“She did not tell me,” Genviève saidslowly.
Acker suspected there was much Juliette hadnot shared with her younger sister. Or, at least he hoped that wasthe case. On the other hand, it would explain Genviève’s dislike ofhim.
“We barely had time to speak. We met as I wasleaving the theatre. Her appearance took me completely bysurprise.”
She snorted.
“Juliette was gone before I could askanything further.”
“The company is already set.”
Perhaps she will be cast in the next ballet.“I would like to call on her. Might I have her direction?”
Miss Mirabella took a step back again. “Youwill need to ask Juliette’s permission.” She lifted her bouquet offlowers higher. “I must go.” She turned and hurried away.
Acker was not about to stand there and watchthis woman walk away. It was bad enough he let Juliette run offyesterday and he wasn’t going to lose her sister too. He hurriedafter her, nearly knocking an older servant over in her pursuit.“But how can I ask her permission if I do not know where to findher?”
Miss Mirabella simply shrugged and continuedwalking.
“Please, wait.”
Her shoulders lifted and then dropped as ifshe heaved a heavy sigh before turning to face him. “I will nottell you where we live.”
“Then how am I to find her?”
Miss Mirabella glanced past his shoulder anda slow smile came to her lips. “Simply turn around.”
Juliette glanced around the flower market forGenviève. She should have known that it was too early to call onthe theatres seeking employment but she was too anxious to waitaround the house. She needed to find work. Even though maman sleptafter drinking the tea, she still coughed. Hopefully Hélène wouldgain a position with the modiste. That only left Juliette to find ajob. But what else could she do in the evening besides dance.Someone had to be with mother at all times. Leaving Mother alonefor a few hours, as she did this morning, would not cause any harmand she was sleeping. But, she couldn’t be alone all day. Not untilshe was well again.
The pounding began at the base of her skulland was climbing to the top of her head. All this thinking andworrying was getting her nowhere. She stopped for a moment andrubbed her temples before she once again looked for Genviève. Sheknew her sister would be here to pick out fresh flowers for heremployer. Surely Genviève would have a suggestion, wouldn’t she?She hardly saw her sister as of late. Genviève usually left earlyin the morning, not returning until supper. There simply had notbeen much of an opportunity to ask if her sister had furthersuggestions of where Juliette could find a position that allowedher to be home during the day.
Across the Piazza she saw Genviève speakingto a taller gentleman. He was in the shadows of a canopy andJuliette could not make out his coloring of features. Had Genvièvemet someone? Life would be easier for everyone if one of themmarried, if the gentleman could afford to help maman. The remainingtwo sisters could survive alone but it was maman who neededhelp.
As she approached the gentleman slowly turnedin her direction and Juliette’s heart stilled for a moment. Why wasGenviève speaking with Lord Acker?
His smile broadened and he took a step in herdirection. “I’ve been looking for you.”
She folded her arms across her chest. Shewould not succumb to his charm no matter how handsome he was in thesunlight. “To what purpose?” she demanded.
“Would you care to walk with me?” Lord Ackerheld out his arm.
Juliette glanced back to her sister.
“Your sister is welcome to join us,” LordAcker quickly assured her.
“I must return,” Genviève responded. “I amalready behind and I don’t wish to be sacked.” She gave a quick nodand was gone.
Juliette glanced back at Lord Acker. He heldout his arm so that she could link her hand through his elbow. Didshe dare walk with him? Shouldn’t she return to Mother?
“Just for a few moments,” he insisted, as ifreading her hesitation.
What would a stroll with Acker harm? Itwasn’t as if they were alone in her classroom and there was nothreat of rain at the moment so she should be safe. Julietteslipped her hand through the crook of his arm and he led her awayfrom the crowds and down the walk.
“Why return to London after so many years?”He asked.
Juliette shrugged. She would like to knowthat reason as well as he, but her mother would not provide areasonable explanation. “As I told you in Milan, Maman likes tomove about and usually without a moment’s notice.”
What did he mean by that?
“I called on you the next day, to apologizefor my behavior.”
Did she dare hope he saw her in a differentlight.
No, don’t think that way Juliette. If he wereinterested in a more permanent and respectable position, he wouldhave never suggested she become his lover in the first place.Though, she wished she could have heard his explanation. Not thatit mattered now. That was a year ago and he had probably moved on,as she had tried to do.
“Your entire family was gone and only a fewservants remained with the stacks of crates.”
Despite herself, a smile pulled at Juliette’slips. “That is the way with Maman. Once a decision is made, shedoesn’t wait to plan.
“How long have you been in London?”
“Not long.”
“Where did you go when you left Milan? I’velooked for you.”
She doubted he had looked but Juliette wouldhumor him. “Where?”
Acker stopped and turned to stare down ather. “I will have you know that I hired investigators to visit thecities known for ballet to see if you were dancing in one ofthem.”
Juliette took a step back. She hadn’texpected him to go to so much trouble. Were his feelings deeperthan she realized. “I haven’t danced since leaving Milan.”
He grasped her hand in his. “Where wereyou?”
Acker was so urgent in needing to know thatJuliette decided to tell him. “We traveled to Genova and sailed toEngland. Once we arrived in Dover, Maman decided to travel aroundEngland and Scotland before coming to London.”
“And now you live here?” he gestured aroundCovent Gardens.
It wasn’t the nicest area of town, butcertainly not the worst. Besides, it was no different than