He knew why Tessa didn’t return, but she clarified, “I’ve made it very clear I don’t trust you. I’ve seen you use people for personal gain, and we aren’t doing that here. Everyone may choose their path, and we, as leadership, respect their choices.”
“Still angry about the adrenaline I see.” Tessa couldn’t tell if he hoped she was over that transgression or if he was just full of shit. She was inclined to think he was full of shit.
“Yeah. You might say there’s some bad blood there. It still doesn’t explain why you are here. If you’re here to recruit us, the answer’s no. As you can see, we’re doing pretty well here.”
Stonewell sighed and revealed his motive, “I’m not here to recruit. I suspected that would never happen. I’m here to join forces. I have tech, weapons, food, and water. Not to mention plenty of Evo power.”
“Your Evo power isn’t just nameless, faceless kids to throw at H.I.V.E, and we will never operate as you do.” Finn addressed that concern before Tessa could open her mouth.
“I understand. You can speak with any of them and make sure they choose to fight.” Stonewell conceded to part of their terms.
“Still doesn’t explain why you would want to join forces. If you have so much, why do you need us?” Tessa wanted to understand the real motives behind his so-called truce.
“You’re an Alpha Evo Tessa, and you’re waging war against H.I.V.E. We’re on the same side whether you like it or not. I want to learn what information you have on this Project Genesis. I want for myself and my followers the same as you. A chance to survive.”
Tessa took a moment to ponder the possibilities. Maybe he wanted a fair shake and a chance to ride on her replicated arc. “If you join, then you have to concede your power. I can’t allow you to have any authority here. I can’t trust you to make the right decisions.”
“And how can I trust you?” Stonewell put the ball back in Tessa’s court.
“I can’t give you a seat on our council.” Tessa paused, “But I will allow someone from your team a seat. Someone I trust.”
Stonewell nominated his chose, “Professor Green then.”
“No, Melody.” Tessa trusted Melody.
Stonewell paused in contemplation, “Deal.” He stood to shake Tessa’s hand.
Stonewell and his crew left the board room leaving Tessa and Finn alone. Tessa continued to sit in her seat deep in contemplation. “Did I just make a mistake?”
Finn shrugged his shoulders, “I have no idea, and I expect we won’t know until it’s too late.”
“I’m worried we might get in over our heads here. We have three gang factions; which we aren’t sure we can trust. Now we add Stonewell’s faction. We’re gaining resources, but we’re also gaining people we don’t trust.”
“With all due respect. We don’t know any of those people walking through that gate. We don’t know if we can trust any of them either.”
“I’m worried this all might be a recipe for disaster.” The weight of being a leader was pressing on Tessa’s conscious. She was glad that at least she trusted Finn, Arica, and Sam.
After the intense reunion with old acquaintances, Tessa and Finn returned to planning their raid, and Stonewell’s team volunteered. Tessa allowed them to join. Their team was experienced in H.I.V.E raids, but Stonewell had to stay behind. He made poor choices when it came to combat ops, and she would not allow him to make stupid decisions again. Tessa wanted him to realize she was in charge here.
Tessa was glad to have Melody in charge of Stonewell’s rebel team. She had a solid head on her shoulders and understood how Tessa operated. The rebels would be perfect additions to their raid teams. They already had the experience to combat H.I.V.E.
As Tessa prepared for their raid, the questions and uncertainties of her allies’ trust continued to fester in her mind. She needed insight and knew where she might find it. The only problem was she wasn’t sure she trusted the source, but something compelled her to seek guidance.
Tessa combed the airport city to find Cyclone’s gang and headed toward the section housing their gang members. She knew she wouldn’t find Cyclone in their midst; he was off with Shadow on the raid. Sam sent him ahead in the ARV, but she wasn’t looking for him. It relieved her he was absent. Tessa was looking for his wife, Natalie.
Norine sensed Natalie had a gift to sense peoples’ emotions. Tessa figured Natalie was an empath. She might be blind, but Natalie saw things that were more than skin deep.
Tessa approached Natalie, but she already sensed who was there. “Tessa, Cyclone is off on a mission.”
“I wasn’t looking for Cyclone. I was looking for you.” Tessa found herself nervous to have a conversation with someone who could sense all her insecurities.
“I know. Have a seat. What can I help you with?”
Tessa breathed deep to calm her mind, “You sense things about people, right?”
Natalie grinned, “Then I was right. Norine is a mind reader. Careful keeping that company.”
Tessa agreed with her warning, “I do my best to keep a distance. We might be a family, but there are some trust issues there.”
“So, what is it you need my gift for?” She seemed calm and willing to offer her services.
“I’m concerned about whom to trust. I thought you might perceive who in my group has ulterior motives.”
Natalie leaned back in her chair, “You confuse me, Tessa. You are so strong on the outside, but inside you are nervous and scared. You recognize you need to lead but are afraid of what