“Seti, can you take command of the new residents? Offer food, water, blankets, whatever, and make sure Healer Minki has what she needs. Then Tamez, Sully, and Catori can divide the new residents up and begin questioning them while you join Chief Quanah and Lowell give a status update. I’ll stay here to speak with Gray and the MacGillivrays, then speak with Chief Quanah.”
“Sheriff, I don’t want thirty traumatized new residents if we can help it. Can an empath stay with them? If any physical injuries need to be seen to, can you get a PsyWitch to check them out along with a healer of your choice?”
“Gray, Healer Minki is still with them. She can recruit additional empaths. Seti, get Sully to ask his sister to help out with any physical injuries.” With that, Lt. Setimika heads toward the group near the processing center.
“Gray, walk me through what happened.” I give Sheriff Helki a rundown of the events, from coming to check on the group all the way to his arrival.
“Do you think you were spotted by the rooftop guard?”
“Meathead? Maybe. I felt a mind sweeping my area, it could have been Mental Guard Roberts with the residents, or Meathead on the roof. Whoever it was detected a shielded area, but it was Mental Guard Roberts who sent the two guards to investigate. You know, the ones captured by the PsyKinetic-PsyPorter combo.”
“So, they didn’t know you were here specifically, they just felt a general shield somewhere around this area and chose to investigate?”
“I think so, correct.”
“Thanks. Tiko, you were with me when you said you had an idea and that your sisters and a PsyPorter was needed. Time was short, so I didn’t ask details. But now I need you to explain some things.”
“Sure, Sheriff. First, all new residents had to give blood samples and have their picture taken when they were accepted as residents, and again when they arrived at the El Paso military base, then finally another blood sample was given when they boarded the buses here. Their bus blood samples are labeled, sorted by complex, put on ice, and transported to the main processing center. When we process them, we also have them provide a cheek swab and fingerprints. The measures today are mainly for screening purposes, but also to make sure the identities are checked at multiple stages. I pulled the cooler of blood for this complex and accessed the pictures of the residents sent over from El Paso. I also had my sisters put on their bone armor just in case and had a PsyPorter standing by.
“Once we had a visual of the situation here, I checked faces against the new complex residents and was able to identify the names the guards used. I pulled their blood samples then had the girls drink some of each, then hurry here to Still Waters. Libby, Vic, and Jay, can you describe to Sheriff Helki what you did and why?”
“I’ll start,” Libby says. “We drank from the samples to gain control of their blood. Plan A didn’t require much blood, but we didn’t know if it would work, so we drank enough blood to render them unconscious if it came to it. The problem with the second option is it depends on denying blood to the brain and hypoxic damage is ”
Vic continues the narrative, “we got here and as soon as we were in range, we began to push their blood out of their orifices. The purpose was not to bleed them out, but to give them a thin coat of blood.”
“We did like Vic said. Then we let the PsyPorter know that he could initiate psyportation. Usually, animal blood explodes from the dimensional forces. We hoped by coating them with blood first, it would provide a slim barrier, so they might be able to survive being transported a very short distance.”
“Thanks, Jay. I know what happened from there. The PsyPorter was with us and he cleared the area where the infiltrators arrived. All three were breathing last I checked, but they were unconscious and we’re not sure if they’ll survive.”
“It was the best option we had to give them some chance of survival, Sheriff. We honestly don’t care if they do. I don’t know how Greg, the PsyPorter, feels but he agreed to transport the guards, dead or alive.”
“What Libby said. They think they can try to sneak in, take prisoners, and attack us? I think it would be best if we never acknowledge their presence and let whoever sent them wonder what the outcome was. It’s not like they can contact us and ask what happened to their secret military spies.”
“Thanks, Tiko. I’ll let Chief Quanah know your opinions.” Sarcasm initiated.
“You’re welcome, Sheriff.” And sublimely returned. Things are back to normal.
“Sheriff Helki, is this all you need me for? I would like to brush my teeth and wash my face of Meathead’s blood.”
“That’s it for now, Gray. But everyone should be on stand-by for Chief Quanah.”
Chief Quanah wants to speak with not only with the Psycepts involved, but other departments too. He asked for a group meeting with military, police, and select Psycepts present, including some of the new residents, to explain some of the tactics we used. We asked for it to be brief and ideally next week as I and others are busy with new Psycept Orientation. As the entire infiltration team survived, at least so far, Chief Quanah has plenty of questioning to do in the meantime. Therefore, he’s allowing our meeting to take place at the end of this week. Joy.
I don’t have time to anticipate that right now as it’s Monday, the first day of the new month which is always busy. More importantly, it’s my day to do three back-to-back Orientation sessions. The last one is in Spanish which I should have placed first, when I’m fresh. Oops, can’t change it