them having afuture. “Very well. I will leave here early and take care to avoidany of your family.”

“I’ll explain that you,that…oh, I’ll think of something by then.”

Elizabeth watched John move about thedarkened chamber as he dressed and packed his belongings back intohis bag. She wanted to ask him to stay. She was not ready to partfrom him again. The first time was difficult enough; today it wasdoubly so. But to ask him to stay meant asking him to give up lifeas he knew it, and that was something she would neverdo.

He straightened and paused, bag in hishand. She rose from the bed to approach him. No words were spokenthis morning. What was there to say? Instead, he dropped the bagand pulled her close. His lips told her everything she needed, andtears stung at the back of her lids.

John pulled away and looked down ather. “Be safe.”

Elizabeth forced a smile. “Youtoo.”

He turned to open the door and steppedout into the hall, colliding with someone stalking towards thestairs.

“Trent, what the hell areyou doing here?”

“Bloody hell.” It was saidlow, but Elizabeth heard John just the same.

“Get in here, both of you,before you disturb the entire household.”

Her cousin Nicholas and John steppedinside. It was John who pushed the door closed, while Nicholasstood, arms crossed over his chest, feet braced, looking back andforth between the two. Oh, this was not going to go well at all.Nicholas tended to be a tad bit protective and wasn’t afraid to usehis fists.

She rushed forwards to hug her cousin.“Nick, it is so good to see you. How have you been?”

He didn’t return her embrace butglared at John. “Where is your husband, Jean Pierre?”

Elizabeth’s eyes sought John’s. Shewould let him explain who Jean Pierre was.

John took a step back and leanedagainst the door. “I am Jean Pierre Bouvier.”

“The hell you are!”Nicholas turned on her. “What is going on here,Elizabeth?”

“In France, he is known asJean Pierre Bouvier.” It wasn’t an explanation, but all she waswilling to offer. Somehow she had to save John’s career.

“I don’t care what he isknown by anywhere else. That is John Phillip Trent.” Nicholaspointed an accusing finger towards the door where John stood. “AndI want to know what he was doing in your bedchamber, especiallythis early in the morning?”

“Because Grandfather thinkswe are married.”

Nicholas glared down at her. “Are youmarried to anyone, Elizabeth?”

“Well, you see…” How couldshe explain without ruining everything for John?

“No,” John answered as hepulled away from the door and sauntered towards Nicholas. “But,there is a very good explanation.”

Nicholas raised an eyebrow and hisarms dropped to his side.

John took a step back. “I need for youto swear secrecy.”

“I am not doing a blastedthing until you explain to me what you are doing in my unmarriedcousin’s bedroom.”

Elizabeth grabbed Nick’s arm. She knewthat look too well, and if she didn’t stop him, Nick would flattenJohn’s nose before he had a chance to defend himself. “Nicholas,please. Let us explain, and I beg of you, you must never tellanyone.”

He looked down into her eyes as ifweighing his decision. “Very well, but only for you, and I amgiving myself the option to change my mind.”

It was as good a promise as she wasgoing to get from him. “You see, I haven’t been married living inthe south of France all this time.”

Nicholas grunted. “So Igathered.”

“I was working inTuileries.”

Nicholas barked out laughter. “Youactually expect me to believe that. I’d be more likely to believethat John is this Jean Pierre.”

“It is the truth.” Thecold, reasonable voice came from John. “We have both been workingfor the Home Office.”

Nicholas looked back and forth betweenthem a few times before he sank into a chair. The serious looks ontheir faces combined with John’s tone must have convincedhim.

John offered an abridged version ofhow they came to be at the castle. “So, do you see why secrecy isof utmost importance?”

Nicholas stood, more relaxed than hehad been when he first entered the room.

“Yes, I do. And I willguard your secret. However, you still shared a bed with mycousin.”

John grinned. “I slept on that blastedsettee all night.”

Nicholas looked to where John pointed.A pillow and blanket were still there as evidence. He looked backat John. “Then you are assuring me that you have never touched mycousin at any time during all those years at thepalace?”

“No. She would not evenallow the slightest peck on the cheek.”

Elizabeth smiled at the thick Frenchaccent she had come to recognize as Jean Pierre.

“And when you escaped?During those weeks of traveling up the river, and across thechannel, just the two of you?”

Elizabeth held her breath. Would Johnlie to Nicholas?

“Explain touch.”

The tension flew back into Nicholas’sshoulders and his hands fisted. “You bloody bastard. You knowexactly what I mean by touch. Did you compromise Elizabeth in anyway?”

“If you are asking if Imade love to her, then the answer is yes.”

Elizabeth sucked in a breath andreached for Nicholas’s arm, but it was too late. His fist connectedwith John’s nose, and blood splattered onto his shirt.

“That was not necessary.”Elizabeth put herself between the two men. “I am old enough to takecare of myself and make my own decisions. Do not punish John forsomething I wanted.”

“I refuse to believe he didnot seduce you.” He pushed her out of the way and leaned towardsJohn. “You, I will meet tomorrow morning in the southfield.”

“No,” Elizabethcried.

“Really, you wish tochallenge me and face me on Christmas morning?”

Thank goodness tomorrow was Christmas.It gave her time to stop this madness.

“The day after.” Nicholasgrabbed Elizabeth’s wrist. “You are coming with me.”

She dug in her heels. “I am mostcertainly not.”

He swung around, shaking his finger ather. “You will not be alone with him again.”

“Danby already thinks he ismy husband. How do you suggest I avoid him when Grandfather refusedto give him his own chamber last night?”

Nicholas opened his mouth to speak,then closed it.

“Are you going to renege onyour promise so quickly?”

“No.” He let go and turned.“I will think of something. Grandfather would have an apoplexy ifhe ever learned what you have really been doing.”

“My thoughtsexactly.”

The door pushed open. “What would giveme an apoplexy?”

Elizabeth’s heart ceased for a momentbefore it began

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