I looked around. “You by yourself today? Last time I think there were a couple grand kids wandering around.” He took a long sip of tea. A touch of unease made me glance around the cul-de-sac.
“My wife is visitin’ her sister awhile, so no grandkids today. I thought it best we have this meeting by ourselves.” He bent down and picked up a large envelope next to his chair. “It came to my attention a few days ago you were bein’ looked for by some bad folks. I think you’ll find this information helpful.”
I leafed through the documents in the folder, nodding. “I knew Willie was after me, just didn’t know what he was willing to pay. Thirty thousand’s quite a bit to bring me in.”
“The interestin’ part is that yesterday it changed from capture to kill. Even more important, is the reaction. None of the normal hunters are interested. Not only because Mister Franks seems to have dropped off the face of the earth, but because other players have entered the arena, and still want you in their grip-but alive.”
A quick re-shuffle of the documents and I put them away. “You mean someone like Ms. Crosby?”
Phil looked away, taking a long pull on his tea. “Could be. It could also be that Crosby made some veiled threats to certain people to flush you out of the woodwork so her hounds could chase you down.” He glanced back. “There’s a rumor floating around that says Crosby came up with your name a couple days ago, and immediately started lookin’ into your past activities, to see if you could be found that way.” He glanced at the flower bed next to my chair and back at me.
I scooted around to reach the briefcase I’d brought with me. “You think she might have information about T&M Security?”
“Don’t think so. Not yet, at least. ‘Nother couple days, and I’d say most probably.” He took another drink and cocked an eye at me. “From what I gathered, they thought you was still in the Carolinas.”
Two envelopes made their way from my briefcase and into the flowerbed next to my chair, weighted down with ten grand each. The small pistol that had been nestled there disappeared into my case. Phil gave a small nod to acknowledge he’d seen. “They get around to offering you a reward for finding me?”
“Yep. Offered twenty-five grand for information. And would let me finish my plans to quietly retire in Florida.”
“Good. Hope you make it, man.” I pointed my chin to the left. “They in that blue Kia at the end of the street?”
“And the white Hyundai in the driveway next to it.”
“Who lives in the house they parked next to?”
“Willis. Carl Willis.”
I took out my cell phone, and dialed 9-1-1. “You be okay after I take off?”
He nodded. “Glad you remembered the old danger code.”
“9-1-1, can I help you?”
“Yes’m, you can,” I said in a drawl. “I live at 149 Sawgrass Court, an’ there’s been two cars in my driveway for almost an hour. I don’t know who they are, an’ I’m scared to go out. Could you get someone here to check ‘em out? I’m Carl Willis.” I hung up before she could ask anything else. Good thing I had a secure phone, so it couldn’t be traced.
Three minutes later two cop cars drifted down the street, effectively blocking the two vehicles while police got out and approached the occupants. I stood, offering my hand to Phil. “Stay safe, man.”
He took my hand and gave it a squeeze, tears in his eyes. “You, too. An’ I’m sorry as hell ‘bout this.”
I gave him a wink and moseyed towards my car. “Don’t be. Wasn’t your fault they’re after me.” I waved as I got in. Seconds later I wheeled out of the culdesac. A quick call to T&M had Alice on the line within seconds.
“T&M Security, Alice speaking.”
“Hey, Babe. What’re you doing in the office? I thought Marty wanted you to rest more.”
“Francis, you’re so full of crap, just like usual. You men think when a woman’s pregnant she’s suddenly made out of glass or something.”
I laughed, mood lightening. “Speaking of men, where’s yours? I’ve got some news to pass on.”
“He’s right here. Take care, Francis.”
After a couple clicks, Marty’s deep voice came on the line. “Good timin’ Francis. I was just about to head out the door. What’s up?”
“Had a few hiccups and burps raise their ugly heads. Like I thought, things are getting nasty. I’ll be back soon as I can work myself clear of this bunch around here. Time to go to code red.”
“Did you just say code red?”
“That I did. Crosby will soon know about you guys, if she doesn’t already. Need to fort up until we work out a plan to remove the threat.”
“We’re pretty close to finalizing one. Dave’s a whiz at this stuff, by the way. Anything we can do to help you from this end?”
“Nope. I’ll call again once I get in the clear. Be safe, Marty.”
“You too, brother.” The line went dead.
It rained buckets during my drive to Augusta, then cleared when halfway there. I’d felt driving directly back to Charlotte might not be a good idea for someone on the run. Yesterday, when Phil had given me the old Code Five signal, I’d known just what to do. Having someone who’d been no more than an acquaintance over the years risk their life by letting me know I was heading into a bear trap only made me more willing to do so. At least I’d been able to prepare for it. This kind of thing always got my juices flowing, same as when I planned and executed a burglary. Like any addiction, someday I’d pay for taking so many chances. Hopefully not with my life.
I took the second exit after entering Georgia, keeping a close eye