I stopped before the altar and glanced back toward the brothers by the door. “Put that back, Roddat, or you’ll be leaving both thumbs in the alms box.”
Roddat drew a silver candlestick from the grey rot of his travel cloak.
“That one at the least.” Father Gomst pointed at the Nuban, a tremble in his finger. “That one is not of God’s flock.”
“Not even a black sheep?” I came to stand by Gomst. He flinched. “Well, maybe you can convert him on our journey.”
“My prince?”
“You’re to accompany me to Gelleth, Father Gomst. A diplomatic mission. I’m surprised the King didn’t tell you.” I wasn’t so surprised in truth, since it was a lie. “We leave immediately.”
“Come!” I strode toward the door. A pause, and then he followed. I could hear the reluctance in his footsteps.
The brothers began to file out ahead of me, Rike trailing his hand along the walls, over reliquary and icon.
Having secured the priest I was keen to be off. I directed Makin to oversee a swift provisioning and led Gomst back to the West Yard.
“We should not take this Nuba-man on a mission of diplomacy, Prince. Or any other,” Gomst whispered as we walked. “They drink the blood of Christian priests to work their spells, you know.”
“They do?” I think it was the first interesting thing I ever heard Gomst say. “I could use a little magic myself.”
The priest paled behind his beard. “A superstition, my prince.”
A few more paces and, “Even so, were you to burn him, the Lord’s blessing would be upon us and our journey.”
Within the hour, saddlebags bulging, we rode back out into the Old Town. Sageous was waiting for us. He stood alone by the side of the cobbled path. I drew up before him, still uneasy in my mind. He had driven a wedge of doubt into me. I had told myself I’d set Count Renar aside as an act of strength, a sacrifice to the iron will I needed to win the game of thrones. But sometimes, now for instance, I didn’t quite believe it.
“You should accept my protection, Prince,” Sageous said.
“I’ve survived long enough without it.”
“But now you’re going to Gelleth, bound on a path to strengthen your father’s hand.”
“I am.” The brothers’ horses snorted around me.
“If any had a mind that you might truly succeed, they would stop you,” Sageous said. “The one who has played you these past years will seek to tighten the bonds you have loosened. Perhaps the priest will help you. His presence did before. He has value as a talisman, but past that he is empty robes.”
A horse pushed against Gerrod, the rider moving beside me.
I set my hand on my sword hilt. “I don’t like you, pagan.”
“What do you think scared the marsh-dead, Jorg?” No ripple in his calm watchfulness.
“I—” The boast sounded hollow before I spoke it.
“An angry boy?” Sageous shook his head. “The dead saw a darker hand upon your heart.”
“Accept my protection. There are grander dreams you can dream.”
I felt the soft weight of sleep upon me, the saddle unsure beneath me.
“Dream-witch.” A dark voice spoke at my shoulder.
“Dream-witch.” The Nuban held out his crossbow, black fist curled around the stock, muscle strained against the load. “I carry your token, Dream-witch, your magics will not stain the boy.”
Sageous shrank back, the tattooed writings seeming to writhe across his face.
In an instant my eyes were wide. “You’re him.” The clarity of it was blinding. “You set my brothers in Father’s dungeon. You sent your hunter to kill me.”
I set a hand upon the Nuban’s bow, remembering how he took it from the man I killed in a barn one stormy night. The dream-witch’s hunter.
“You sent your hunter to kill me.” The last tatters of Sageous’s charm left me. “And now it’s my hunter who holds it.”
Sageous turned and made for the castle gate, half-running.
“Pray I don’t find you here on my return, pagan.” I said it quietly. If he heard it, he might follow my advice.
We left then, riding from the city without a backward look.
The rains first found us on the Ancrath Plains and dogged our passage north into the mountainous borders of Gelleth. I’ve been soaked on the road many a time, but the rains as we left my father’s lands were a cold misery that reached deeper than our bones. Burlow’s appetite remained undampened though, and Rike’s temper too. Burlow ate as if the rations were a challenge, and Rike growled at every raindrop.
At my instruction, Gomst took confession from the men. After hearing Red Kent speak of his crimes, and learning how he earned his name, Gomst asked to be excused his duties. After listening to Liar’s whispers, he begged.
Days passed. Long days and cold nights. I dreamed of Katherine, of her face and the fierceness of her eyes. Of an evening we ate Gains’s mystery stews and Fat Burlow tended the beasts, checking hooves and fetlocks. Burlow always looked to the horses. Perhaps he felt guilty about weighing so heavy on them, but I put it down to a morbid fear of walking. We wound further up into the bleakness of the mountains. And at last the rains broke. We camped in a high pass and I sat with the Nuban to watch the sun fall. He held his bow, whispering old secrets to it in his home tongue.
For two days we walked the horses across slopes too steep and sharp with rock for any hooves save the mountain goats’.
A pillar marked the entrance to the Gorge of the Leucrota. It stood two yards wide and twice as tall, a stump shattered by some giant’s whim. The remnants of the upper portion lay all around. Runes marked it, Latin I think, though so worn I could read almost nothing.
We rested at the pillar. I