a crazier fever dream than what I just experienced…But no, the couch cushions all over the floor are enough to tell me it was real. The crumpled clothes that they both tore off me in pure possessive hunger are a little extra just to be certain. And the three empty wine glasses where their hot and sexy mouths were a few moments ago are simply overkill at this stage.

God, the way they felt as they took me, the fullness in my mouth and pussy, the tastes of them, so utterly masculine. My whole body is alive with the memory of all those maddening sensations…

But I mean, seriously, what the actual fuck was I doing? I might have been a bad girl for them—like, what girl wouldn’t be—but what we just did is so uncharacteristic for me it’s making me wonder if I really am getting sick or something.

Andrew my ex’s face flashes in my thoughts with that condescending frown he used to have for me any time I showed any excitement or enthusiasm at all. And sure as rain I hear the words that inevitably followed: “Liza you’re being unreasonable.”

Well fuck him. I wish I could call him up right now and tell him how it felt to get serviced by not one but two impossibly gorgeous and oh so “talented” hunks, guys who weren’t afraid to actually feel something real for once…

But yeah, this is crazy. Worse is that speaking to them felt like the beginning of something far more meaningful than a one-night stand. It was like the three of us were laying the foundations for a mind-blowing relationship and I’ve still got enough sense in me to know trying something like that could only ever end in tears. Those guys were so sweet, so kind underneath their cocky bad boy exteriors…No way, I’m going to be the bitch who ruins a friendship as pure and powerful as theirs is.

But then I remember that day in the hall with Lee, and part of me wonders if it isn’t too late for that already…


Three Days Ago




It might not have been the worst day of my life, but so far it had sure proven itself to be a contender. I mean, already I was expecting to struggle to make rent each month going my own way in the city but now that I’d just lost my job at the restaurant? Things were seriously not looking positive.

I got back to the apartment building wondering just what the hell I was going to do. I mean, I’d already paid two months in advance as part of the lease when I moved in and had saved up enough to get me by for at least a few months—somehow even when I was with Andrew, I still hadn’t felt safe enough to go through life without a contingency plan. Growing up as poor as I had, my mom working two jobs just to keep a roof over me and my sister’s heads, had taught me the value of frugality. I remember I was cursing myself for blowing out on that extra pricey bottle of wine—I mean the one dang time I decided to live a little and this happens!—when I heard his voice call out to me from up ahead. I was so caught up in my own misery I was about to charge right into him…

“Hey, Liza right? Watch out…”

He knew my name. That was first thing that went through my head and it was a welcome surprise. I mean, as for me, of course I knew who he was. I’d memorized the names of all three of the utterly gorgeous studs a few doors down from my own, pricking my ears up every time I heard them palling around with each other and rough-housing in the hall on their way back from or heading out to their jobs at the hospital. Those guys never seemed to run out of steam. I have to admit their male model faces and impossibly sexy bods had flashed through my thoughts more than once on those lonely nights with the B.O.B.…

But I never thought in a million years they’d care enough to know who I was…

I looked up at him, Lee, the obvious leader of the gang as he stood towering above me with a physique more suited to an MMA ring than to a sensitive vocation like nursing. He was wearing a plain grey t-shirt and turquoise hospital scrubs over sneakers, his short and neat brown hair ending in a slight fringe that gave a Romanesque flavor to his already impossibly intense and intelligent grey eyes. Usually he was harder and colder than the others, seeming a little more reserved whenever I’d hear them playing around, always being the first to make them call it quits, but now his eyes showed only concern. I just about melted.

There weren’t any words to give.

“Everything alright?” he asked, arching a brow as he considered me, that handsome mouth turning down in a frown that made me want to find some reason to make it smile again.

“I…um…no,” I stammered out, “I just lost my job.”

“Shit,” Lee responded without a second’s hesitation. “I’m sorry to hear that. It’s a rough time out there. We’re seeing it ourselves you know.”

“Yeah,” I nodded, “I’d guess the hospital is pretty crazy right now.”

Lee caught my mistake before I did and suddenly a wickedly promising smile replaced that frown, eyes just as intense as ever as they pinned me to the spot.

“Oh,” he said, “so you do know who we are? No need to make an introduction then.”

I blushed deeply and I could tell he was enjoying it. Shit, could he have been…? No, no way a guy like that would be actually interested in a frump like me—a poor working girl with too-big-hips in a

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