a very nice home here and a good size garden,” the lady, Pippa, says as the trio retires to the lounge, Pippa sitting next to her husband Nigel on the sofa.

Over the next twenty minutes, the couple asks James a whole range of questions. Whatever answers they are looking for, it seems James has given them as they invite him to visit their kennels and meet some of the dogs.

James hadn’t realised it before but he is quite looking forward to the visit. The idea of a dog around the house has perked him up no end.

When he was growing up, he had dogs but didn’t want one when he and his wife had children after attending a call-out when he was a uniformed police officer and had seen the aftermath of a dog left in the house with a two-year old baby and the consequences.

The day after the visit, James drives up to the address given to him by the couple from A Dog for Life. The building is white, with a double glass door leading into the reception area.

There is a sign above the entrance saying 'Welcome to A Dog for Life'.

Nigel and Pippa Clark, who had visited him at home, are waiting for him at the reception desk.

“Ah, right on time, I see. That’s good. Please come through, we’d like you to meet a few of the dogs and see if you find one of them right for you. Remember what we said. If you don’t feel any of them would be right then we’ll leave it for today and wait a week or two.”

The couple takes James into the kennels area. It consists of twenty-four cages, twelve feet by ten feet with good lighting and each one holding a different dog. Every dog is meticulously groomed and reasonably happy, their water bowls full, and there is a lot of room for the dogs to move around.

As they walk along, James can see each dog come forward wagging their tails, sniffing and looking at him. James instantly falls in love with all of them and can easily have taken every one of them home with him.

But as he spends more time walking round, one of the dogs starts to stand out from the rest; the way it turns its head to one side makes James’ heart melt.

“This is Rufus,” Pippa explains. “As you can see he’s a beautiful Dalmatian about a year old.”

In the end, James spends nearly two hours with Rufus and the pair of them get on famously.

Pippa gives James a printed list of the things he will need to purchase before Rufus can be allowed to go home with James.

“There’s just the matter of the adoption paperwork and fee to sort out. After that arrange a date for a home visit to check James has got everything in place and the charity will bring Rufus with them and stay for an hour or two to ensure Rufus is happy in his new home.

Two days later, a small van from A Dog for Life pulls up outside James house and Nigel and Pippa Clark lead Rufus up the front path.

When the door opens, Rufus jumps up to greet James. He smiles and makes a big fuss of the dog and leads the trio inside.

An hour later, just the couple leaves.

Chapter Fifty-Seven

At two o’clock, Dragos returns holding two boxes of pizza, one for the twins and one for himself and Kronid, who is sitting watching TV.

He hands one to Kronid who takes the pizza box and unlocks the door of the office, walks in and places it on the table. The girls start to eat. Kronid walks out of the office, locks the door and carefully places the key into his pocket. Dragos knows Kronid doesn’t trust him.

The Rohypnol drug Dragos has sprinkled into the food will take effect in about twenty minutes. Rohypnol is a tranquiliser about ten times more potent than Valium. It will make the girls tired and drowsy. So they won’t be able to resist when he has his fun with them.

He’s also put the drug into the food he just handed to his colleague. Once the drug takes effect and Kronid becomes drowsy he’ll dispose of him, just as he and Chris have been planning. They plan to split Kronid’s share of the money fifty-fifty. The thought doesn't bother Dragos in the slightest. He has killed before. And taking care of his associate is something he is very much looking forward to.

Unaware of what Dragos is planning, Kronid sits down and tucks into his pizza.

“I’m going to eat mine outside,” Dragos lies.

As he reaches the outside door, his phone rings. The display tells him it is from Chris.

He walks towards the corner of the building, so he is out of earshot from Kronid.

“How did it go?”

“Yes. It has all gone to plan. We have the cash and checked it for tracking devices and it’s all good.

The boss will be over at five o’clock for the share out and to take care of the girls.”

Can I leave you to take care of our little problem there?

“Yes. It will be my pleasure. He has been a pain in the arse.”

“Okay do it. I will be there in about an hour and in the meantime have your fun.”


Dragos throws his untouched pizza on the path in front of the Mercedes and goes back inside. He sits on the sofa and pretends to be watching the TV, all the time keeping an eye on Kronid for signs the drug has taken effect.

Twenty minutes later, he casually walks over to the inspection pit.

“Kronid, quick. Come and look at this.”

Kronid staggers to his feet and walks over.

“Look,” Dragos says.

Kronid is unsure of what is happening. He looks Dragos in the eyes then switches his vision down into the pit. He sees nothing unusual.

He looks confused and drowsy. The drug is taking effect.

“Who were you talking to on the phone earlier?” Kronid asks.

“I was speaking to Chris.

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