Just past thebelly button, against the tanned flesh, she immediately spotted the incision. “Missingkidney,” she said. “Right one. Same as the others.”
Paige movedcloser and peered down at the body. “Any sign of it?” she asked in a cool tone.
Robert hadalready departed and Adele could hear him in the kitchen now; the fridge dooropened, by the sound of things, then the freezer. Then Robert called from theother room, “No. He took it with him, like the last two. There’s no reason hewould leave it behind.”
Adele steppedinto the hall and peered toward the kitchen. “Trophy hunting?” she called out. “It’sstarting to feel like something different. Why the same kidney every time? What’she doing with them?”
The questionlingered in the air, unanswered. Adele had her own theories bouncing around hermind. But no confirmation. Nothing beyond theory and three dead girls.
Adele got backto her feet, pushing off her knee and emitting a quiet whooshing sound. Shestared down at the body, trying to focus.
“Only twenty-twoyears old,” said Adele, swallowing. “She got here three days ago. Three days.How did the killer stalk her? How did he figure out where she lived? There’s noway he could’ve established a friendship, a rapport, over three days, is there?Unless she knew him from before. Maybe he’s an exchange student,” Adele saidsuddenly, opening her eyes.
Robert appeareddown the hall again. “Possibly.” He looked pensive as he approached.
For her part,Paige’s eyes were fixated on the young girl’s face. Adele was reminded thatPaige had five children of her own. She wondered about their ages.
“I’ll be back,”Paige said through tight lips. Pale-faced, she moved hurriedly out of thebathroom, down the hall, and out the apartment door.
Adele shared alook with Robert and her mentor shrugged once. They both turned back to the body.Now that Paige had left the bathroom, Adele felt she could focus a bit better.She scanned the tiled room. Only a single container of soap, but no shampoo.
She pointed itout. “Didn’t have time to shop?” she asked, glancing at Robert.
He was studyingthe shower and the sink. “Newly moved in,” he said. “She doesn’t seem theneglectful sort. Had vegetables and fruit in the fridge.”
“Right. Goodlittle American girl. But a lot of locks on that door.”
Robert glancedover. “I’d noticed. Do you think that’s the sort of thing a young girlconsiders?”
Adele shrugged. “Isuppose so. Especially if you’re new to a city.”
But Roberthesitated. “A college girl, bold enough and brave enough to come to anothercountry to study. Do you think the first thought she might have is her ownsafety? I’m not saying it’s not important. But do you think that’s the firstthought she would have when arriving? To find a place that would be safe? Aplace with excess locks on the doors?”
Adele frowned. “Whatare you getting at?”
“I’m saying, forsomeone like this, not all the decisions were made by her. Protective parents?”he said. “Maybe a protective boyfriend?”
Adele hesitated,then ran her eyes over the bathroom once more. “Protective might meansheltered. Sheltered might mean we’re dealing with someone who wasn’t used tothe real world. Didn’t know how things were supposed to go. Maybe too trusting.”
Robert pursedhis lips. “Trusting. You think it cost her? She’s only been here three days.How did the killer get in? No struggle; did you check the fingernails?”
“The first thingI looked at,” said Adele. “No defensive wounds. He crept up from behind. Was hemaybe waiting for her? Had a key? Did you run files on the landlord from thelast place?”
Robert noddedonce. “Nothing besides a few parking tickets.”
“So how is hegetting in?”
Adele glancedaround the bathroom once more but then paused, frowning. She noted a towelhanging over the rack, but a small pool of water in the center of the bathroomfloor between the tub and the sink.
“Look at that.”She pointed.
Robert followedher attention, frowning at the puddle.
Adeleappreciated that he didn’t ask what she was talking about. The moment shepointed it out, she knew he would detect the anomaly too.
“Why is therewater only in the middle of the floor?” Adele said, softly. “The sink is here,and the shower there. How do you get water smack dab in the middle of thefloor?”
Robert approachthe bathtub and glanced down. “Hasn’t been used recently.”
Adele glanced atthe sink as well. “Do you think she flicked the water by accident? Maybespilled something?”
Robert got to aknee, glancing down. He hesitated, shot a look toward the door, then dipped hisfinger in the water and quickly lifted it. He licked his pinky and winced for amoment, as if anticipating something bitter. But then he shook his head. “Justwater.”
“Strange,” Adelesaid. She sighed and moved out of the bathroom, through the apartment.
The third victimheralded a threat. The killer wasn’t done. He hadn’t stopped at one or two.Which meant he wouldn’t stop. If he continued to kill at this pace, the bodycount would rise at an alarming rate.
Adele glanced ather mentor. “We have to catch this guy, Robert.”
He nodded.
At that moment,Adele heard a soft noise from up the hall. She held up a hand as if to say, Giveme a moment, and she moved toward the apartment door, peering into theapartment stairwell.
Adele moved intothe hallway, following the source of the noise. She glanced up and down theopen corridor, her eyes tracking the windows. Her gaze flitted along thebanister, around the curling oak rail, and rested on the two police officersstationed at the stairs, standing just behind yellow caution tape.
Adele noticedneither of them were talking. They seemed bored, staring out across the hall orpeering through the window on the third floor.
She glancedaround again, but could still hear the noise. Like a quiet muttering. Or,perhaps, sobbing.
Adele frowned atthe nearest officer, and he looked in her direction. His cheeks flushed, as ifembarrassed. He glanced back, noticed she was still watching him, and then,with the most surreptitious of movements, he jerked his thumb toward the stairsand tilted his head ever so slightly, causing his hat to skew a bit. He stoodstraight again, adjusted his hat, and stared ahead, refusing to meet her eyes.
Adele scannedthe hall for Agent Paige, but her reluctant partner was nowhere to be found.Adele moved toward