at it and then accepted.They did not leave by a door that would take them by their mothers,but an entirely different exit to the east of the mansion. The pathfrom the door led to a parterre of an intricate design with brightspring flowers of yellow and white blooming amongst theboxwoods.

“It is beautiful here.”

Acker glanced around. “Yes, it is.” BentleyManor had always been a well-kept, well-organized estate withnothing out of place.

“What is that, ahead of us?” Juliette askedas they strolled around the side of the house.

“A maze,” he said with a grin.

“I’ve never been in a maze before. Is it verydifficult to maneuver?”

Acker hadn’t been in this particular maze inseveral years and wondered if he recalled how to get through itwithout getting lost. “I played in here a few times as a boy.”

“Will you show it to me?”

He would like nothing better than to get lostin the maze with Juliette. “It would be my pleasure.”

He led her to the entrance and steppedinside. They could go left, right or straight ahead. Whichdirection led them to the center? He closed his eyes and tried toremember. “Left, I think we go left.” They did so but when theyturned right at the end they were blocked.

“Are you sure you won’t get me lost in here?”she laughed.

His face heated. “I was wrong. We need to goright.”

“Why not straight?”

“Oh, you should never go straight, ever,” hesaid in a hushed tone.

Her eyes widened. “Why not?”

“Dragons live down there,” he whispered. “Orthey did when I was a boy and we mustn’t disturb the dragons.”

She chuckled and followed him in the oppositedirection they had originally gone. Twice he made incorrect turnswhile trying to reach the center. “Are you sure you won’t get uslost in here?”

“I promise to bring you back out safely, butin the event I fail, you will be rescued.”

“How?” she asked with a laugh.

Acker pointed to the upper windows of thehouse. “Whenever someone has gone missing, usually guests, Bentleysends a servant up to the top floor to look down into themaze.”

She glanced up to where he pointed and noddedbefore she allowed him to pull her deeper and deeper inside.

“From what I understand, Eleanor’s brothershad to be rescued quite a few times before they remembered theway.”

“Weren’t they afraid of the dragons?”Juliette whispered.

It was good to see her smile. “If you eversee them come in here, you’ll notice they each carry a small,wooden sword, just in case they need to slay one.”

“And what of you?” She asked with concern.“You have no weapon to protect this maiden.”

Acker frowned. “That was poor planning on mypart, but have no fear, my lady, I will see that you areunharmed.”

Her eyes twinkled with laughter and it wasall he could do not to pull her in his arms and kiss her. He wouldhave if he didn’t fear they were being watched from above. For themoment he couldn’t recall which rooms overlooked this portion ofthe estate, but they all belonged to a family member.

Acker grabbed her hand and pulled her throughthe last turns until they reached the center. She gasped when heled her inside. It was a perfect square with four benches at eachof the different walls formed by the tall, manicured bushes. Thearea was paved and had a fountain in the center. He had forgottenthe simple beauty of this place. Or perhaps, he hadn’t appreciatedit as a boy.

She turned and walked around the center,dipping her fingers in the water, a delightful smile on herface.

“At least we avoided the dragons,” sheteased.

Acker grew serious and placed an arm abouther waste. “Only in this part of the maze, for they do not come inhere.” He looked around as if he were being overly cautious andthen lowered his voice. “But we will need to leave eventually.”

Juliette rolled her eyes and pulled away fromhim before wandering to a bench to sit. It was the very spot he hadhoped to lead her to because it was the only place to relax thatwas not in view of the windows of the mansion as it was blocked bythe tall hedges. He settled beside her, picked up her hand andcurled his fingers around hers. It felt so small and delicate incomparison to his own. She glanced down, a light blush staining hercheeks.

“Are you comfortable at Bentley Manor?” Ifthe memories were too much he would gladly take her to hisestate.

“You must have thought me quite sillyyesterday. I don’t know why I reacted as strongly as I did.”

Acker shifted and placed his other handagainst her cheek. “Never. I only wish I could have eased yourpain.”

She smiled gratefully up at him.

“Do you remember anything else?”

Juliette shook her head. “I have no otherreal memories, just feelings. Some pleasant, such as when I am withnurse.”

The woman had probably been the one to carefor Juliette most of the time and it stood to reason the womanwould make her feel safe.

“I am getting used to being here. It is oddlyfamiliar yet there is nothing else specific. I just know wherecertain rooms are and can go anywhere I please without the need ofdirection.”

“Except this maze,” he reminded her.

Juliette laughed. “I doubt I would have beenallowed to wander in here at such a young age.”

Acker wondered how often her brothers had runin here to hide when they were children, if they weren’t too afraidto hide from Bentley.

“I am glad we are here for mother’s sake,”she continued. “The air will be good for her, and she has yourmother for company. I know maman has enjoyed renewing herfriendship with Lady Acker.”

“I saw the dowager sitting with them aswell.”

“Yes,” Juliette brightened. “The two aregetting on very well. I suppose it is because they have much incommon having been married to such a beast.”

Acker didn’t laugh because he knew Juliettewas not joking. Her father bordered on evil.

“Do you resent your mother for taking youaway?” Since the discovery of who she was, the question had plaguedhim. How would he feel if there was a life he had been denied andall choices taken out of his hands?

“At first I was resentful for being lied toall of these years. I wasn’t

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