wondering about the future or the past. There are no buts about it. You are Adair MacLaine, and whatever mistakes you’ve made, Sterling made the bigger one when he lost you.”

“Seriously, what did you do with my best friend?” It’s like she’s a different person since she came back from Paris.

“I can’t help it,” she confesses. “I don’t like seeing you like this.”

“I just don’t understand why he came back,” I say softly.

“Yes, you do. He came back because he’s still in love with you.”

“That doesn’t explain why he’s trying to ruin my family,” I say.

Poppy arches an eyebrow. “This is Sterling. Of course, it does.”

She has a point. Sterling might love me. Sterling might be back for me. But there’s no denying that he’s not here looking for a happily ever after.



“Why do I always wind up in a tuxedo when I spend time with you?” Luca asks, messing with his black tie as we enter the Alumni Club’s ballroom that evening. “You’re a terrible date.”

“Stop doing that, dear.” I brush his hands away and playfully adjust it for him, earning me a scowl. His mood is hot and cold as usual. He didn’t exactly love filling the last chair at the MacLaine table for the evening. “You love tuxedos.”

“It’s not the suit that bothers me. It’s the fact that I have to spend all night listening to rich people talk about how rich they are,” he says, disdain dripping from his words as he surveys the crowd.

“You’re rich,” I remind him.

“I know. That’s the point.” He turns his withering stare on me, lowering his voice. “I also enjoy rock climbing, I paint, and, oh yeah, I kill people. Being rich is the least interesting thing about me.”

“Perhaps you should bring your interests into the conversation more,” I say dryly.

“That would go over well,” he mutters, forcing a smile as we pass a couple.

“You might get a few new contracts.”

“I only work for the family now.” He sighs. “I miss the good old days.”

Before I can remind him of the number of times he was in the crosshairs during those good old days, a familiar face spots us. There’s a moment of hesitation as the woman in the black lace dress studies me, trying to place where she’s seen me before. It’s been easier than I expected to blend back into Valmont. Very few members of our old crowd recognize me at first glance. I’m not surprised she does. Her head twists away, moving to whisper in the ear of the platinum-haired woman in a gold-sequined gown next to her. They’ve both changed considerably, but I recognize them from their predatory gaze. After all this time, Ava West and Darcy Palmer still scent fresh prey when it walks into a room.

They are day and night next to each other. Ava’s once dark hair is now bleached platinum blonde, but her porcelain skin and sharp eyes are the same as when we first met. Her crimson lips curl into a wicked smile as she begins to speak to the group of men clustered near her. Darcy has pulled her tight ringlets away from her face, showcasing her regal cheekbones and full pout of a mouth.

Whatever Ava says to the men sends heads swiveling in our direction. Cyrus doesn’t look surprised to see me, but Montgomery West and Oliver Hawthorne do.

“I get the feeling you’re being summoned,” Luca says as Ava wags a finger in my direction.

There’s a reason he’s with me tonight that has nothing to do with filling a seat. “Ready to meet the rest of the blacklist?”

For the first time this evening, his answering smirk is downright jubilant. “Lead the way.”

Our welcoming committee watches as we walk toward them.

“Sterling Ford, as I live and breathe!” Darcy Palmer abandons her poise and hugs me. Not to be outdone, Ava follows suit and adds a full-mouthed kiss for good measure. Malcolm nods hello as he continues his conversation with a few other business types. Money lingers nearby looking slightly bored. He doesn’t bother to acknowledge our arrival.

“You finally dragged your sorry ass back to Valmont.” Ava leans into me but her gaze skitters to Luca. She’s never been one to hide. She hunts in plain sight. “And who is this?”

“Luca,” he says before I can introduce him.

“Ava West.” Her hand flutters out to him and he takes it graciously, planting a kiss on it. “A gentleman!”

I choke back a laugh. It’s his most unlikely cover yet. Of course, Luca always knows how to charm the ladies. Malcolm doesn’t look as thrilled at his presence. No doubt he recognizes him. He clears his throat and Ava takes a step away from Luca. It’s clearly a warning and a response. Still, the two keep a measured distance from one another. Why is Ava taking orders from him?

“You’re saving me a dance,” Darcy says.

“I’m not much for dancing.”

“You’ll dance if I want you to,” she informs me, then glances to Luca. “You will, too.”

His hooked grin says he doesn’t mind at all. “Find me when the music starts.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” Her head tilts, her dark eyes appraising him with a little more interest. I know what she sees: the Rolex, the expensive tux, the money. She grabs Ava’s elbow, nearly spilling her champagne. Ava starts to object but Darcy doesn’t let her. “Excuse us, we need to make the rounds.”

“What was that about?” Luca asks under his breath.

“You’re blood in the water, my friend,” I explain. “Every woman will be circling you by the end of the night, trying to get a taste.”

He frowns. “Was that part of your plan? Bring me along as a distraction?”

“I told you I needed your help.”

“I feel so used,” he says dryly, snagging a glass from a passing tray.

“I’m sure you’ll get over it,” I say, noticing Malcolm’s eyes have followed Ava across the room. I can’t stop myself. “Lost your wife?”

“I have a headache,” Malcolm explains, touching his temples gingerly. “Ginny went

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