to tell me something important. I just had to open up the door and let them in.

“Hello? Mr. LeVay?”

My eyes snapped open as the knocks came again. Getting out of the diabolically comfortable chair, remote still in my hand, I traveled, over the floor and past the bathroom, on a quest to answer the call. I opened the door.

“Hi,” she said, her voice a lot softer than when she had first called.

The stunning vision before me couldn’t be real. Face of Aphrodite. Curves of Mother Hera. Dark hair in a braid reaching down to her luscious ass. Crystalline eyes full of love and compassion, if not also a fair bit of confusion.

“Emma?” I asked.

“Yes, sir. I am here to assist you. I mean, to be your assistant. My room is next door, but I figured I would come over and, y’know, introduce myself.”

“Please, come in,” I said, stepping out of the way and sweeping my arm in welcome. “Would you like something to drink, or maybe a snack? The minibar is fully stocked.”

“Oh, well. I don’t usually go near those things. Isn’t it, like, five dollars per pistachio?”

“Not really, but close,” I admitted with a laugh, “But it’s not a problem; knock yourself out.”

Letting out a sound of joy, Emma dashed to the minibar, her bare feet moving easily on the floor. Had she been wearing heels, I might have worried. Down on her knees so she could open the door, her ass was even more visible; her skirt, which was already quite short for business wear, stretched tightly over the curvy flesh.

An old and familiar urge bubbled up in me. I wanted so much to pull up her skirt, yank aside her panties, and devour her until she screamed with pleasure. However, realizing this would probably affect our working relationship, I restrained myself.

I knew I couldn’t touch her. At least, not in the way I wanted. It was going to be difficult, but I would prevail.

As she emerged, her arms full of goodies, I could see her goodies in profile, pressing up against the inside of her blouse, yearning to break free.

“Sorry. I guess I went kinda nuts, huh?” Emma said, putting the bounty on the small dining table.

“Not at all,” I said, looking her over again, not able to get enough.

One thing that struck me was how young she looked. I knew Faust & Moore had a policy against hiring anyone under 25, so she couldn’t be more than nine years younger than me, but her age was hard to place; the fullness of her figure clashed somewhat with the innocence in her eyes and demeanour. I wondered if she was a virgin.

“Wanna sit down?” she asked with a nervous giggle.

“Certainly,” I said, pulling out the chair across from her.

“Isn’t that better?”

“Quite a bit, actually. So, tell me a bit about yourself.”

“Well, I just moved to the city a couple of months ago. Relocated for the job.”

“Where are you from originally?”

“… No, I can’t say,” Emma said, trying to wave off the idea.

“Why not?”

“You’ll laugh at me.”

“Why would I laugh?” I asked, trying to think of where it could be.

“… I’m from Wyoming. There, I said it. Come on, I’m ready. Bring on the ‘big empty land’ jokes. I’ve heard ‘em all, I think. And yes, I did have a cow for a pet. Adorable little calf. Grew up, of course. Never ate her. Been a vegetarian since.”

“That’s not funny at all,” I said.

“It isn’t?” Emma asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

“No. I think it’s sweet. A bit unusual, but there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“Well, good, ‘cause I got that in spades,” Emma said. “Unusualness, I mean. And maybe some sweetness.”

Oh, I’m sure you do, I thought to myself, And I’d love to take a taste.

“So, you started at the firm a couple months ago? Did they hire you right out of college?”

“Yeah, actually. I was really surprised. I only really sent in my resume ‘cause my best friend dared me to. I was pretty sure she was making fun of me, but I thought it was pretty funny too, and I figured, what the heck?”

“‘What the heck?’” I repeated.

“That’s what I thought.”

“You actually use ‘heck?’”

“Oh, um, yeah. My folks were pretty hard on cussin’. ‘Specially with me. Got my bottom burned a fair few times because of it. Mama would make me go out and find a switch, and then Daddy would put me over his lap. Only took a few times before I stopped all together.”

“Well, they’re not here now. You can speak freely,” I said, seething with anger on the inside. I might have been interested in control, but only with people who gave it up freely. I was actually a big believer in personal autonomy as a general principle; you should only affect yourself and those who freely choose to engage with you. To use violence to impose your will on someone was horrific; it was the closet thing to a sin in my personal beliefs.



“Cool! I’m really looking forward to assisting you, and I’m more than ready and willing to do anything you need. Anything!”

I couldn’t be sure, but the way she said it, it almost seemed like there was a double meaning to her words. I doubted that she knew all of what ‘anything’ would entail, when it came to the sexual realm, but it was still cute, and pretty damn arousing, for her to offer. Even though my logical mind knew that it could never really be, the potential was fun to think about.

“I-I should go get my stuff. My work stuff. Stuff for work. In here, in this place of work,” Emma babbled, adorably flustered.

Going back to her room through the adjoining door, I didn’t even look

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