Natasha gets her off with swift efficiency. She leans over Sawyer and sucks her right nipple in her mouth. Sawyer brings her other hand to the back of Natasha's head and holds her there.
"Oh, Natasha. Please, please touch me."
Sawyer's body is vibrating under Natasha's hand. She can't keep her hips still, like she's still imagining fucking Natasha. Her breath starts to hitch and she babbles, "Fuck, Natasha, please don't stop. Keep going, yes, that's perfect." She trails off as her hips pump erratically.
Afterwards, Sawyer curls herself under Natasha's armpit and demands Natasha play with her hair. "I haven't been taken apart like that in…" Natasha fumbles for something that sounds long ago but not too long ago but, in reality, she can't remember a time when someone has systematically overwhelmed every part of her body like that.
Sawyer gives Natasha a satisfied smile and lets her eyes drift shut.
"You're so lovely, Natasha. I feel fortunate to touch you like this," Sawyer is often bristly, brusque, or else she's reaching for the joke. But in the artificial dark of the bedroom she sounds soft and sincere.
Natasha is used to feeling like an imposter. Sometimes Lucia is able to make Natasha feel like a real human, adult being, and it's a strange and wonderful feeling. It seems like Sawyer might have mastered the same trick. Natasha doesn't know how she has done it.
Most of the water from the top of the oil burner has evaporated now, and only a few drops fizz and spit in the bowl. Someone should top it up, or else blow the candle out.
Natasha's chest feels tight but she forces herself to concentrate on winding Sawyer's soft hair around her fingers. They are silent, and Natasha is sure Sawyer is drifting in and out of sleep.
It feels like it's just been a second when a harsh buzzing noise rends the air in the room. Sawyer scrabbles for her phone.
"Fucking hell, what's that?"
"It's my 'Stop Fucking' alarm! I felt bad this morning, when I saw you running off in a flap. I estimated you'd need 15 minutes to get yourself together and 25 minutes to walk to the centre. It takes me 20 but I gave you extra time because I've got youth on my side, and a few extra inches of height!"
Natasha rolls her eyes at Sawyer.
"Thank you, that's very thoughtful. Especially your concessions to my limitations. Sure you don't want to come with me?"
Sawyer shuffles up the pillows and looks like she's contemplating it.
"Thanks, but no. I'm going to finish reading this script in bed and get an early night."
Natasha drops a kiss on her head as she gets up to sort out her bag.
"You should get a glass of water, massages are surprisingly dehydrating."
Natasha grabs one of the few glasses that Sawyer has unpacked.
"You want anything?" Natasha shouts across the apartment.
"I'll have a glass of water with three bits of ice and some lemon," Sawyer trills back. Natasha can tell she's elated with herself.
Natasha sits on the edge of Sawyer's bed and drinks her water. She fills in her notebook from the earlier session, looks back at her old notes for this class, and then talks Sawyer through what she wants to achieve today. Before she leaves, she tops up Sawyer's water and hands her the script, a few different colored pens and some sticky notes.
As Natasha sails through the doors, she thumbs open her phone and texts Sawyer, "18 minutes, bitch."
She dances over to Lucia, who promptly picks up Natasha's arm and sniffs it.
"God. You smell of... flowers. And your lizard skin is so soft for once!"
"Well, I certainly don't need to do any stretching this evening, Miss Lucia!"
Lucia sighs, "By all means do tell me about all the kinky, freaky sex you've been having."
"Well, it wasn't kinky as in ball gags and spreader bars, but it was kinky as in rimming and me coming ever so hard all over her strap-on."
Lucia throws her cleaning cloth into the sink, "I can't believe you've been doing that all afternoon and the most exciting thing I've done has been writing up the fucking Fall seasonal specials board."
Natasha cackles and throws herself into a cartwheel on her way to the stairs.
The first meeting is always fairly casual, just a plate of cheap Danish pastry and a read through of the script. She knows Irma the Director well, and they have a brief discussion about her kids and what lipstick they are currently enjoying. Irma is pleased to hear that Sawyer is dating again, and Sawyer promises to find her a picture of Natasha.
Sawyer is glad for her musical theatre training in these meetings. They all inevitably involve a few warm up games and most of the technical team tend to stay in the corners, trying to pretend that nothing is happening. Sawyer is not averse to a bit of bean bag throwing, and she was a ninja at Zip, Zap, Zop in college. It's a small cast of all women, and everyone seems pretty switched on. Sawyer's glad she wore flats, and throws herself into bouncing from side to side, throwing bolts of energy around the circle.
Sawyer walks out of