closed my eyes and tried to picture the image from my mother’s words, but I couldn’t. None of this made any sense. If my mother wasn’t so devastated I would’ve thought this was some sort of cruel joke. I could already feel my world falling out from under my feet. My reputation centered on me being a prince. If my father was a beast, did that mean he was no longer king? “So what does that mean?"

"It means we're going to have to figure this out. I don't know why this is happening again. Your father has led a good and true life since the last curse was broken. He's a good man. He's changed." She walked over and opened her locket. The one she'd worn as long as I could remember. Inside two photos, a young man with dark eyes and a stubborn jaw that I knew too well and the other a hideous furry beast, with a stare that burned at my soul. "I wear this to remember, but I never thought it would happen again. I never thought…"

She raked her fingers through her hair and fussed with her sapphire gown as if she had no idea what to do with her hands or how to keep herself still. I placed my hands on her shoulders. "What do you need from me? I’m not sure what to do?”

She sighed. "I don't really know right now. I just needed to tell someone. To let it out.”

I held my arms open and she fell into my chest, her tears soaked my shirt as she trembled. She let the sadness take her for a minute as I held her up while the strength in her body waned. My ribs closed tight around my lungs and my eyes welled, but I didn’t cry. Mom kept this family in line. I’d never seen her break. Not once.

After a few moments, she jerked her head up and wiped her face with the back of her hand. Her posture slid back into place, the time for letting go passing as she fell back into her role as queen.

“Thank you,” she whispered then let out a short huff as the red drained from her cheeks. “But we need to keep this quiet so the citizens of Aboria don’t find out. When the curse was lifted the collective memory of the beast vanished except for those in the castle. It would cause mass panic and we can't have that without the king in place. I can only do so much without royal blood. In the end, I'll always be the commoner who ascended so we need total discretion until we can figure this out."

"Of course." Besides, it wasn't like I wanted anyone finding out about this either.

Smash. Crash. Thump.

A deep menacing roar echoed through the castle.. I shivered. Mom placed her a dainty hand over mine on her left shoulder and forced a reassuring smile.

"I better go. Sounds like he might need me." She patted my grip and turned to go but I gripped tighter on the satin of her gown.

The reality of our situation hit me. My father was not only a beast, but he was here in the castle...with us. The way my mother described him made him sound dangerous. The photo of the way he used to be was enough to convince me that this was no small problem.

"You can't. What if… What if he hurt you? Maybe we should send a guard?”

“My sweet boy. This isn’t their problem to bear, and until we have better answers, it isn’t yours either. Please promise me that you won’t try to see him. Not like this. It wouldn’t be good for you or him. I've been through this before and I can handle it. Please, promise me.”

She was asking me to let her go into the beast’s lair... literally. She gave me a pointed stare and I knew that nothing I could say would convince her not to go.

“I promise.”

She pulled me into another hug and I squeezed her tight until she gasped for breath.

"Mom, be careful."

She slipped out of my arms and hurried to the door. "I will. Let's hope we figure this out quickly. I’ll be fine."

She slammed the door behind her leaving me alone in the cavernous tomb of books. I glanced at their spines, each one meticulously cared for and in their place. Each title in a beautiful embossed script, like sideways smiles leering at me.

"What are you looking at?" I huffed at them.

I stormed out of the library and down the hall toward my room. A beast. An actual beast. This was seriously going to mess up my street cred.

Griswold appeared ahead of me as if he'd been instructed to wait in that exact spot.

"Is there anything I can get for you, master."

I slumped against the wall my head banging against the stone, the pain oddly providing comfort.

"No. Unless you happen to have a magic wand."

"No wands, sir." He responded stone-faced. "But I'm sure it will all work itself out. I don't particularly look forward to returning to stone if I can help it."


Why was everyone in the castle in on this secret but me? My father was a beast, his servant was apparently petrified. What else were they keeping from me?

The old man placed a wavering hand over his lips. "Clearly I've said too much."

"What is going on Griswold? You obviously know about my father. why has no one told me any of this? I’m the King and Queen’s only child. Don’t I deserve the courtesy of the truth?"

"The king and queen have loved you since the moment they laid eyes upon you. I don't think it's a matter of trust, but a matter of protection. You'd be well-served to remember how much they care for you as the coming days may be difficult for everyone."

I scrubbed my hands over my face wishing to erase the last two hours of my life. With any luck this will all be

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