shower, grabbed a towel for a cursory dry, wrapped myself in it and hurried to the door. As I approached I saw a note had been slipped under it. I opened the door to check but whoever it was had already gone. I closed the door and retrieved the note from the floor to read it.

Come to the office.

I wondered if I had done something wrong. I couldn’t imagine what. Did Nick want to see me? I’d been for a walk earlier and could have sworn I’d seen him going boat fishing with some of the guests. I shrugged and decided I’d better go and find out.

It took me ten minutes or so to dry properly, brush my hair and teeth, and put on my standard daytime outfit of bikini, denim shorts and white top. Then another couple of minutes or so to walk the short distance back to the office. The door was closed so I knocked and entered.

A man was sitting behind the desk, and it wasn’t Nick. This guy was older. He was in good shape, hair beginning to show some grey, well dressed, not bad looking. “Ah, you must be Hannah?” he said. “Please, come in”.

“Yes, hi” I said. I closed the door behind me. “And you are?”

“I am Simon” he said. “Nick’s business partner.”

“I didn’t know he had a business partner” I said. In fact I still knew very little about Nick or this place.

“You might call me a silent partner” he said. “Nick is the face of the island and runs it day to day. I supply most of the financing, stay behind the scenes, and I come and go.”

“I see,” I said. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. He hadn’t got up from behind the desk. “And, did you want to see me?”

“Yes Hannah, I did” he said. “Would you come over here please.”

I walked to the desk. “Round here” he clarified. He pushed his chair back to make room. I stood and perched my bum against the edge of the desk. I felt like I was in the headmaster’s office.

“When I come to the island, as I’m financing it, I like to take pleasure in the girls here.” he said, matter of factly. “I’m always intrigued when there is someone new, and Nick said you’d only been here for a couple of weeks?”

“Yes, that’s right” I said.

“Well, I trust you are enjoying your stay?” he asked. “Being a hospitality girl?”

“I am, yes” I answered.

“Good” he said. “We like to think of it as mutually beneficial arrangement. Now, as you are here I must say you are quite lovely. I imagine some of the guests are finding you to be a delight?”

“Er, yes” I said.

“Good” he said, putting his hand on the inside of my thigh. That tingled. I was still aroused from my shower cut short. I automatically shifted my feet to move them further apart.

“Ah, I see you are enthusiastic” he said. “I like that in a girl.” He moved his hand up my thigh. I shivered. He manoeuvred me so I stood directly in front of him, the desk behind me. His hands reached for my shorts and he smoothly undid the buttons and tugged them down over my hips, then slid them gently down my legs. He rubbed his thumb on the front of my bikini bottoms, feeling my bush, then further down to feel the lips of my pussy. I sighed as he explored me through the thin material. Then he hooked his thumbs inside and under the elastic and peeled them down enough to reveal my blonde bush. At that he leaned in and kissed my lower abdomen before removing the bottoms down to the floor.

“Please, sit on the desk” he said. I obeyed, sliding my bum backwards to sit on the edge. He was still sitting in the chair, which he pulled forward so he was closer to me, and with hand on each knee he opened my legs and gazed at my pussy. I breathed heavily, feeling exposed and aroused, and waited for his next move.

I did not have to wait long. He leaned his head down and licked gently at the inner folds of my slit, following the moist line where my lips parted. “Ohhhh” I breathed softly. I looked down to watch him licking me, and found myself running my hand through his hair in encouragement. He used his tongue slowly, snaking up and down and then pausing in different places to land gentle flicks on areas of attention. Oh god, this is so much better than frigging myself off in the shower.

I spread my legs wider and began to move my hips and pussy against his tongue. He was on my clit, making warm, wet, circles around it and over it. My nerve endings tingled with every wet caress and my regular grinding movements were punctuated with the occasional mild tremor as waves of pleasure built and faded, built and faded with growing heat and intensity.

“Put a finger in me” I pleaded. He obliged and I moaned loudly, the dual pleasure of that inside my cunt while his tongue danced over my clit was incredible. I was hyper-sensitised and could feel an orgasm coming on already. “You’re going to make me cum” I whispered to him.

His acknowledgment was only to flick his tongue faster over me. “Oh god, yes” I said. The waves came faster and harder. I writhed and squirmed before him and rode each one in ecstasy until finally the big one hit. “Oh fuck, yes, YES!!” I cried and clenched my eyes shut and shuddered uncontrollably. He kept going throughout my orgasm, slowly, prolonging the fire until eventually I begged him to stop. “No more, please” I said, breathing heavily. “Wow, that was incredible.”

“You are welcome” he said. “I find pleasuring a beautiful woman in that way to be such a delight.”

“Would you like me to…?” I asked, looking down at his groin. It was the

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