Ford shook his head to squelch Sawyer’s worries that he would be mad. “I understand,” he said. “You should call him back. We have later tonight.”
Sawyer smirked and nodded. “We sure do.” He grabbed Ford’s hand and pulled him in for another kiss.
“I’ll be there,” Ford said. “I love you!”
“I love you,” Sawyer said, before he left Ford’s office.
Ford walked to the door and peeked out into the hallway, just double-checking that Sawyer was gone, before he went back in his office shutting the door behind him. Ford went back to his desk, and indeed, the phone was flashing with a message. He picked it up and pushed the button to listen to the message.
“Hello, this is Devon Ripley. I just got your message to call you regarding Cynthia Mayhew and Larry Banks. I’m glad that you called because I was going to reach out to Sawyer, Mr. Lancaster, later in the week. Some new information has come up since I talked to him yesterday. Please return my call at your earliest convenience. I’ll be in the office until 4:30 today. Have a good day.”
Ford looked at the clock as the message finished up. It was only a couple minutes before 4:30. He was anxious to find out what new developments there were.
He dialed the number. Again, the same woman answered that he’d spoken with earlier. “Hello,” Ford said. “I missed a call from Devon Ripley, so just returning his call.”
“Um…I believe he just left for the day.”
Shit! Ford felt his stomach drop. “Will you please just check? It’s important that I talk to him today, if at all possible.”
“Give me a minute,” she said.
Ford leaned back in his chair and aimlessly swiveled back and forth as he waited for someone to get back on the line. To his relief, when the phone was picked up again, it was Devon on the line.
“This is Devon,” he said.
“Hello. This is Ford Erickson. I’m sorry I missed your call.”
“Oh yes… Mr. Erickson.”
“Please… call me Ford. You said there’s some new developments? What’s up?” He didn’t want to sound nervous, but his heart was beating loudly in his chest and he felt his palms sweating. He needed to get some answers because the anticipation was killing him.
Sawyer exited through the framework that would soon hold an actual door. He looked at the blanket that was laid out. In just a few hours, it would be beneath the thousands of stars that would fill the sky.
A few steps from the blanket, there was a table all set up. He heard movement behind him and turned to see a man entering the same area. When he noticed Sawyer, he came forward.
“The food will be ready to serve in thirty minutes, Sir,” the man said.
Sawyer looked at his watch. That was perfect timing.
“Thank you, Jacques.”
The man nodded and then left again. Sawyer had planned out this evening down to a tee, starting with a catered meal that he hoped whet Ford’s appetite and then concluding with the night under the stars.
He walked over to the candles on the table, grabbed the matches, and lit them to set the ambience. He’d also marked the trail with lights. By the time Ford got there, the sun would just be starting to set.
He watched as the catering staff brought a bucket of champagne and ice and put it on the stand by the table, and he nodded with satisfaction. He was ready for Ford to arrive, which was going to be at any moment. He left the newly created dining area and went back through the building to the parking lot. He leaned back against the brick building and waited for the love of his life who was set to arrive at any moment. They had been through enough heartaches, and he just wanted Ford to know he loved him and appreciated everything he did for them.
Ford pulled into the newly paved parking lot of the resort property and parked in the space beside him. Sawyer moved so he could open the door for Ford. When Ford got out, he looked around the bare parking lot.
“Hey, love.” Ford kissed Sawyer in greeting. When he pulled back, he turned to look back at the parking lot. “Okay, so the opposite side of the site from the office? That’s my surprise?”
He had told the caterers to park in the back so Ford wouldn’t immediately catch on to what was going on. It obviously worked.
“Patience, babe.” Sawyer brushed another kiss on Ford’s lips.
Ford’s right brow shot up. “What are you planning, Mr. Lancaster?”
Sawyer slipped his hand in Ford’s and pulled him towards the entrance of the building.
“Come on.” Sawyer smiled at the confused look on Ford’s face. “You’ll understand in due time.”
They stepped back towards the building and then made their entrance. “My darling, Ford. This is your life,” Sawyer proceeded. He motioned around the lobby entrance, which would soon host guests that wanted to visit the lodge.
Ford tilted his head and continued to look at Sawyer. “I’m lost.”
Sawyer stopped walking and turned to face Ford. “Do you trust me?”
“With my life,” Ford said.
“Then trust me that it will soon all make sense,” Sawyer said.
When Ford nodded, they continued their path. “I imagine a big beautiful desk over there, where a concierge will welcome guests to the lodge. There will be not one, but two fireplaces over there, along with a huge room for people to relax when they don’t want to go back to their rooms. Through this door, there will be a massive library where people can borrow books to read as they curl up by the fireplace. When you exit here…” He stopped and turned to Ford. Ford looked at the blanket and table that was all set up.
“You did this for us?” Ford asked.
Sawyer nodded. “I thought we could discuss all the plans of the lodge, go over what each