I felt a hand slip into mine as I watched Anna start to cry. When I looked up, I saw Arach smiling down at me.
“You helped him do this, didn't you?” I asked Arach.
I knew that he had; Arach was far too controlling to let Roarke get away with commandeering any part of the evening without permission. Roarke was also one of Arach's closest friends; although you'd be hard-pressed to get the dragon to admit it.
“I'm very romantic, you know,” Arach whispered into my ear.
“I do,” I whispered back.
“My life transformed from a bleak, hopeless existence, full with anger and violence, into something bright and beautiful the day you first said those words to me,” he said tenderly. “Helping another man transform his life feels like paying off a debt.”
“I treasure you too,” I said softly to him.
Arach smiled brightly, and then we set our gazes back on Roarke; just in time to see him leap off the stage and stride to Anna. Roarke continued to sing about how perfect Anna was; how strong and beautiful, and how he hoped to build a home with her and share her dreams. Anna was trembling by the time Roarke reached her; her usual control shattered. When Roarke finished the song, he got down on one knee before Anna and pulled out a sparkling ring. Anna had one hand pressed to her mouth while Roarke firmly claimed the other.
“Anna,” Roarke said with a soft smile, “I have loved you since I was a kitten. We've had our battles, and we've been torn apart, but somehow, we always make it back to each other. You've given me a son and now you carry our second child. I could never love another woman as I love you. You saw me through the roughest times of my life and helped to create the most joyous moments. You are more than any man could ever hope to hold, and I have let your perfection intimidate me into silence. But I refuse to be silent any longer, Anna; I need you to be mine forever. I cannot go another day without knowing that we'll face the future together. Will you marry me?”
The whole room went silent and every eye turned to Anna.
“It's about time!” She huffed angrily through her tears.
Roarke's fiery eyes widened as Anna shoved her finger into the ring he held up to her. And then she dropped to her knees before Roarke and hugged him tightly.
“I have loved you for nearly all of my life, Roarke,” Anna declared. “Of course I'll marry you.”
The room exploded with applause.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
After Anna's surprisingly emotional acceptance of Roarke's romantic proposal, the celebration found its second wind. The musicians took the stage again, with Roarke and Anna dancing amid a sea of well-wishers. I was tempted to wrangle Arach into a dance, but our little princes were curled up on a loveseat fast asleep, and they made it look like a good idea.
“Let's take the birthday boys up to their beds,” I said to Arach, “and then maybe we could have a private celebration; just you and I.”
“Sounds perfect,” Arach agreed as he went to scoop up Rian.
I got Brevyn, and we headed out of the ballroom; wishing people goodnight as we went. Several of our guests would be staying overnight, so I didn't feel bad if I missed a few. Most likely; I'd see them at breakfast. Dexter, who had been hounding our heels all evening, strode after us. He followed us up the stairs and into the nursery.
Arach and I got the boys in bed and then headed to our own room. Dex followed, and went right into his miniature bed. He must have been as exhausted as I was because he was asleep in seconds. But as soon as Arach started undressing me, my lethargy faded. His hands roamed over me expertly, and I was reminded of all the reasons why Arach was so perfect for me. He carried me to our bed, and we took our time treasuring each other until our passion was finally appeased and sleep took over.
In the morning, I gently woke Arach to tell him I was heading back to the God Realm. He murmured a sleepy goodbye and watched me through half-lidded eyes as I got dressed. When I reached for my ring to ask it to take me back to Pride Palace, Arach spoke.
“I love you, A Thaisce.”
A Thaisce—my treasure—Arach had known all about what Anna had tried to tell us. And he had treasured me from the very start. Suddenly, his term of endearment for me became less about a dragon's love of wealth and more about how much Arach valued me as his lover, wife, and the mother of his children.
“I love you too.” It seemed too simple a response in that moment, but it was all I had, and—miraculously—it was all that he needed.
Arach smiled in sublime happiness and that was the image I took with me across space and time. When I reformed in Pride Palace, I was still grinning.
“All is vell vith dragon?” Kirill asked.
I looked over at Kirill and grinned wider. “Yeah; we just had Brevyn and Rian's birthday party last night.”
“Vish zem happy birthday for me,” he said.
“And something else happened.” I went to sit on the couch between Kirill and Trevor.
“What's that?” Odin asked as he came into the room.
“Roarke proposed to Anna,” I said.
“Did she accept?” Trevor asked with a skeptical expression.
“Of course she did.” I slapped his knee playfully. “She does love him, you know?”
“Could have fooled me,” Trevor huffed.
“Some women aren't as demonstrative as others,” Odin said.
“They're having another baby,” I added.