focused violence.

Azrael had only his scythe to defend himself with, but he had gone full reaper; his flesh becoming transparent enough to display the bones beneath and his eyes filling with a midnight sky as acid tears dripped from the glowing stars within them. His wings were wrapped around him in Death's cowl; deflecting the blows meant for his neck. Every swing of Azrael's scythe did damage that would have been fatal in mortals. In angels, it was crippling.

In short; Azrael was kicking ass.

“Principalities,” Samuel hissed. “Those arrogant fuckers!”

“You've betrayed our people, Azrael,” one of the angels finally spoke. “Now, you must be punished.”

“Kiss my angelic ass,” Azrael growled.

I was laughing as I shifted into my weredragon form; a half-dragon body that came equipped with deadly claws and horns, not to mention; resilient scales which covered my entire body. The Horsemen pulled weapons out of thin air, Kirill shifted into his  black lion form, Trevor into a werewolf, and Odin became a dragon.

Odin could shapeshift into anything, but this particular choice took my by surprise. Still, Azrael was in jeopardy, and I didn't have time to ask Odin to explain his new look. I leapt forward with the rest of them; eager to tear apart some angels. But as soon as the angels saw us, they twirled about and took to the sky.

“This isn't over, Azrael!” They called down to him. “You cannot betray your duties without repercussion. Jehovah has ordained that you shall be punished!”

“I'm going to give you some repercussions if you come after my husband again!” I shouted as I launched myself into the air.

The angels flew off without another word.

I dropped back to the snow-covered ground and strode over to inspect Azrael. He seemed to be unscathed, so I slapped his arm hard enough to make him cringe.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I shouted at Az. “Kirill didn't mean for you to leave the territory.”

“I just wanted to clear my head.” Azrael sighed. “I had only just arrived when those assholes surrounded me.”

“Do you know how they found you so fast?” Trevor asked.

“Principalities are angels who rule over nations,” Sam said. “The angel of this land must have felt it when Azrael traced in. It's hard to hide from the Principalities if you're on Earth; one of them is bound to rule the land you're standing on.”

“Let's get home before they call more princes in,” Ira said. “Those were just a few of them.”

We traced home, and the men shifted back to human, but I remained in my weredragon form. I didn't want to get naked in front of Azrael's friends. Trevor, Kirill, and Odin couldn't have cared less about their nudity, though they did head straight to the elevator after we strode out of the tracing room.

“Odin,” I called out to stop him.

Odin turned around.

“What was with the dragon form?” I asked him.

“I thought I'd give it a try.” He smirked at me. “You always make it look so fun.”

“And you made it look good,” I smirked back. “I liked those shimmering, peacock scales.”

“To match my eyes.” Odin batted his lashes at me before he joined the other naked men in the elevator.

Then I realized that I needed clothes too... and that the elevator was full of gorgeous, naked men, who also happened to be my husbands. I ran after Odin and got into the elevator with them.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to do anything beyond admire my husbands on the short ride up to the top floor of Pride Palace. Once there, I changed back to human. Then we all dressed quickly and went back downstairs to the dining hall. There was already a heated conversation going on between Azrael and the rest of the Horsemen. Before we reached the hall, though, Toby walked out of the tracing room.

“Hey,” he said and then paused. “What's going on?”

“We've had some new issues arise.” I went over to give Toby a kiss. “I'm sorry; I should have called you. We've just been so focused.”

“What issues?” Toby asked as he looked from me to my grim-faced husbands.

“Azrael was attacked again,” Odin summed it up quickly.

“Here?” Toby asked in shock.

“No,” I growled and sent Az an annoyed look. “On a mountaintop in... where were we?”

“Switzerland,” Azrael mumbled.

“Seriously?” I huffed.

“Have you called the Squad?” Toby asked.

“No; we just got back,” Trevor said. “Azrael is in the dining hall with his horsemen buddies.”

“Horsemen buddies?” Toby asked.

“Azrael is one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” I said.

“He's that Death?” Toby's eyes went wide. “As in; he rides a pale horse?”

“Yep.” I nodded.

“I'm suddenly a little intimidated,” Toby muttered.

“Azrael, you can't just barge into the Seventh Heaven and issue a challenge to the Host!” Ted's shout carried out to us.

I hurried into the dining hall with the other men. Azrael was pacing alongside the table; arms crossed and expression furious. His wings were out, and his face was flickering into his Grim Reaper guise. Basically, he was about to lose control.

“Azrael,” I said sternly.

Az stopped pacing and turned to me.

“May I speak with you in private?” I waved my hand out of the doorway.

Azrael blinked in surprise, then nodded, and followed me out of the hall. We went down the corridor a few feet and into one of the side rooms. It was an inner room without windows, but it had a comfy sitting area that was perfect for having a private conversation. But as soon as I shut the door, I gave up on talking and just hugged my husband.

Azrael's tense body relaxed in my arms, and he shuddered on a sigh. I laid my cheek against his chest and took comfort in his strong heartbeat for a moment before

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