It’s term-paper time, and I’m needed there.”

Officer Ryan nodded. As a graduate of Ridgeview High several years behind her, he knew what that meant. “Sure, that’s fine.” He gave her his card. “If I’m not there, ask for Detective Bailey. He’ll be handling the investigation from now on. If you remember anything more, please call me at the number on my card.”

He smiled tentatively at her, as if he was afraid she’d crumble in front of his very eyes. She wasn’t sure she wouldn’t. This had been a scary and very emotional evening.

Nick walked him out and then joined them in the kitchen again. Rob pulled her into his arms as soon as the officer left the room.

“Thanks, Nick,” he said. “I’m glad you got here as quickly as you did.” He let out a sigh. “I owe you.”

“Hell, MJ is my sister. I’ll be here for her. I should have had her at my place tonight.”

“Excuse me, guys,” she interrupted their male bonding moment. “I’m glad you both got here in time to lend me moral support, but I’m not some child either of you needs to babysit.” She huffed and shook her head.

Rob pulled her closer. “We know you’re capable, MJ. You proved that tonight, but we worry about you. We both love you.”

Slightly mollified, she nodded. “I know. I just don’t want either of you to treat me like some helpless child. Nick, you wouldn’t treat Tess that way, would you?”

“You bet I would if she was in danger.” He looked back at her smugly.

Her brother was so damn stubborn. She lifted her head and stole a peek at Rob. “I am not, repeat not, some damsel in distress.”

“Okay,” answered both men, looking chastened.

Good. She yawned wide and loud. She needed sleep. “Thank you both for everything you did. I’ve got to get some sleep.” She looked up at Rob. “Lock up after him and turn on the alarm system again,” she instructed.

She pulled away from Rob and headed down the hallway to the bedroom. Nick could see himself out. Maybe being so exhausted would keep her from nightmares about tonight’s break-in.

MJ was already in her nightshirt with her face washed and teeth brushed when Rob finally joined her. She leaned over and let the water out of the tub. She’d forgotten it with all that had happened.

Rob came up behind her. “Are you okay, honey?”

“I think so. It terrified me, Rob. Maverick was ready to protect me, though. He stood next to the bathroom door, ready to attack. When Kent turned the knob to get in, though, I really wasn’t sure we’d make it. Thank God, the police got here in time.”

“I know. I’m glad he was here with you, and especially that we had the alarm system to alert both you and me.”

“I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time about it. You were right. We needed it, but I still don’t understand why Kent Barnard is so bent on hurting us.”

“I don’t understand it, either. I suppose we’re expecting an irrational man to make sense. That won’t happen.”

She yawned again. “I’m sorry. I need to go to bed.”

“You go ahead. I’ll be in shortly.”

She had settled in on her side of the bed when Rob joined her, pulling her toward him. “I hope you’re in the mood to snuggle tonight because I want to hold you in my arms.”

She nodded and moved in closer. “I love you, Rob. I’m glad you’re here.”

“I love you, too, MJ. I’m glad you’re safe.”

She heard Maverick’s tags jingle as he lay down on the floor at the end of the bed. “Thank you, Maverick, for keeping me safe.”

“Yeah, thanks. You’re a good warrior dog, bravo cane guerriero. Good night, boy.” Rob leaned over to kiss her. “Good night, sweetheart. Sleep well. We’ve got you. You’re safe and sound.”

She breathed in Rob’s scent and allowed it to calm her. She felt him stroking her hair, and allowed herself to relax into his touch, drifting breath by breath toward sleep.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Something sharp jabbed Rob’s ribs. “No, no!” a female voice cried. He shook the cobwebs from his brain, as her body rolled into him.

“MJ! Wake up! You’re safe!” He reached for her, and she struck out with a fist, nearly coldcocking him. Her eyes, although open, were unseeing.

“Honey, wake up!” He rolled onto her and captured her arms.

Her feet kicked out as she fought him. “No! Leave me alone!”

“MJ, it’s me. Rob. You’re safe. Nobody can hurt you.” He stroked her face gently with his thumb as he held her in place.

Her eyes suddenly focused, and he hated the look of fear. Luckily, it cleared as she recognized him.

“Rob? What’s happening?”

“You had a dream, honey. A scary one.”

She shuddered and closed her eyes as she inhaled sharply. “It was awful, Rob. I dreamed Kent Barnard got to us before the police arrived. Maverick tried to protect me, but Kent stabbed him with a knife, and then came after me.” Tears rolled down her face as she recounted the dream.

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. You’re safe.” A cold nose nudged his arm. “Maverick’s right here. You’re okay, aren’t you, boy? Va bene.”

MJ struggled to sit up and peer over the side of the bed at the concerned canine. “Oh, Maverick. I dreamed you tried to save me, but he hurt you.” She shook her head as if to shake the image away. “I couldn’t stand it if something happened to you.” She reached her hand out, and the dog licked it.

“You’re both okay, MJ. The police got here in time. You protected him by locking both of you in the bathroom. Hopefully, Barnard’s out of our lives for good. With luck, they’ll keep him in jail until the

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