A long, daunting silence followed.
What do you think is a reasonable amount of time? Jillian swam forward, worried that the spirit had left her floating in the dark all alone.
Must we play this game? The spirit took on the appearance of a purple mist and swayed one way and then the other.
If I’m going to give you my word, I need to know the terms. Jillian’s brow furrowed. I don’t know what gave you the idea that this is a game, but I assure you, I’m very serious.
Very well. The spirit swirled around her. You must choose a mate before the first full moon of winter, and you must fill your womb before the first full moon of Spring.
But October’s almost over! Jillian’s eyes widened. Do you think it’s reasonable to give me a month to decide who I’m going to spend the rest of my life with?
The first full moon of winter. The spirit withdrew, and the falling sensation washed over Jillian. Do you accept?
She was being pulled back into her body no matter how much she fought the current. She had to make a choice. Now or never.
I accept!
So be it. The spirit’s voice echoed as Jillian’s soul was sucked back into the Earth’s atmosphere.
Conner and Vincent watched helplessly as her body slammed into the ground, knocking the air from her lungs. Conner knelt down, putting his arm around her as she struggled to draw one breath. When she did, she sat up, pointing toward the cabin.
“Finn…” She coughed, collapsing as everything went dark.
“Finn!” She sat up, scrambling out of bed through the kitchen and into the den.
Finn looked up, smiling at her as she broke down sobbing. “Whoa, hey, don’t cry.” His eyes widened. “I’m okay, I swear.”
“Can I?” she gestured to his ribs.
“Oh.” He pulled back the blanket, and sure enough, a nickel-sized scar was left in place of the gushing wound that she had seen the day before. Something else was different. About a dozen little scars were scattered over his torso. She traced her finger over one of them.
“Were these there before?” She frowned.
“No.” Finn picked up a pie tin from the floor and shook it softly, causing the bloody metallic shards to slide around. “These things were pushing their way out all night. I’m still a little sore, but I don’t feel like my organs are shutting down.”
“Well, thank the spirit for that.” She shuddered at her own choice of words.
“Not a fan of the paranormal, are you?” Finn smiled, scooping another bite of potato into his mouth.
“My family dragged me to church occasionally; a lot of voters are religious. I was always kind of a closet atheist, but I guess I have a religion now. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”
“I wish you hadn’t done what you did.” He shook his head. “I mean, don’t get me wrong; I’m grateful. But I never wanted you to be forced into… what the prophecy says. It’s wrong to force that on someone.”
“No one is forcing me.” She took his hand. “My life never would have been the same after meeting the three of you. Sure, I might have gone home and lived out the rest of my stupid, boring days. But I think some part of me would have always regretted leaving.”
“You can’t mean that.” His shoulders drooped as he looked down into his plate. “If we had taken you back before you got bitten by that snake…”
“Or if I had buckled when Ted asked me to marry him because I was more afraid of disappointing a bunch of strangers…” She lifted her shoulders toward her ears.
“You talk about yourself like you’re this shallow person.” Finn touched her cheek. “But, your actions prove that’s not who you are.”
“I don’t always do the brave thing or the right thing.” She bit her lip as she got a far-off look in her eyes, remembering all the times she’d disappointed herself over the years. “There were so many times that I just went with what was easiest rather than what I wanted. But when I didn’t accept that proposal, I think that’s where I broke free of the destiny I was headed for.”
“And that’s also when shit got scary.” He chuckled.
“You’re not wrong.” She laughed softly. “On the other hand, if I went all in and embraced a different destiny, I could do something meaningful with my life.”
“What about all that stuff you said about not wanting your value to be determined by your ability to procreate?”
“Well, the great spirit, as smart as she likes to think she is, has even less tact than you.” Jillian nudged him. “Who’s to say that my staying here and taking on the role of the oracle wouldn’t result in me falling for one of you and ending up pregnant without her interfering?”
“Are you just saying that so that I don’t feel guilty that the great spirit is now your pimp?” Finn pushed a chunk of potato around with his fork.
“Fuck you.” Jillian’s jaw dropped as she laughed, slapping him on the shoulder. “I’m my own pimp; thank you very much. I still have the final say over who I want to have a baby with, so don’t get it twisted.”
“My money is on Conner.” Finn smirked. “I see the way you look at each other. I’d sell my soul if it meant you would look at me like that.”
“Well, I’m still trying to sort out what I actually think and feel versus what these shifter pheromones are doing to my body. When I choose someone to raise a family with, it needs to be based on a hell of a