in the dark. Even so, Rhea kept her night vision mode active, because Horatio still only connected every fifteen seconds to get the latest LIDAR data, whereas Rhea preferred a more regularly updated feed. It would take only fifteen seconds for a drone, infantry robot or bioweapon to spot her and move in for the kill. If she couldn’t see it, she couldn’t defend herself. Unfortunately, her night vision didn’t penetrate the current darkness very well anyway.

It took them another hour to reach the point where the broad pipeline from the ocean met the wall. The pipeline had been elevated to help protect it from attack by bioweapons, and the region located immediately underneath was very much in the green, and it would remain so day and night.

Rhea borrowed the visor from Horatio and called DragonHunter once more. “So, we’re here. Tell me you’ve dealt with the sensors.” Motion sensors were embedded beneath the pipes, meant to warn city employees of potential sabotage, or attacks by bioweapons. They would trigger as soon as Rhea and the others stepped underneath.

“I have,” DragonHunter replied. “I went the old-fashioned route, like last time, relaying a bribe on your behalf to a few of the monitoring station employees. They’ve promised to look the other way.”

“How can we be sure they’ll keep that promise?” she asked.

“Oh, they will, don’t worry,” DragonHunter assured her. “They’re big Warden fans. They’d never betray you.”

With a sigh, Rhea thanked him and disconnected. She returned the visor to Horatio, and the party proceeded into the gap between the pipeline’s underside and the ground. If there were active motions sensors, they would be triggering at that very moment.

But the station employees must have really been fans, because no security forces arrived. Either that, or DragonHunter had given them a lot of money.

The party continued eastward, until the city wall no longer ate up the stars, and was a tiny smudge against the sky. Because they had moved out of range of the LIDAR from the city cameras, she decided to rest before going any further. Thus, the party made camp.

And that had been her plan. Now fulfilled.

Gizmo landed on top of the pipeline and kept watch on the plains. Horatio also stood guard, keeping an eye out from underneath the pipeline.

In the morning, they continued onward with first light, intending to put as much distance between themselves and the city as possible. The area immediately underneath the pipeline remained green, while outside it the rocky plains were always red. The motion sensors overhead flashed continually, but no security forces, city contractors, or otherwise ever came to investigate.

The party intermittently passed the long, wide supports that held up the pipeline on either side. These supports combined to form an arch overhead, providing just enough clearance for a small vehicle to travel underneath.

“We should have brought the SUV,” Renaldo complained. He was panting.

Rhea glanced over her shoulder at him. “We would’ve had a bit of trouble leaving the ruins… the green zone next to Aradne’s wall wasn’t wide enough for a vehicle.”

“I suppose not,” Renaldo said.

“Come on, a little exercise will do you good for a change,” Will said. “You’re used to sitting down at that virtual desk of yours all day…”

“We’ll be doing a lot of sitting shortly,” Rhea added. “So enjoy the exercise while you can. We’ll be cramped aboard a ship for five days. Plus, we have to wait for it to arrive.”

“I can’t wait,” Renaldo cracked.

As the day came to a close, Rhea decided that they’d traveled east far enough, and called a halt.

“We’ll wait for our ride here,” she announced.

Renaldo had fallen behind, so when he finally arrived to find the party seated, he said: “So we’re done for the day? You’re not just waiting for me to catch up?”

“We’re done for the day, and the trip,” she said. “The shuttle will pick us up here.”

“Thank goodness.” Renaldo flopped down. “I don’t think I could take another day of this. Marching. It’s for the plebes!”

Miles arched an eyebrow. “‘Plebes?’ Correct me if I’m wrong, but you do live in Rust Town, don’t you? We’re all ‘plebes.’”

“No,” Renaldo said. “We’ve moved beyond that. We’re Wardenites now. We mean something. We have worth.”

Miles snorted. “So you say.”

Renaldo glanced at Rhea. “Besides, I’m not like you, Warden. I tire easily. I don’t have a body enhanced by nano technology.”

“Our bodies aren’t enhanced by nano technology,” Miles said. “And you don’t hear us complaining.”

Renaldo waved him away and popped a fat pill. He downed it with a swig from his canteen.

“How long did you say we have until our pickup?” Brinks asked.

“Six more days,” Rhea replied.

Renaldo burped loudly.

“It’s going to be a long wait,” Brinks said.


The days passed slowly. Rhea didn’t mind. It gave her a chance to mentally prepare herself for what was coming. She didn’t know what would happen when she arrived on Mars to confront Khrusos. She didn’t know if she would survive it. All she knew was that she couldn’t live this way, always on the run.

Before they’d left the safe house, Renaldo had arranged for the delivery of extra rations and water, so the team had more than enough to last for the week. After all, it wasn’t like they could simply tap into the pipeline for their hydration needs, as the ocean water was unprocessed, and much too salty.

On the second day, Rhea borrowed the obfuscated AR visor from Horatio and called DragonHunter. “So, any news on our pickup provider?”

Targon wasn’t going to personally handle their pickup, because his transport couldn’t handle atmospheric reentry. That meant a third party would have to convey Rhea and her team into orbit.

“I’ve arranged for a shuttle, yes,” DragonHunter said. “A personal transport, actually. From a subscriber to your SubverseTube channel.”

“Oh really?” Rhea asked. “You’ve vetted this subscriber, right? He’s not some random dude?”

“I’ve checked him out,” DragonHunter replied. “He’s legit. But don’t be alarmed when you board the shuttle and find it unmanned. Our subscriber friend wants to

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