancel, rose and turned. He walked to Kiki and crossed himself and then placed his hand on her forehead. To Kiki’s discomfort, he frowned. Father Santos looked at Father Simon and walked back to the chancel.
“Come, we must prepare you.”
Kiki looked back at Alan who was kneeling in prayer. She wanted to run to him, but she had to be strong. Father Simon opened the door, and two nuns were standing there. “Sisters, assist Kiki Pickles while I give Father Santos Holy Communion. Prepare her.” Father Simon left.
“My child, what is your name?” the elder of the nuns asked.
“Kiki Pickles.”
“What a delightful name,” the young one said. “I’m Sister Olive and this is Sister Sarah. We were asked here to aid you in your troubled time.”
“I’m at a loss to what is actually going on,” Kiki admitted.
“Father Santos notified our order that you may have been contaminated during the possession by a negative elemental. It’s not as serious as a full demon possession.”
“I never felt it happening,” Kiki admitted, following the nuns into a side room. “If it weren’t for the people I work with, I would still be under the influence.”
“Evil moves in shadows,” Sister Sarah said. “Change into this gown. Sister Olive will collect your clothes and put them in this crystal box.”
“Father Santos learned from a friend of his that white crystal pulls evil away from things, and people. Some clothing may be damaged by washing in holy water. This is another way of sending you home free from any residue.”
Kiki shed her clothing quickly and donned the soft cotton gown. It fell to the floor, covering her bare feet. Sister Sarah gathered Kiki’s hair and braided it.
“I know it has to be disturbing for a strong-willed person to put themselves in the hands of strangers,” Sister Olive said.
“Yes, it is.”
“Why have you come here?” Sister Sarah asked.
“Because something got into my mind and forced me to react against my principles. It took over my body, and if I had not been stopped, I would have committed murder. This is abhorrent to me,” Kiki answered.
The nuns nodded.
A light tap sounded on the door.
“They are ready. Kiki, go with an open mind. Go knowing that God loves everyone, believers and atheists alike. He knows by giving his children free will that they may go off the path from time to time. He is an indulgent parent and welcomes them back with open arms.”
“Thank you, Sister,” Kiki said.
Father Simon guided Kiki to a simple wooden chair. “Please sit down.”
Kiki did.
Father Santos entered. The aroma of incense came with him. He looked at her and crossed himself. “It was a very powerful elemental that possessed you. You mentioned that you still hold some of its memories. This tells us that the elemental has not totally left you.”
“How is this possible?” Kiki asked.
“Think about this like a virus. You may no longer have the symptoms but carry it in your cells.”
“Like herpes?” Kiki said.
Father Simon smiled.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make light of this,” Kiki said quickly.
“I’m not a medical man, but I’d say that’s a pretty good description,” Father Santos said gently. “Kiki, I would like you to close your eyes and tell me what you remember of the memories. This will give me an idea where they are being housed.”
“Yes, Father,” Kiki said. “They come in snatches. Right now, I see the floor that now resides in a west room of the Walnut Grove House. But it’s not there in this vision. It has a setting sun, but it’s coming from deep high windows on the other side. There are six black-robed people - I cannot tell if they are male or female – standing, holding black candles. I am moving. I think I’m lighting each candle saying… no, chanting words I’m not familiar with. There is a response by each robed being, and then they say something in unison. The ground is shaking. We all enter the ring and the…”
Father Santos stood in Kiki’s place. He saw the tangible world fall away around the circle. The circle seemed suspended in a thick yellow-orange cloud. The smell of sulfur was overwhelming. He turned and saw the robed beings shed their robes. The men and women were naked and underfed. They huddled together as clawed hands appeared on the edges of the summoning ring. Six demons pulled themselves up and crawled over to the six and entered their bodies. Sores broke out on the skin of the acolytes because the human form is unused to the heat of the possessing demons. The dual beings now stood tall and moved to places around the circle.
“Father, where are you?” Father Simon’s soft voice permeated his mind.
“Witnessing a summoning. I’ve never seen one before.”
“Remember why you are there,” Father Simon said. “Do not be tempted to tarry.”
“Yes, Father,” Santos replied. He took out his cross and walked into the middle of the summoning circle and set it down.
The circle started to crack, and as each crack reached a dual being, the being’s skin cracked like a dropped china doll. Pieces fell away until nothing but a single glowing ember sat in the middle of the pile of broken china.
Father Santos took out a vial of holy water and poured a drop,