“So, it was okay for me to sit by myself when I got here? Iwanted to bang my head against a wall from boredom it was so bad. Yet Hannahgets to follow him around and be a part of his daily life?” Poppy took a momentfrom her hissy fit and noticed the frightened look on Dathrow’s face.
It wasn’t fair to take out her anger on the poor guy. Shewasn’t even that angry at Wheaton when she thought about it. It was the entirefucked-up situation that had her wanting to spit nails. Keeping Hannah under awatchful eye made sense but she still felt left out. Considering he refused to eventalk to her about his work, it was like a stab to the chest. One day on theship and Hannah was able to see how the Council worked. Clenching her jaw, shetried to smile through her anger at the poor warrior in front of her.
“Sorry, Dath. I’m not mad at you. I’m not even mad atWheaton. I just need to talk to him about some things. It isn’t fair for me totake out my frustration on the messenger,” she admitted.
“I appreciate that, Poppy,” he heaved out on a relievedsigh.
“Come on and show me this ship. Wheaton gave me the barebones tour, then more in-depth tours after a week or so. I watched him spar inthe rec room with Thorne but we never spent much time around any of the commonareas. I would like to meet some other warriors and maybe see if there’sanything I can do around here. Do you know if anyone needs help with paperworkor odd jobs?” Glancing over at her new buddy, she went on, “I wouldn’t evenexpect to be paid. I’m just bored when Wheaton isn’t around and I can onlywatch Sixteen Candles so many times before I set fire to something.”
When she mentioned “fire” his eyes got wide. Almost laughingat his expression, she quickly said, “Well not really, but it’s better not tolet me get bored.” He would need to get used to her joking if he was going tohang around and keep her company. Looping her arm through his, she bumped hisside as they turned the corner to the common area.
“We can check with the med center and see if the healersneed any help. They are always receiving new supplies, and with the mensparring daily, they rarely have time to check the stock and catalog them,” hesuggested.
“That would be great. I actually worked in a doctor’s officeon Earth,” she replied with a happy smile.
Deciding to show her the med center first, Dathrow suggestedthat they take the lift to another floor of the ship. Poppy realized that everyfloor appeared identical, and if he hadn’t been guiding her around, she wouldbe hopelessly lost. When she had toured with Wheaton, she must have been payingmore attention to his fine ass as he walked than her surroundings. Making sureto pay attention, she kept her eyes peeled walking with Dathrow.
Pointing out the doors that led to the common areabathrooms, he explained that there were specific ones designated for the newbrides who would eventually live on the ship. Poppy had a mental image of goingto each floor and slapping a sticky note on the gleaming walls to help herremember which were the men’s and which were the women’s. Walking into themen’s room while a warrior was doing his business did not seem like a good wayto learn which was which.
“Dath, is there a reason why nothing is labeled? How do youknow which doors are for the bathrooms and which is for the rec room? Will Ijust need to count my way down the corridor and try to remember each time?”
“There are small symbols illuminated on the side of the doorthat tell you where we are.” Pointing to the small symbols, he explained whichone was female and which was male. “I know you haven’t had a chance to learn toread our language yet and the translator only works with the spoken word somaybe I can go over the most common symbols to help you learn them,” hereplied.
“That would be great. I hate taking up so much of your time.If I’m keeping you from a job, please don’t feel you need to entertain me,” shesaid when they approached the med center.
“I have been assigned as one of your escorts so it is not aproblem, Poppy. I enjoy talking to you. Let’s see if you can get a job here soyou can avoid setting fires.” He smiled as he let her enter the gleaming doorsahead.
* * ** *
On the other side of the ship, Wheaton was having an awful morning.Trying to extricate himself from a clinging Hannah had proven harder than hehad expected. Last night, he’d answered endless questions while she sat staringat him with wide, adoring eyes. In the past, he would have been flattered bythe attention of a beautiful female. Instead of feeling any type of attractionto his newly assigned bride, he had instead kept comparing her to Poppy theentire evening. It had been exhausting to try to keep as much physical distancebetween them as possible. She had chosen to sit as closely as possible to himno matter how far he tried to maneuver away.
He had been relieved when a few key Council members had comeby the apartment to meet his new “bride” later in the evening. The addition ofthe Council members in his apartment had seemed to distract Hannah’s efforts toget close to him. Unfortunately they had stayed so long it had been too late tovisit Poppy when they left.
Hoping to have some reprieve from Hannah’s company today hadproved fruitless as well. The Council had instructed him to bring Hannah withhim today to his meetings. Her constant chatter was making his head ache.Gritting his teeth, it took everything in him to not yell at her to be quiet.Shaking his head in frustration while rubbing his temple, he knew one thing. Hemissed his Poppy.
Chapter Eighteen
The med center visit