your life?” Adair asks coldly. Her interjection catches the attention of everyone at the table. They fall silent and wait for the rest of the story.

Luca turns a well-honed level of earnestness on her. “He did.”

In fairness, I have saved his life —on more than one occasion. It’s these little truths hidden in the lies that make it easier for him to sell.

Adair is either not impressed or doesn’t buy it, because she snorts and reaches for her wine glass. She’s always been a skeptic, especially when it comes to me.

“What an exciting way to meet,” Poppy gushes, clearly trying to salvage the tense mood at the table. She shoots a look at Kai, clearly requesting backup.

“How?” Kai jumps in. “Distract me from how hungry I am.”

Luca leans back in his chair and shrugs. “My car broke down halfway between London and Edinburgh. No cell service. Walking for help would’ve taken hours. That much exercise would definitely have killed me.” He tosses a winning smile at Adair, who stares blankly at him.

Trust her to be immune to his charm.

“London?” she repeats.

“I have family there,” he says casually.

“Oh, maybe I know them,” Poppy says. “What’s your last name again?”

“DeAngelo. Luca DeAngelo.”

Adair rolls her eyes at his dramatic delivery of this information, but I don’t miss how several of my table-mates tense when he says this. I knew that dropping the DeAngelo name wouldn’t go unnoticed. It seems the businessmen in this town know it. The DeAngelo presence isn’t as prevalent here as in major cities like New York — but for those with large corporations the DeAngelo family’s reach is well-known. Until now, there’s never been a DeAngelo presence in Nashville or its surrounding areas. The arrival of Luca in Valmont is a clear cause for concern. It’s much easier to ignore the shadier aspects of doing business globally when your domestic bubble is safe from your less savory international associates.

Poppy, however, is completely oblivious to this and continues on her crash course conversation. “What does your family do?”

“All sorts of things,” Lucas says. “We don’t have a traditional industry, I suppose.”

“Are you”—Ginny begins before Malcolm cuts her off.

“How refreshing. A Renaissance man,” he says, fingers fidgeting on a salad fork. “Certainly, we could all use a break from business discussions, though.”

“Probably. Did I hear you’re running for Senate?” Luca asks, managing to find an even more delicate topic.

Malcolm squirms in his chair. No doubt he’s wondering what could come of a DeAngelo’s interest in his campaign. MacLaine Media always considers the needs of its foreign investors, like the DeAngelo clan, in its publications and programs. However, politically, the family’s concerns lie with Valmont and its taxpayers—or lack thereof, if a MacLaine can help it.

“He’s going to win,” Ginny says proudly.

“I imagine so.” Luca’s smile bares a bit too much teeth to be congenial.

“You met in London? When?” Adair asks, dragging the topic back to how I supposedly met Luca. It’s not a simple question, though. It’s an interrogation. I don’t know if she thinks Luca’s story is bullshit, but she’s going to dissect it until she knows for sure. That much is clear.

“What was that? Four years ago?” Luca passes the ball back to my court.

When you’ve been in life-and-death situations with someone, you know how to communicate in precarious moments. Luca understands the answer to that question could have serious consequences. Trust Adair to want the particulars.

I tilt my head to him before shrugging at Adair. “Honestly, it’s all a blur.”

It’s a non-answer. It’s also the best I can do without knowing why she’s asking the question.

Ginny laughs, the tinkle of it falling like shattered glass between us. “That’s funny, because Adair was in —”

“Oh! The salad,” Poppy interrupts. This time it’s not an innocent insertion. I don’t miss how she casts a furtive look at her best friend.

The waiters could not have timed it more perfectly. The table partners into private conversation as the plates appear before us. I murmur an absent thanks to the server, but never take my eyes off Adair. She shifts into protective mode, adjusting the face she wears for the world. She chats with Kai, returning to her futile flirtations. Their conversation continues through dinner. Luca feeds an ever-increasing stream of bullshit to Poppy, who drinks it up while Cyrus appears torn between amusement and disapproval. He’s never been able to decide what to do with Poppy: invest in her or take his chances on finding a better prospect. It’s clear his feelings toward her haven’t changed. Cyrus never loved Poppy Landry before. He doesn’t now. Love matters less than business alliances in Nashville. Still, there’s no rock sparkling on her finger. It’s worse because she loves him. Anyone can see it. What I can’t decide is whether or not she realizes he doesn’t return that love? It’s obvious to everyone else.

Luca’s drawling baritone interrupts my reflections. “And that’s when Sterling says ‘I’ll buy you a new Rolex, but you have to take care of the camel.’”

I turn my head to stare at him while laughter breaks out across the table. Maybe I need to pay more attention to what he’s spewing before his lies become a liability.

“It sounds like you two have had quite the adventures.” Adair doesn’t sound impressed. She quirks an eyebrow in challenge.

“We have,” I tell her. Let her wonder if they involve camels or not.

The main course arrives and I stare at the block of artfully arranged tofu drizzled with a thick, green sauce.

“What happened to chicken or steak?” I ask.

“All the entrées are vegetarian,” Poppy says. A glance around the table confirms that we’re all eating the same dish.

“This is an event for an animal shelter,” Adair reminds me smugly.

“There are some patrons who prefer a cruelty-free menu,” Poppy says. Her dark eyes round with concern. “If you want something else...”

I hold up a hand. “It’s fine. I’ll find something tasty to eat later.”

I keep my eyes on Adair as I speak. She turns away, her cheeks

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