of its own. For all I know, it probably does.

The drool coming out of my mouth must be apparent because Harlow’s insufferable smirk becomes molten. “See something you like?”

“Ugh!” I roll my eyes, trying to make light of the situation. “Can we go now? And can you turn that off?”

“Turn what off?”

“Whatever you’re doing… whatever is making me feel… like this.”

“Nope. Sorry. It’s pure incubus.”

I’m not sure I believe him, but I don’t argue. We don’t have time. Riven doesn’t have time.

“Put on the gloves.” He motions to the pile of clothes. “And if you could stack the rest of my shit and bring it with us, I’d appreciate it.”

I do, and put on his gloves and hoodie, having an inkling of what he’s planning. I’m not looking forward to flying again. “I don’t see why you have to take me up like… that.” I wave at him.

“I’m stronger in my pure and true form. And we’re going to need that strength… right?”

I eye him and swallow… hard. “Right.”

“Stop looking at my junk.”

My eyes go wide. “I’m not!”

“You are. You keep glancing down like you’re expecting a snake to come out of my boxers and bite you.” He chuckles.

“You are…” I can’t even finish my statement.

He rolls a shoulder and smiles. “Ready?”


A thrill tingles my spine when I think about even accidentally touching his skin. His incubus form—or true form, as he calls it—is dangerous, sexy, and thrilling.

“Hold your familiar tight.” I grab Riddle around the middle and then face Harlow. He picks me up in his arms and makes sure not to touch my skin. Then he extends his wings and crouches. Harlow jumps and brings his wings to bear. It feels like we were shot from a gun, and in one leap and two strokes of his magnificent wings, we’re at the top of the landing to the school.

As soon as we land near the closed gate, we’re under attack.


A giant conglomerate of rocks that looks like a monster of stone throws its fists down before Harlow even sets foot on the landing pad. If he hadn’t jumped out of the way, we would have been toast.

“What the hell?” I shout, grateful for the hoodie keeping our skin apart.

“You didn’t know about the guardian?” He jumps once more as the rock beast slams its fists down again and again.


Harlow grunts as he throws us sideways, avoiding another bone-crushing pound. The rock man is not just strong, but fast, too. “Well, then, Ractic, meet Everly. Everly meet Ractic.”

“Who or what is he?” I demand.

“He’s the school guardian. Protects those in school while it’s in session and also the headmaster and the principal when it’s not.”

“Why didn’t I see Ractic this morning?” I hold on as Harlow bounces from place to place. Riddle hangs on to me, wide-eyed, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think he was impressed with the guardian.

“Because you were with the count and Ractic knows better than to ever approach the count.”

“Oh.” It’s just another of the mysteries that surrounds Jean-Claude. I have a feeling that list is exhausting.

This time, when Harlow leaps out of the way, he pushes me towards the gate. I clutch Riddle a little tighter and the little guy squeaks in complaint.

“Holy goddess!” I roll to soften the landing. “Why can’t we just fly over the gate?”

“Because there’s a force field that would catapult us back.” He runs opposite me, teasing the guardian, dodging blows, much like he’s had practice and done this before.

“Then what do we do?”

“I distract it, you get inside.”


He shrugs. “Luck? Your good looks?”

“Ha ha,” I say and then I look at Harlow, where he stands beside me and I get an idea. “I think I’ve got something.” I run to the gate as Riddle flaps above me.

“Everly!” Harlow screams.

I look back and the rock monster is after me.

Crap, crap, crap.

I dive as the monster swings.

“Hey, ugly!” Harlow shouts. “It’s not polite to turn your back on someone you’re fighting!” He hurls a huge rock, and it smashes into a thousand pieces on the rock monster’s back. “Was that your cousin?” The ugly thing turns back to look at him. “I’m so sorry.”

I make it to the gate and immediately face the problem of unlocking it when I have no key. But I do have an idea. Hopefully it will be enough.

“Riddle!” I call and my golem lands on my shoulder. He’s heavy and seems to be getting even heavier. “Put your leg out,” I say and he does as I instruct. Then I take one of Riddle’s claws and stick it into the keyhole. He looks at me and then at the lock as I’m trying to use his claw as a pick. Then he turns to me again, and then back to the lock. He removes his foot, shakes his head, and in a small, unused voice, bawks, “No-no-no-no-no-no-no.”

“We have to get inside, Riddle!”

Riddle ruffles his wings like he’s rolling up his sleeves, then mewls and sticks his neck out, grips the lock in his mouth and then twists his head. The lock breaks in half in his mouth and he swallows it whole. The door swings open.

“You did it!” I hug my golem and look behind to see Harlow still fighting Ractic.

Harlow looks at me and gives me a thumbs-up. “Go! I’ll keep Ractic busy.”

“No, I need you!” He’s the only one who can disarm Jean-Claude. He’s the only one who can suck Faunus’ life force out of the vampire.

“Everly, go!”

“But you’re the only one who can help Jean-Claude!” My whole plan depends on Harlow.

“You’re the one that’s going to have to do it.” Harlow effortlessly dives over Ractic’s head.

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