Walker had been maintaining contact with her all week, yet he hadn't pushed. Grace honestly thought after Saturday that he would have been all up in her business and life, but he hadn't. And that confused her even more. She wasn't the type to lean on a man or even have thoughts of doing that. Yet here she was, laying in her bed, and wishing for Walker. Which made her turn to her phone, which sat next to her bed. For the past week, every morning Grace woke to a text from him. It was just one of a thousand things about Walker that made her heart skip a beat. Sure enough, a text from Walker sat in her inbox.
Walker: When you read this, it will hopefully be after a long night’s sleep with no dreams. Or if you did dream, maybe those dreams were all good things. Text me when you wake up so I’ll know you’re good.
Grace: Hey. I’m awake. I’m good. Okay, so that’s a lie, but I’m not sure even what to say. Hope you have a good day.
Walker: Facetime me
Grace: Seriously? It’s not even 6 AM.
Walker: yes, seriously. Facetime me. Now.
Grace: Okay, but give me a sec. I look like trailer trash.
Walker: No you don’t. You’re beautiful no matter what. And I wouldn’t care.
Gulp. Grace took a deep breath, looked at Walker's photo on her screen and hit the Facetime button...
Look for the next book in the Mercy Springs Heroes series, Boomer's Saving Grace, coming soon to ebook and paperback. Find out how Grace copes with the aftermath of her kidnapping and her feelings for Walker "Boomer" Collins. Watch Walker struggle with not being in total control like he's used to and be included in the crazy sarcasm and antics that the Anderson girls are notorious for.
About The Author
Bliss Carter
Bliss Carter is a 2020 debut author with a flare for the sarcastic, funny and flirty. She is southern to the bone and a straight shooter, saying what she thinks without hurting feelings. Bliss grew up in South Georgia and just never left to explore other areas. She didn’t feel the need to. Living close by to her parents and other family is the most important thing.
Bliss fell in love with an alpha male and has managed to wrangle him in for more than a decade of marriage. With step-children, grandchildren and two cats that have no boundaries, Bliss tries to write in a way that’s mimics the way she loves to read. With total abandon.
Being an avid reader, almost to the point of becoming obsessed with an author or series, has helped Bliss understand the book she is writing and the characters she creates. She takes writing a story very seriously, wanting to make sure that both her characters and her readers are both completely satisfied when the story is finished.
Bliss may or may not have a thing for men in uniform. If her stories are heavy with law enforcement, fire fighters, and military men, well, you’ll just have to learn to enjoy it. Bliss won’t apologize for it, but will try to keep you entertained with enough sarcasm and humor to last you a lifetime. If ever there was a book character that fit Bliss and her personality most, it would have to be Grace from her Mercy Springs Heroes Series. Sugar and spice, the ultimate female package. Hard as steel on the outside and a marshmallow on the inside.
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