with a preference for using bullets. Shadow enjoyed inflicting pain and dealing out death.  He preferred it to be up close and personal in true sociopath style. A preference she noted to watch closely.

Tessa realized how challenging uniting the gangs would be because each had their own agenda, and Tessa wasn’t sure theirs’ would always line up with hers’. She would need to assign trustworthy people to keep a close eye on these new additions. She would have to craft her agenda to keep them enticed. Tessa realized she could trust none of them and wasn’t sure how reliable they would be to her in the long run. She needed to convince them to stay loyal.

Shadow and his crew accompanied their caravan back to base. Tessa let him ride her bike, and she drove the armored vehicle. Shadow was more cooperative than she expected. Cyclone remained wary, but he seemed to come around to Tessa’s newest recruits. Tessa introduced Shadow to everyone at the base, including their human counterparts. At first, he had some apprehensions, the same as Cyclone, but warmed up to working together toward a common good. Tessa offered Shadow a seat on their council same as she had Cyclone.  It was best to keep all the gang leaders on the same level to prevent any potential conflict.

Tessa’s rebel group prepared a feast to honor their new alliance. Peace between the Cyclones and the Nightstalkers was a cause worth celebrating. It wasn’t a feast by any definition but more like a jumble of what they collected. Seeing what little they had in storage made Tessa realize they would need to raid H.I.V.E storage and find ally farmers to survive. For now, she let everyone enjoy their evening.  She needed everyone to work on improving their circumstances and raising moral was the best way to motivate people to work hard.

Finn stayed close to her but not so close to arousing suspicion over their relationship. They often worked closely together, so proximity wasn’t a red flag. He informed her the control room was ready to broadcast. Tessa wasn’t sure she was prepared to broadcast her message, but she may never feel ready for a decision of that magnitude.  Speaking to the entire nation made her want to run or vomit, in no particular order.

Finn believed it was the right time for a broadcast. They needed the world to learn of H.I.V.E’s transgression and let it be known there were other options. There would be positives and negatives to announcing their plans publicly, and everyone on base deserved to be aware and have a voice in the decision.

With the whole group together, it seemed like the best time to test the waters. Tessa tapped her metal spoon against a water glass to call attention. When the room grew quiet, she addressed the group. “We have much to celebrate. Freedom is a worthy cause. Welcome to our new friends and let this be the beginning of a new age of redemption. Evos have been painted in a negative light for far too long, and it’s time to serve a new purpose. We are not mutant. We are still human, and we hold the strength and power to forge a better path for humanity. With our power comes the responsibility to be humanity’s protector and not tyrants. We can now broadcast this message to the world. With that announcement, we become a beacon of hope for humans and Evos alike. We open our doors to new allies and new supplies. But with all choices, there is a downside. To call people to our cause, we must reveal our location and our plans. That means that H.I.V.E will learn our location too. We will paint ourselves as targets. I won’t subject you all to that without knowing your wishes as individuals. Before tonight ends write your vote and give your answer to Arica.”

Tessa left the feast to seek solace in her room overlooking the terminal. She watched clusters of people breaking off to discuss their options so they might decide the groups fate. Finn joined her as she waited for the group’s consensus. “So how will this work? Is it majority rules?”

“No, they all have to agree. They will all be risking their lives.” Tessa needed to have everyone on board. She wasn’t willing to risk one life without their commitment.

“And if one says no?”

“Then, nothing happens. I won’t broadcast our plans or location.”

“You realize we have to eventually. We have to recruit, and we don’t have time to go from town to town. We need to do this fast.”

Tessa responded, “Then we didn’t do a good job of convincing them to believe in our mission is they vote no. I won’t be Stonewell. I won’t compromise because of my agenda. This isn’t just me involved.”

“I understand.” Finn backed off, “I don’t want you to be Stonewell. I approve of this approach. I’m just trying to brace you for the possibility that you don’t get what you want.”

“Whatever the group wants is what I want.” Tessa had no desire to make these significant choices without group input. She preached peace and unity, so she refused to rule as a dictator.

Arica delivered the group vote, and to her surprise, every soul in their group voted for the broadcast. “The consensus is the Evos don’t want to hide any longer, and they are done fearing H.I.V.E. Someone has to stand up to them, and Evos have the power to do something if they work together.”

“And you and Sam voted too?” Tessa wanted to make sure their human allies had a voice in this.

Arica nodded, “Sam and I are ready. This has to stop. It’s time for action.”

Tessa turned to Finn, “Get ready to broadcast.”

With excitement, Finn bolted to the control panel and started powering on the equipment. He flipped switches but also used his technomancy powers to

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