Seeing the emotion playing across his features stunned her. She had seenhim happy, aroused, amused and now, because of Demascus, even angry. His facewas the epitome of heartbreak. He seemed completely torn, as if unsure what todo next.

“Okay, big guy, this is what’s going to happen. I’m going tostay in the other room until they say I can come back and we get rid of thisHannah chick. When she’s gone, we finalize our bridal contract. Nothingchanges. Understand?” Reaching up, she cupped his cheeks.

Leaning down into her embrace, he breathed out harshly, “Ido not want another bride. It doesn’t matter what the computers say. You knowthis, correct?” Wheaton’s eyes searched hers and his hands covered her own onhis face.

“I know. We just need to get through this little span oftime and then we’re golden.” Taking his hands into hers, she gave him asqueeze. “Now let’s go get my stuff moved. I want to check out this new bride.”

Chapter Sixteen

After saying a major thank-you to Valerie for her help,Poppy watched as she and Thorne headed toward their quarters. Walking withWheaton and Dathrow to what she now considered her home, Poppy’s stomachtwisted. Dathrow had agreed to take Poppy to her new quarters that were locatedclose to his own on a different level of the ship. The whole situation made herhave flashbacks to when she first arrived and was pawned off on variouswarriors.

Almost to the door, she slowed her pace, causing Wheaton toglance at her questioningly.


“I need to breathe for a minute before I meet Miss Perfect,”Poppy said with a small smile.

“Her name is Miss Talbot, not Miss Perfect,” Wheaton saidwith a grin, finally starting to catch on to the way Poppy said things. Hechucked her under the chin and planted a sweet kiss on her lips.

“Everything will be fine, Poppy, I promise.” Kissing heragain, he turned toward the door and waved his bracelet over the sensor.

Seeing perfect Hannah Talbot was not good for Poppy’smorale. This woman was exactly what she expected a politician’s wife to be like.Her blonde hair was styled in glossy, effortless-looking waves and she pulledoff a gorgeous all-white although completely impractical pantsuit. She walkedtoward Wheaton with a ready smile on her face and her hand out to shake butstopped when she saw Poppy standing there.

“Hello…I’m Hannah Talbot…your bride,” she said in amelodious voice while glancing questioningly at Poppy.

“I am Wheaton, and this is my bride, Poppy,” Wheatonsaid in a calm voice, motioning to Poppy.

“I don’t understand…” Hannah began with a confusedexpression. “I was told the previous matches were wrong and you were now mymatch. We’re supposed to start our trial period immediately. That’s why I’mhere.” Her gaze darted back and forth between the two of them as if she thoughtthis was a big prank.

Wheaton leaned down close to Poppy’s ear and whispered,“This is the type of woman whom I had originally expected to be matched with.”When Poppy immediately stiffened, he continued. “She may seem perfectbut you are perfect for me. Do not doubt that.”

“Hannah, we’re happy with our match and have decided tofinalize it. We had actually just got done telling this to the Council memberswhen we found out that you were here. Wheaton is obligated to have his owntrial with a second bride,” Poppy explained in hopes Hannah was actually goingto understand the situation and not get a good view of the man she was going tobe missing out on. She had to admit, if someone put Wheaton in front of her andthen jerked him away, she would have been pissed. Her attraction to him hadbeen immediate and the same for him to her, she believed.

From what she could tell with a quick glance, Wheaton wasn’tgiving Hannah any appraising stares. His expression was more polite thananything. He had on his “meeting” face. It was his poker face he used whenshe’d seen him speak to other warriors and Council members to show he waslistening but remaining neutral.

“I’m not quite sure I follow. Councilor Demascus assured methat my match to Wheaton was perfect and we would be one of the most successfulmatches made,” she stuttered out, obviously having been lied to by King of theSmarmy.

“Demascus was incorrect, Hannah. We ask that you pleaserespect our decision to stay united, and we will try to make the next few weeksas comfortable for you as we can. Your trip back to Earth will not be possibleuntil we move the ship back to Earth’s orbit,” explained Wheaton, his voicefirm as if she would have no other option but to agree. “We are required tolive in the same quarters but the decision has been made. Poppy has agreed tostay elsewhere to make this situation more tolerable but that is as far as weare in agreement with what the Council has forced upon us.”

As Wheaton spoke, Hannah walked to the kitchen area and wasnow partially leaning against the counter as if she needed the support.

“I have given up everything for this… Everything…” shestarted mumbling to herself, which caused Poppy some concern.

“Hannah. Hannah. Are you okay?” Poppy walked forward tobetter hear the mumbling that was now starting to scare her.

“Of course I’m not okay! I have given up my entire life tomove up here! I decided to withdraw from the city Council race to be one of thefirst political couples in space. I completely adjusted my five-year plan forthis!”

Okay, Hannah was starting to really lose it. Poppy coulddeal with sad but crazy wasn’t something she was ready to handle. Stepping backto stand at Wheaton’s side, she kept her eye on the once perfectly styled womanwho was now turning into a mascara-running mess.

Wheaton cast a worried glance at Poppy, completely unsurehow to deal with what he was seeing.

“We are sorry, but we simply do not agree with the newmatches and are more than satisfied with the original match. I understand whyyou are upset; however, it will change nothing. Poppy and I will complete ourbridal contract despite the wishes of some Council members,” Wheaton said in acalm voice.

“Wait…wait…” Hannah blinked her now raccoon eyes and held upa manicured

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