It didn’t take long for her to climb higher, hovering on the edge of ecstasy. She opened her eyes, wanting to see his face as she came.
“You’re mine, Eris, for now and always,” he whispered and he smiled tightly, cords in his neck standing out as he sped up.
The first harder thrust took her by surprise, the second took her to the edge of the abyss and the third threw her over it. She threw her head back and cried out, shattering apart in his arms. Pleasure coursed through her, rewriting her view of the world.
He grunted and slammed into her, each hard thrust sending new waves of ecstasy through her. She watched him through half-lidded eyes as he thrust a last time, throwing his head back as he came with a growl. She felt it, the heat of his release as his cock jerked and pulsed deep within her. And she saw it, the pleasure on his face as he gasped and looked down at her.
Their gazes locked and amid their combined pleasure she felt their souls connect… Mesh…
Then become one.
“Do you know what they are doing to those females?”
Talent burst out as he stormed onto the bridge. It was so unlike the usually unflappable medic that both Skinny and Fin turned in their station chairs in surprise. He stood in front of T’Raal in the captain’s chair, practically bristling with rage, his eyes wild.
As always, T’Raal didn’t bat an eyelid. Most males would be anxious to put some distance between themselves and the highly trained and very dangerous former imperial warrior, but he just looked up.
“Who? And what females?” he asked.
“The humans!” Tal broke away, shoving his hand through his hair as he paced the small briefing area at the back of the bridge. “They… what they did… Draanthic!”
Skinny turned fully to watch, concerned for his comrade. Since coming aboard, Talent had proven himself to be a capable warrior and ferocious in battle. Otherwise though, he was easygoing, so whatever the humans had done to rile him up so much, it must be severe.
“Calm down. Think and then speak,” T’Raal ordered, his tone level as he rose from his chair, joining Talent at the back of the bridge. Folding his arms over a chest like a barrel, he watched the younger warrior in concern.
Tal took a deep breath, his expression tortured. “I’ve treated Zero’s woman, Eris. Her wounds were not life-threatening but instead would have been life-altering. She sustained damage to her neural systems and without intervention would have been paralyzed from the waist down.”
T’Raal’s expression tightened for a moment, as did Skinny’s. The idea of a female being injured in such a way was anathema to them. Even though they were Warborne, and not considered to be worth much to the “elite” of the empire, they were still Latharian through and through. Every female was precious and something to be protected. Apart from their own Red. Any attempt to protect the hard-as-nails half-breed female usually resulted in bruises.
“I’m assuming you managed to successfully treat her?” their leader asked.
Tal looked almost offended at the question and nodded sharply. “Yes. I fixed the damage and reconnected the pathways I could. She’s with Zero now, with orders to rest and recover.”
Skinny’s eyebrow shot up toward his shaved hairline. Given how obsessed the big cyborg had been with the station chief since he’d first seen her a few weeks ago, he very much doubted the couple were resting right now.
“And you disagree with something the humans did?” Fin broke in, obviously just as curious as Skinny was. “Or do you simply object to their existence at this point?”
“That!” Tal pointed at Fin in agreement and started to seethe again. Visibly. Shit, whatever they’d done, it must be serious. “Those imbecile draanthic are performing surgery on females to put them in those suits. Adding implants to allow them to control the things.”
Sitting at the comms console, with feeds from all over the ship, Skinny hadn’t been able to resist taking a look at the feeds from the cargo bay where Red was working. The human armored suit was something else. He’d never seen anything like it. It reminded him of the power armor the Warborne wore for space combat, but much bigger… like a cross between an imperial drakeen and combat armor.
The soldier in him wanted to take it for a whirl, especially with those big guns mounted on its shoulders. Still, even though he was no engineer, a glance at the open cockpit made him sigh. It was built for the tiny frames of humanity. He wouldn’t even get his big toe in there.
“And this is a problem?” T’Raal was the voice of reason in the face of the enraged medic. That unflappable nature made him dangerous and had elevated the Warborne from simply a mercenary unit to the most famous mercenary unit in history.
“Draanthing right, it is! They put that shit in their bodies and they can’t take that kind of load. Maybe a Lathar could, with the right enhancements, but a human? A human female? It’s burning out their nervous systems and leaving them paralyzed!”
Skinny blinked.
“Wait… what? You mean Zero’s woman wasn’t an anomaly?” he demanded.
“No! That’s my point!” Tal’s outburst was loud and filled with fury. “They’re doing this knowing it’s going to damage these females, and they don’t care!”
Skinny’s jaw dropped, no words making it past his lips. His astonishment and growing anger mirrored on both Fin and T’Raal’s faces.
“But… why?” T’Raal demanded, the deepening of his voice evidence of his rage.
“Because they have so many females they don’t care,” Tal hissed. “They’re seen as disposable.”
“Fuck!” T’Raal exploded, his bellow of rage punctuated by a crash as his fist connected with the bulkhead by the bridge door. His knuckles came away